The film "Burnt by the Sun" was filmed by director Nikita Mikhalkov in the early 90s. During the changes taking place in the state structure of the country, the change of power, the picture made us think about the difficult and unusual fate of Russia, which Nikita Mikhalkov showed the audience. "Oscar", received by the director for his work, was awarded to the film for a reason. The piercing pain for destroyed human destinies and broken lives is felt by any person who has seen this picture.
Deserved Oscar
The main idea of the picture is based on the events taking place in Soviet Russia in the thirties. Stalinist repressions begin, which claimed thousands of human lives. On the example of the fate of Colonel Kotov, a true communist, convinced of the correctness and steadfastness of the state system, the hero of the Civil War, Nikita Mikhalkov showed how easily lives broke. "Oscar" for the work was received by him more than deservedly.

According to the plot, Colonel Kotov, together with his family, receives at the dacha as an arrived guest of an old friend Mitya. The Kotov family is a friendly circle of relatives of the colonel's wife, former aristocrats who accepted Soviet power, but retained refined manners and lifestyle, the colonel's wife Marusya herself and her little daughter Nadya. The girl is introduced to the arriving guest as a distant relative or good friend, but in fact he is Marusya's ex-fiance and an active member of the NKVD, who arrived to arrest the colonel on charges of espionage. Only two adult men - Kotov himself and Mitya - know about the true state of things, but for the sake of the child they continue to pretend that they are happy with each other. The essence of what is happening very subtly showed Mikhalkov.
"Oscar" could not pass such a stunning picture as "Burnt by the Sun". Many small details that make up life in a summer cottage incredibly clearly convey the mood of that era. The refined manners of a noble family, morning and evening gatherings on the open veranda, scientific disputes between elderly representatives, the sounds of an old gramophone, an old piano that responds to the touch of Mitya's fingers, bright clothes in which all family members appear create an atmosphere of prosperity and tranquility, soon to be broken by a brutal and unjust intrusion by outside forces.

Involuntarily falling into the family and sympathizing with the main character and his loved ones, until the end of the filmthe viewer does not cease to hope that the danger will pass the divisional commander. Alas, having played the role of a good friend to the end in order to hide the essence from Kotov's daughter and wife, Mitya takes the father of the family, who cannot believe in the whole enormity of the situation, to be shot. The little daughter, in ignorance, escorts her father along with Uncle Mitya to the turn and goes home. After that, all masks are removed, and the beating of the colonel begins in the car. Nikita Mikhalkov managed to reflect all the injustice and absurdity of the situation in which many people in Russia found themselves in those years. The Oscar for the film probably would have been awarded to him anyway.
The history of the Oscars
Mikhalkov's Oscar-winning film was nominated for an award along with other works by foreign directors. That year, the Macedonian film director Before the Rain, the Taiwanese film Eat, Drink, Man and Woman, and the Cuban Strawberry with Chocolate competed for the prestigious statuette. But the judges gave preference to the Russian director, appreciating the depth and poignancy of the film. "Oscar" Nikita Mikhalkov was received by him on stage with his daughter, the main actress who starred in his film - Nadezhda Mikhalkova. Thanking his film crew for the great work done, the director introduced his girl to the audience, telling the secret that for the first time in his life on the set he had never had problems with an actress, which caused a standing ovation and approving laughter from the audience.

Artists starring inmovie
The talented Russian director made many great films worthy of prestigious awards in his life. In which picture Mikhalkov will overtake the Oscar, for which film he will receive world recognition, it was not known during the filming of Burnt by the Sun. And neither the actors nor the director himself thought about it while they were making the picture. Artists Mikhalkov selected with all care, as well as to any of his paintings. The wife of Colonel Kotov was played by Ingeborga Dapkunaite. When selecting actors for the roles, Mikhalkov initially planned to shoot Elena Yakovleva in the film, but having accidentally met the artist Dapkunaite, who was not yet known to him, the director realized that the smile of this girl reflects the whole essence of Marusya's character. The decision was made finally and irrevocably, Marusya played Ingeborg.
Many of today's famous actors began their creative career with the film "Burnt by the Sun", which was shot by Nikita Mikhalkov. "Oscar" for which film out of all the films staged by the director, important people of the film festival will be awarded, was still unknown. But after "Burnt by the Sun" received a well-deserved award, the career of artists who starred in episodic roles went uphill. Among these actors are Marat Basharov, Georgy Dronov. They played small roles of tankers on the field, in the scene when the tanks were about to drive through the wheat. Marat Basharov could not be recognized by the audience at all, because he was wearing a helmet, glasses, and his face was thickly smeared with soot. The character had no words at all, he just fought off an old woman who beat herstick on the tank. Georgy Dronov was more fortunate, he shouted out a few words in an argument with the division commander.

Oleg Menshikov was recognized as an outstanding and famous artist after filming in "Burnt by the Sun". Before the director invited him to act, the actor was not so well known to the public, but the role in this film brought him fame. "Oscar" Mikhalkov for which film was received, now we know.