Ursula Martinez - naked nakedness of the human soul

Ursula Martinez - naked nakedness of the human soul
Ursula Martinez - naked nakedness of the human soul

Despite the fact that the shows of the cult cabaret diva cause an ambiguous reaction from the public, and her outrageousness can shock, it is impossible to deny the charisma and magnetism of the bright and versatile personality of this extraordinary woman.

Ursula Martinez: Biography

The London-based Anglo-Spanish writer, illusionist, and actress was born in 1966. She was educated at Lancaster University and began her career in experimental theater, but later switched to solo performances, preferring to keep things under control. Currently considered an international artist, her work is supported by the British Council.

Won the Laurence Olivier Award for Best Entertainment Performance and is an original member of the contemporary circus/cabaret. Martinez's most popular performance was Hanky Panky, first demonstrated in 2006 at the Montreal Laugh Festival.

Did the trick succeed?

famous trick
famous trick

Martinez for the first time combined magic with striptease in this performance, thereby causing great interest in the show with originality and novelty. The number is based on a trick with a handkerchief, whichUrsula takes out from different items of clothing, which each time remains less and less. The trick itself is simple and familiar for a long time - she hides a handkerchief in a special container on her thumb, but the production gathers huge halls. The audience was drawn in by Martinez's delightfully moving dance, leaving no chance for them to focus on the headscarf.

Everything changed after a video of an Ursula Martinez magic trick was made during the show one day and received a lot of publicity and access on the Internet. It was shown even on porn sites, although sexuality was not the main message of the number. For the cabaret diva, nudity was not something extraordinary, because she grew up in a family of nudists, although, of course, Ursula was aware that this issue was provocative for most other people. Hundreds of letters of ambiguous content rained down on Martinez's mail, she was worried, annoyed and a little scared, she felt a loss of control over her own actions and the reaction of the audience. After some time, Ursula, in her usual style, found a way out of this situation and created a new show in response.

My stories, your letters

The show consists of two parts, one of which is dedicated to Ursula's memories and funny stories, and the second is about the responses to the messages she received from fans after the video went public.

My stories are your letters
My stories are your letters

In the first part, Martinez appears in a strict business suit with a red handkerchief peeking out of his pocket, hair tied in a ponytail at the back of his head. Hiswith the performance, she sets the dynamics of interaction with the viewer, who still does not leave the question: "Will there be a striptease?" But when the time comes for funny stories from Ursula's childhood and youth, everyone laughs heartily and the desire for a naked body, which seemed to be the original reason for their presence here, quietly fades into the background.

In her stories, she reveals the intimate details of her family: her father's sexual preferences, her grandfather's affair with his wife's sister, the inadequacy of a driving instructor, the details of her personal life - and she presents it all in a funny, ironic and expressive manner. The special charm of Ursula Martinez is in her self-confidence, absence of complexes and special contact with the audience.

The Candid Stories of Ursula
The Candid Stories of Ursula

In the second part, Ursula appears simply dressed, with her hair down. The change of stage image has a relaxing effect on the hall, as if moving the audience from the office to the pub on a Sunday afternoon. The actor disappears and the person and personality appears before the audience. With charming comedy, Ursula introduces the writers of the letters, creating unique images for each that cause unceasing laughter.

Do the audience's expectations for the striptease come true?, because the soul was naked before him, and this trust is worth a lot.

What lies behind Ursula's nakednessMartinez?

The Guardian gives a very correct and adequate assessment of Martinez's activities:

Martinez's theatrical performances look deceptively simple; they may seem confusing, but it is a way that allows Martínez to conduct very sophisticated explorations of reality and fiction, autobiography and unreality, and the very nature of identity, above all her own.

Ursula Martinez loves life and people and draws inspiration for her shows from her observations of the world around her, which she reflects in her work. She does not make politics and global issues the basis of her ideas, but, touching on important topics in the context of her stories, makes the viewer think about many questions that are not at all funny.

In the cabaret program Free Entrance, she ironically talks about discrimination against women, the topic of feminism, the problem of age, the issue of nudity. The very structure of the show builds a chain: a woman builds a wall by telling stories; pretends to be a man's work, but a woman's perspective; exposes but sets a boundary.

Show about women
Show about women

Ursula Martinez's solo performances are just one facet of her talent, because there are still films and books that further reveal the full depth of this versatile personality who has won the love and recognition of others.

And what does Ursula herself love? One of her passions is food - she loves to cook, and the famous diva's favorite dish is paella. She loves the sun and sunbathes completely naked, basking in its rays.

These are the simple hobbies of this difficult woman, driving men crazy with only the movements of her half-naked body and at the same time exposing the depth of her soul to the viewer.
