The myth of the Minotaur: details and content

The myth of the Minotaur: details and content
The myth of the Minotaur: details and content

Most contemporaries are more or less familiar with ancient Greek myths. In one case, textbooks on the history of a secondary school or a higher educational institution serve as sources, in the other, the study of folklore of the distant past is a component of self-education. There is a considerable category of people to whom the study of mythology gives spiritual satisfaction. Many people know the myth of the Minotaur, who lived far in the ocean.

the myth of the minotaur
the myth of the minotaur

Minotaur in Crete

One of the spectacular mythical characters is the Minotaur with a specific body structure - the head of a bull, and everything else - the torso, arms and legs - are human. In other words, it's kind of a horrible hybrid.

The monster of Crete was lucky to live not just anywhere, but in the Palace, which in general was such a complex underground labyrinth that any person who got there was doomed to get lost and disappear thereforever. Most of the time the Minotaur spent in the center of the creepy room. The myth of the Minotaur was passed from mouth to mouth. Briefly, people talked about what a cruel creature it is.

The mention of the Minotaur in most Athenians caused a feeling of fear. Residents were forced to regularly choose 7 representatives of both sexes of a young age every 9 years and send them to the palace with labyrinths. In this way, it was possible to appease the monster. Why just seven? This number from time immemorial among many nations belonged to the category of magic. Apparently, the Minotaur was of the same opinion.

myth of the minotaur summary
myth of the minotaur summary

But once among the "chosen ones" was Theseus, who was the son of King Aegeus, who ruled in Athens. With the appearance of this man, the myth of the Minotaur received a special ending.

Who is Theseus?

From an early age, the boy was surrounded by the warmth of his mother, Ephra, who at that time was Princess Tesera. The father was not engaged in raising his son due to the fact that he was far from the family hearth. Before parting with his wife, Aegeus hid sandals and a sword under a heavy stone, which Theseus was supposed to take. The will of Aegeus was carried out by a sixteen-year-old son. Wanting to see his father, Theseus went to Athens, performing many feats along the way.

Even at school, everyone studies the famous myth of the Minotaur. You can read the summary below.

How did Theseus deal with the Minotaur?

So, Theseus, who was to go to the Minotaur, was determined - once andforever end the monstrous tradition of sacrifice, the need for people to live in constant fear.

One circumstance contributed to the success of the mission. The Cretan king had a daughter, Ariadne. Very strong feelings began between her and Theseus. Ariadne gave her lover a magical guiding thread so that he could navigate the labyrinth. With such a gift, the myth of the Minotaur ended well.

the myth of the minotaur briefly
the myth of the minotaur briefly

Theseus did everything as Ariadne taught him: he tied the end of the magic thread to the front door and lowered the ball to the floor. Following him through the intricate labyrinth, the brave warrior found the Minotaur sleeping in the lair. Taking advantage of the opportunity, he strangled the monster with his bare hands. Theseus was led out of the labyrinth by the same thread, which he wound into a ball all the way.

One can only imagine the joy and relief of people who learned that the Minotaur is no more. The winner, apparently, felt that he could not live without his beloved. Therefore, leaving the island, he kidnapped Ariadne. Fate decreed in its own way, on the way the deep sea took the girl. Probably, this did not happen without the participation of Poseidon. If not for the intrigues of the gods, then the myth of the Minotaur would have ended positively for the two lovers. The summary allows you to understand how the fate of the heroes developed.

Theseus was so sad that he even forgot to change the flag on the ship - a conventional sign announcing victory. King Aegeus regarded the black flag on the sailing ship as the death of his son in a duel with a Cretan monster and rushed intosea abyss. In memory of the tragically deceased king, the sea in which the king of Athens drowned was called the Aegean.

After Theseus strangled the monster with the head of a bull, none of the mortals dared to enter the labyrinth. Thus ended the famous myth of the Minotaur.

what events are described in the myth of the minotaur
what events are described in the myth of the minotaur

A myth immortalized in the art and memory of the people

The authenticity of the story described above can, of course, be questioned. The palace, in which the Minotaur lived, although in a dilapidated form, was preserved. And this despite the historical period of almost four thousand years! The number of people wishing to visit Crete and get acquainted with the ancient mythical sights is not decreasing.

Images of the main characters of the myth of the Minotaur are present on the canvases of paintings, vases are painted with them, they are presented in the form of sculptures. The impressive cost of these masterpieces of art does not hinder the demand for them. The memory of Theseus and Ariadne, thanks to whom mankind got rid of the evil monster, will live in the hearts of people for a very long time. Now you also know what events are described in the myth of the Minotaur.
