The summer house-fanza consists of two parts: the front, where the hearth is located, and the next, raised by 0.5 meters, where chimneys pass under the bunk beds. They start from the hearth and reach the pipe that stands next to the house. The house is being built from inexpensive mesh frames.
What does fanza mean
To build a fanza-style summer house, we offer a project: a modern summer version, assembled from frame-grid frames, insulation and construction foil. Fanza is a rectangular structure, frame-pillar, with walls made of straw, adobe or brick. The roof is usually gable and covered with dry reeds or tiles. Such houses are common in China, Korea and Russia in the Far East. The fanza house has no ceiling, the floor is rammed clay. It is heated by a room kan (wide bunks). The door usually opens to the south.

As the basis for building a summer house, a light foundation is needed, either from a solid row of bricks, or from wooden blocks or other non-rotting material. In our case, we use concrete pillows, you can buy them ready-made ordo it yourself. Columns of ordinary brick are laid out on concrete pillows; for waterproofing, two layers of roofing material (or technonikol) are applied to them. Antiseptic support runs are attached to these posts on embedded parts. The height of the purlins is 150 mm - the entire frame of the building will lie on them.
Summer house frame design
She is very simple. The frame is made of rectangular bars 40–50 mm thick and 100–150 mm wide. We measure the length based on the size of the house. We collect seven rafters - frames that form the frame of the fanza house. We strengthen the bars to the two facade frames, to which the window and the door are attached. The remaining five frame rafters are exactly the same, they are assembled according to the template.
It should be said that the frame bars must be impregnated with the composition "Senezh" or "Attic". Internal beams and struts should be stained and varnished. In the case of using plywood or drywall, it is better to cover the walls with wallpaper. When using MDF, you can leave the natural texture, it is already beautiful.
When all the rafter frames are ready, their installation on the support runs begins. First, we install the extreme rafters that form the front gable and rear facade. We align them and fasten them with a ridge board prepared in advance. Similarly, at an equal distance, we install the remaining rafters.
Preparing frame-mesh frames
Frame-mesh frames can be made from planks with a cross section of 20–50 mm. We use either wooden planks or duralumin profiles. A thin wire or cable is stretched onto a rectangular frame made to the size of the frame sections.isolated shell.
We emphasize that a fanza is a structure where pillars dug into the ground serve as supports for the beams and the roof. A simple wattle fence is attached to them, which is coated on the outside and inside with clay in combination with vegetation. Plant fibers are reinforced with clay.
The wire or cable in the frame is pulled through grooved holes into an oblique net, which ensures strength. Frame-mesh frames (KSR blocks) are firmly nailed to the frame sections or fastened with self-tapping screws. Insulators (ecowool, etc.) are attached to the KSR blocks between the bars of the frame from the inside with special clamps. The ecowool laying is done simply, only a vapor barrier (isolation, polyethylene, etc.) is placed between the inner lining of the MDF and the insulation so that moisture vapor does not leak.

External finishing and insulation
In relation to our project, the word fanza has two meanings:
- a small peasant house on a frame of wooden poles;
- taffeta-like silk fabric.
This stuff can decorate the walls of a fanza house from the inside. Exterior decoration of the house involves:
- attachment of external insulation;
- gluing roofing material with bituminous mastic and special screws with a wide hat.
To protect from sunlight, aluminum foil is glued over the roofing material with the same mastic from bitumen and kerosene, which is sold in rolls about 1200 mm wide. The foil keeps heat perfectly, the fanza house acquires the properties of a thermos. During the day, the foil reflects excess sunlight,keeping the building cool.
In conclusion, we note that in order not to breed dampness around the house, it is necessary to fix figured gutters in the lower part of the roof, which are diverted by special strong plastic pipes.