Canadian lynx - a cat that can be tamed

Canadian lynx - a cat that can be tamed
Canadian lynx - a cat that can be tamed

I want to tell you about an amazing cat - a lynx. It is found in all forests of the European part of Russia: in the taiga zone of Siberia and the Caucasus.

It is very difficult to photograph them in nature, this is a very cautious and sensitive animal.

Canadian lynx
Canadian lynx

Lynx is a very large animal, body length is from eighty to one hundred and fifty centimeters, and it weighs from eight to fifteen kilograms.

The tail of the lynx is short, about thirty centimeters, there are tassels of long hair on the ears, and lush sideburns on the cheeks.

The animal's body is shortened like a dog, and the legs are high and straight.

The color of the fur of a predator is from reddish-reddish to smoky whitish.

The paws of the lynx are very powerful, there are membranes between the fingers, thanks to which the animal easily moves through the loose snow. In the movement of a lynx there is not that insinuating lightness that is typical for cats. The animal walks straight and firmly, moving its high legs easily.

But the legs of the beast have an amazing ability to run fast, however, the lynx cannot run for a long time.

And yet, she is a real cat.

And what a wonderful lynx climber! She climbs trees so well that she can chase a squirrel or chase a squirrel, jumping fromtree to tree. The lynx spends the whole day at rest, but as soon as dusk sets in, it goes in search of prey. The main prey of the lynx is the hare. But constantly she also hunts grouse birds and small rodents. Less commonly, the lynx attacks small ungulates: roe deer and spotted deer, it can get a fox.

Lynx is a dexterous and strong predator. But she never jumps down on her prey from a tree, but patiently waits for her in ambush near the path. Or silently, with extraordinary caution, hides the object of his hunt, and then attacks him with big jumps.

The lynx has very fine hearing and perfect eyesight, but her sense of smell is weaker.

Mating lynxes take place in winter or early spring. At this time, silent males make loud calls.

Pregnancy in females lasts from sixty to seventy days. A cat gives birth to no more than three kittens. Only in the first days of life, the mother feeds the babies with milk, then she begins to feed them. By the beginning of winter, the kittens themselves begin to hunt. Mother does not drive them away from herself, walks with them until spring.

A lynx cat builds its nest in caves, under tree roots or in rock crevices.

canadian lynx photo
canadian lynx photo

Both parents raise their kittens.

Once in human hands, the lynx is well tamed.

Delicate hearing and the ability to see in the dark more than once saved the life of a predator. Dark and thick thickets helped to leave and hide from the hunters. The sister of our Russian lynx is the Canadian lynx. She has her own differences.

Canadian lynx likeand all the animals of the cat family, it is a very cowardly predator. She will also not attack large animals. When you run after her, she will stop, start to snort and raise her hair on end.

The Canadian lynx, the photo of which can be seen below, is afraid of people and dogs.

lynx cat
lynx cat

Using the fact that the Canadian lynx is very cowardly, it is often hunted. She is easy to kill even with a stick.

On average, lynxes live for about fifteen to seventeen years, and they are very beautiful and amazing animals. So let's take care of the environment and nature, to which we owe a lot.
