Natural sights of stunning beauty and grandeur are hidden in wild places untouched by civilization. A picturesque waterfall in Russia, on the Kuperlya River, is a magnificent natural monument, many tourists come to admire the beauty and power of which.
Travellers go here, to a corner of virgin nature, despite the impassability. Getting to the waterfall, which originates under the high arch of the karst bridge created by nature, is not easy. There are no roads leading to it, there are no entrances near it.
First, having ordered a boat, they sail along the Nugush River. Then they climb the mountains on foot along an eight-kilometer path or ride along it on horses rented.
Location of the waterfall
The open spaces of the Meleuzovsky district in Bashkortostan are covered by a national park, where the fantastic cascading Kuperlya waterfall is located. "Bashkiria" is the name of the national reserve, along which the valley of the Nugush River with the right-bank tributary of the Kuperl, which feeds the waterfall of the same name, is spread.

A stunning natural site, formed in the upper reaches of the Nugush River, is adjacent to a picturesque karst bridge. Just above the isthmus is a popular tourist place - the Nugush reservoir.
Karst bridge
In the upper reaches of the river. Nugush cliff of a rocky gorge is blocked by a karst bridge, on the creation of which nature worked. The bridge is shaped like a double stone arch. It rises above the gorge for two dozen meters and is an amazing sight. The isthmus stretched for thirty-five meters in length. Of these, ten meters fall on the hanging segment.
A karst bridge was formed thanks to the Kuperlya River. Its underground waters, gradually washing out the rocks, made their way, leaving a massive overlap above the gorge. For thousands of years they destroyed the stone channel, expanding the cavity in it.

As a result, a unique stone bridge with arches was formed, which gave freedom to the waters of the Kuperlya stream. From the karst bridge, a breathtaking panorama of the Nugush Valley and the surrounding mountain ranges with snow-white slopes overgrown with dense forests opens up.
Description of the Cooperle waterfall
Kuperl's waterfall occupies a relatively small area. And the height difference along the channel of the river of the same name is quite large - about a hundred meters. Very cold, crystal-clear waters of the Kuperlya stream flow along the relief with strong drops. Foamy water streams fall from several rocks that soar up to about 10 meters. The total height of the waterfall is equivalent to 15-20 meters.
Waterfall features
The cascading Cooperle waterfall and the colossal karst bridge are enchanting creations of nature. They are extremely popular in the tourist environment. In spring, there are many travelers who want to enjoy the beauty and grandeur of natural sites.
The most vivid impressions of water streams leave during the spring floods. At this time, the Kuperlya River, which is full-flowing at this time, rushes stormy streams formed by melt water. In spring, the Kuperlya waterfall roars menacingly, tumbling down the cascades. The waters roar here from high cliffs with such force that they turn into seething foam.

In the summer, with the onset of heat, the river becomes smaller, turning into a small stream. Its waters slowly flow over rocky cascades, often hiding in panoramas. But even at this time there is something to admire in a virgin place. From the karst bridge and near the lying rocks, travelers survey the picturesque landscapes of the national park.
Rocks sprawling in the vicinity of a natural monument sparkle with whiteness. With the advent of sunset, the snow-white rock walls begin to play with shades of amazing colors. Depending on the lighting, the rocks change the color palette from soft pink to deep orange. They make amazing photos against their background.
And if suddenly you are lucky, and heavy summer rain falls, the stream filled with water will breathe life into Kuperlya waterfall again. Its waters will begin to rush from a height with renewed vigor, roaring, crumbling into innumerable sprays and striking with breathtaking beauty.