The Russian language, perhaps, occupies a leading place in the world among other languages in the use of proverbs and sayings. And although in modern society the practice of their use has been significantly reduced, in some situations it is the proverb that can aptly comment on this or that situation. Today we will try to understand the meaning of the idiom "eat a pood of s alt".

When is it used?
This phraseological unit and its morphological forms serve to denote strong relationships between people. The meaning of the phraseological unit "eat a pood of s alt" is interpreted as "it's good, to know each other for a long time." In this case, the saying can be used both in relation to spouses and close friends. It is assumed that during this period you can get to know a person as well as possible and reveal his essence.
What does the saying "eat a pood of s alt" mean? Some people can't eat uns alted food at all, as s alt certainly adds flavor to the food. If this s alt needs to be eaten verya lot, then this occupation cannot be called pleasant. Thus, eating a pound of s alt with a person means going through a difficult test together, and as you know, only trials truly bring together and strengthen relations between people. This is illustrated by another well-known Russian proverb: "wouldn't there be happiness, but misfortune helped."

Accurate calculations
What is a pood of s alt? You can eat a pound of s alt without exceeding the daily allowance only for eight and a half years. Pud is an ancient Russian unit of mass, which is equal to sixteen kilograms. Considering that an adult is recommended to eat less than one teaspoon of s alt per day (and this is about five grams), you can imagine how long this activity can stretch.
And this daily allowance includes not only pure s alt added to ready-made meals, but also s alt added during the cooking process, contained in pickles, herring, pickled mushrooms and other products. Excessive s alt intake can lead to problems with the cardiovascular system, since the blood is more in need of cleaning from sodium, and this makes the heart work harder. It is probably not worth talking about the fact that s alty foods are a colossal burden on the kidneys, because almost everyone knows this.

The meaning of phraseologism "eat a pood of s alt"
Let's turn to history. Nowadays, whole packs of s alt are on the shelves of supermarkets. The notorious pood of s alt can be purchased for only 150-170 rubles. In Russia, with spices, things were not so simple. Almost all spices were brought from abroad and were very expensive. If the high society could afford s alty food on an ongoing basis, then the peasants ate such food only on major holidays. If now, based on previous calculations, one person eats a pound of s alt in eight and a half years, in ancient times this time can be safely increased several times. For this reason, our ancestors in their own way understood the meaning of phraseology. "Eating a pood of s alt" means knowing each other almost all your life, going through a series of everyday hardships together.