Unfortunately, some mothers do not always pay due attention to the process of breastfeeding, read little literature on this topic, and after childbirth are completely unprepared for their natural role in life - to feed a child. That's when artificial mixtures come into play, which in no case can be compared with mother's milk, because it has a truly unique composition. Only it is ideal for the baby and is the only optimal nutrition up to 6 months of his life. It is very important to know how to express milk with your hands. You may not need it, but you need to be fully equipped.
Immediately it is necessary to understand when such a need arises. First, it is lactostasis. So it is customary to call the blockage of the milk ducts. In such a situation, one of the lobes of the breast swells, hardens and begins to hurt badly. Secondly, this is a forced break in feeding, associated with the temporary absence of a mother or baby.
You need to remember that without a reason you should not sip your chest. stimulation duringsucking is enough for new milk to arrive. If it is difficult for the baby to dissolve the breast, then you can help him a little. You should also determine how to express milk. It's much easier to do it by hand. We can say that this is the only correct option. Although many women prefer to use various breast pumps. Now they have a huge number of models for different tastes and budgets.

Another question that worries inexperienced mothers: "How much milk should I express?" Be sure to remember the rule that you can not do it for a long time and try to squeeze out everything to the last drop. If the goal is to get rid of stagnation in the chest, then you should strain until relieved. In case of separation from the baby, you need to pump enough to save milk. It is recommended to do this every three hours, imitating the behavior of a child.

Before starting the procedure, you need to thoroughly wash your hands immediately, then the chest and armpit. Now you need to remember how to express milk with your hands correctly. Experienced breastfeeding experts recommend doing this as follows. Immediately you need to easily massage the place of stagnation, then place the index and middle fingers under the nipple, and the big one above it. Supporting the chest with the other hand from below, you need to press the nipple a little and squeeze it. Milk should flow out, and then it should be well filtered in several streams.
In each specific situation, you need to decide for yourself how many times to express milk. It depends on thewoman's well-being. If you are very concerned about the chest, then it is better to strain a little. If there is no child nearby, then there should be at least 8 pumpings per day. This will help preserve the milk.
You can not make sudden movements, strongly press and knead the chest, stretch the nipple. Any manipulations with the mammary gland must be very careful and careful. Usually, women in labor are shown in the hospital how to express milk with their hands correctly. You can also contact your mammologist. He will help to understand the situation and give the necessary recommendations.