Actor Dmitry Sova: biography and interesting facts

Actor Dmitry Sova: biography and interesting facts
Actor Dmitry Sova: biography and interesting facts

The biography of actor Dmitry Sova, like the story of any other person, can tell readers about the life of a great man. Dmitry is a famous movie actor who won the hearts of the audience from the very beginning of his acting career. He mainly played in domestic projects, perhaps they glorified him not only in his native country, but also abroad. This article can tell readers a lot about the public's favorite: his childhood, youth, first endeavors, but little is known about his personal life from the biography of actor Dmitry Sova. It’s just that he doesn’t advertise it, which is why fans know so little about it. But despite this, many other events from his life are known that may be of interest.

Image"Odnoklassniki" Dmitry's page
Image"Odnoklassniki" Dmitry's page

Date and place of birth

The biography of actor Dmitry Sova begins on July 9, 1983, in Ukraine. Dmitry was born in Kyiv and is the second child in a large and friendly family. The actor has an older brother. The brothers have a slight age difference: only four years old, the older brother was born in 1979.

Dmitry Sova
Dmitry Sova

The brothers' relationship and Dmitry's first connection with cinema

Dmitry's older brother's name is Peter. I would like to take into account the fact that they were both best friends, whose interests and hobbies coincided. Dmitry and Peter were already fond of the art of cinema when they were about eight and twelve years old.

Surprisingly, the brothers attended classes at the children's musical theater: the eldest child, Peter, was the first to take the initiative, and later today's actor Dmitry Sova, whose biography is the subject of the article, joined in. There, in the “circle” of cinema, the brothers, as well as other children attending it, were introduced to the basics of acting. In addition, visiting the children's musical theater gave the boys a boost to their future, as they participated in various children's performances and stage productions. In general, the lessons in the children's theater brought a lot of benefits to the children. They improved their ability to get used to the role, developed their stage speech, which they practiced in two languages, and much more.

Pyotr and Dima also developed other talents and skills, among which were dancing, or rather choreography, and vocal singing.

Always a good-natured and open look at the photo of Dmitry Sova. Parents played an important role in the biography of the actor. Remembering his best film roles, I want to say “thank you” to them. Yes, exactly to them. After all, it was they who brought up talents in their children and supported them, which led the guys to high results.

Dmitry on set
Dmitry on set

Further education

At the age of seventeen Dima graduated11th grade school, it happened in 2000. After that, before him, however, as well as before many other graduates of schools, there was a choice of a future profession and university. And of course, it was not surprising that he chose a profession that was connected specifically with cinema, because the guy wanted to connect his life with his favorite thing. In 2004, he entered the University of Theater and Film, where his brother had studied a little earlier.

And now, without a drop of doubt, we can say that he did not lose at all. The biography of the actor Owl Dmitry was replenished with new events after he graduated from the aforementioned university. Since then, Dima's acting career began, which began to bring him fame.

In the biography of actor Dmitry Sova appear shooting in the film "I'm with you." The picture, released a couple of years ago, made the guy famous.

In conclusion

Biography of actor Dmitry Sova, his life path may seem easy to someone, someone will call him lucky. In fact, a simple Ukrainian guy, known not only in his homeland, but also abroad, achieved everything himself. Thanks to the support of his family, perseverance and love for his profession, Dima has now become what he dreamed of becoming since childhood, while still studying at the children's theater studio.
