In the south of our country, on the banks of the Kuban River, the city of Krasnodar is located. The history of the city dates back to the distant 1793. During this time, many changes have taken place, both good and not so good. The status of the city of Krasnodar was assigned only 74 years later, in 1867. Now it is the administrative center of a large region of the same name with a well-developed economy. The administration also invests a lot of effort in the development of such areas as education and culture. The population, whose number in 2016 exceeds 850 thousand people, loves their city very much.

Krasnodar: starting from the beginning
In 1792 Empress Catherine II issued a letter to the Black Sea Cossack army. It said that all those who lived and worked on this land were given for permanent use the land bounded by the Kuban River and the Sea of Azov. First, the Cossacks built a military camp, which was constantly fortified and turned intoreal fortress. And a year later she was named Yekaterinodar, of course, in honor of the great empress.
In 1860 this settlement became the center of the Kuban region. The history of Krasnodar changes with the advent of the railway. From an ordinary military camp, it develops into a city that becomes a large commercial and industrial center of the North Caucasus region. At first, the railway worked in the following direction: Tikhoretsk - Yekaterinodar - Novorossiysk, later the list of cities expanded significantly.

War years
During the Civil War, the city became the main refuge of the white army. But on December 7, 1920, the history of Krasnodar changed dramatically. It was on this day that power finally passed into the hands of the revolutionaries. For the name of the city, 1920 was significant, as it was given a name that has come down to our time.
During World War II, Krasnodar was occupied by Nazi invaders. During 1942, more than 13 thousand Soviet citizens died. In 1943 the city was liberated from the invaders. In 1975, in memory of the victims who died at the hands of the Nazis, the memorial complex "Victims of Terror" was opened. Nowadays, Krasnodar is the largest historical center in the south of Russia.

History of the streets of Krasnodar
Some of the street names are more than a century old. Although, it is worth noting that they were not originally named. Let's get acquainted with the most famous of them.
Red Street is in the very centercities. A large number of ancient monuments of architecture are located here. Many mistakenly think that the name of the street was given in honor of the Red Army. And everything is much more lyrical. The word "red" in the Old Russian language meant "beautiful". For a long time, only dilapidated buildings were located on this street. Over time, it began to rebuild and change in appearance, which corresponded to the name. The history of Krasnodar remembers several of its renamings: first to Nikolaevsky Prospekt, then it bore the name of the leader - Stalin. However, in 1957, the old name, Red, was returned to her.
Rashpilevskaya Street is named after the chief of the military headquarters, Lieutenant-General G. A. Rashpil. He went down in history as a just military leader. The rasp, noticing that the foreman was taking the best lands for himself, insisted on a division according to the norms.
But many streets never got their original name back. st. Oktyabrskaya was once called Pospolitakinskaya. The artist of the Commonwe alth lived on the street. Krasnoy and in 1898 taught painting and drawing lessons, which was the beginning of art education in Ekaterinodar. st. Sedina was previously named after the ataman of the Black Sea Cossack army E. E. Kotlyarovsky.

Monuments of the history of Krasnodar
Unlike street names, restoring ancient monuments is much more difficult. In Krasnodar, there are commemorative memorials for every event that affected the life of the city and the country.
- The monument to Catherine II was opened in 1907. But in 1920, with the advent of the Bolsheviks, it was dismantled. In 2006, a monumentrestored, after which they installed it in Ekaterininsky Square, the history of which began in the 90s of the XIX century.
- In 1997, a monument was erected in memory of the victims of the Civil War of 1918. The main difference of this monument from all Russian monuments is that it is dedicated to all participants and is called "Reconciliation and Consent".
- In 1985, a memorial complex was opened, where the remains of those killed during the Patriotic War, buried in Krasnodar, were collected.
Also, the city has many monuments dedicated to the heroes of works of art and movies. These places are constantly visited by local residents and guests of the city who are interested in the history of Krasnodar.