Actress Natalya Kruglova: career and personal life

Actress Natalya Kruglova: career and personal life
Actress Natalya Kruglova: career and personal life

Of course, actress Natalya Kruglova cannot compete in popularity with most of the great actors from the city of St. Petersburg, but the audience has been seeing her on the television screen for 20 years. In serials and movies, she appears often, she is recognized and admired.

First steps in cinema

She was more fortunate than others with the beginning of her career in cinema, the first roles in the frame of actress Natalya Kruglova played in the star cast of incredibly successful domestic TV series. Even small episodic roles in "Streets of Broken Lights" and "National Security Agent" in the 90s could significantly increase the chances of success and recognition in a future career. And so it happened, the directors and the audience drew attention to an attractive girl in the role of a dancer and masseuse.

Even a brief appearance in a few episodes already shows her talent and acting skills. By that time, actress Natalya Kruglova already had some experience playing on the theater stage. She was little known from performances, but without a special acting education, no one was in a hurry to predict popularity for the actress. It took a whilemake do with small roles before being entrusted with a more or less character character.

actress natalia kruglova biography
actress natalia kruglova biography

At the age of 24, she makes her debut on the theater stage, and a year later she appears in the frame. Before working in the cinema, the girl was accepted into the team of the Drama Theater in St. Petersburg.

Family and career

Natalya Kruglova, an actress whose personal life remains under the scrutiny of fans, willingly reveals to the public many details of her family life. So it has long been no secret that she is married to one of the most famous journalists in St. Petersburg. Moreover, husband Andrey Konstantinov himself wrote several scripts for his wife.

Critics saw this fact as a reason to reproach her for the fact that without her husband, the actress's track record would be noticeably shorter. But her career in the theater speaks in favor of her talent. From the stage, Kruglova many times broke the applause of the public as part of the acting team, this was even before marriage.

photo Kruglova
photo Kruglova

The family got children relatively late - the actress gave birth to her eldest son at 27, and her daughter at 29. Her husband is 10 years older than Natalia.

Has come from the cultural capital

Future actress Natalya Kruglova starts working at the age of 17, she was entrusted with teaching the basics of art to children in educational centers. There she remains in her position for 7 years and simultaneously receives education at two universities. Actress Natalya Kruglova graduated from the St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions, as well as St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture.

Her life is closely connected with St. Petersburg, but Kruglova was born in the small village of Novinka in 1973. At 24, she makes her debut as an actress, in film and television has been in demand for 20 years. During all this time, almost never remained without work in the frame. Every year, actress Natalya Kruglova is invited to take part in the filming. Her presence in the film significantly increases the director's chances of success at the box office. Even not in the lead role, she was often the key to the success of a particular picture.

natalya kruglova actress personal life
natalya kruglova actress personal life

Actress Natalya Kruglova, whose biography fits a huge track record, has become one of the sought-after actresses of the cultural capital. The girl was educated in St. Petersburg, where she found a job. Natalia is currently 44 years old.
