Life on a yacht in the minds of people is so different that opinions about it often contradict each other. Which is not surprising, because this sea vessel can be both racing and cruising.
In any case, a dwelling swaying on the crests of sea waves is fanned with romance, because living on a yacht, you can watch the scarlet sun every morning, gently floating out of the endless sea surface and starting its daily heavenly journey.
Cruise Yachts - Travelers' floating home

A vessel of this type can safely be called a hospitable home, which is furnished with every comfort and is ideal for multi-day trips. Everything in the arrangement of the yacht is thought out so that any traveler (not suffering from seasickness) will receive only positive emotions from life on board.
What is on a modern cruise yacht
Like any other living quarters, a marine vessel has:
- cabins (rooms for rest and sleep);
- living room (cabin);
- 1-2 bathrooms with toilet, washbasin andshower stall;
- fresh water in tanks;
- kitchen equipped with refrigerator and stove for cooking;
- The cockpit and deck are places where vacationers can socialize, sunbathe and just have fun.
In our time, life on a yacht is not only a great opportunity to experience the world around you and enjoy the unique natural landscapes, but also to spend time in the most comfortable conditions.
Washroom. Important to know
The marine toilet has two features that you need to know about in advance:
- It is strictly forbidden to flush toilet paper into the toilet located on a sea vessel, since its design does not provide for this. This rule should be strictly observed, because otherwise the operation of the toilet will be completely blocked, and only its complete disassembly will save the situation. And this procedure is not cheap and can cost up to three hundred euros.
- The drain valve must be closed immediately after you have “flushed after yourself”, as leaving it open is fraught with the fact that sea water will be drawn into the toilet until it begins to slowly flood the room. In general, when entering the restroom, immediately find the instruction manual on the wall, which must be there.
Interior decoration
Each room on the yacht has high ceilings, which is very practical, since a person does not have to walk, bent over in three deaths. In the aft and new parts there are deluxe cabins that can accommodate couples. Inside such a roomlooks like a large double bedroom, taking up almost all of its space and surrounded by many shelves and cabinets. When going on a sea voyage, opt for a comfortable backpack or sports bag, as a suitcase on a yacht will be out of place simply because it will not be possible to fix it well on a shelf or in a closet. Remember the cartoon "Well, wait a minute!" and the scene in which the wolf lies in the cabin, and the suitcase that has fallen off the shelf is hunting him? A similar episode can happen to you if you take this bulky box on the road.
The cabin is equipped with round windows, portholes, a life jacket, several light bulbs and, of course, a fire extinguisher.
Presence of children

It has been established that babies who have been on a yacht for a long time are ahead of their peers in mental development. They watch as the ship's tanks fill with water and begin to realize how important it is to conserve water. In addition, children like to play pirates, looking for possible opponents on a nearby yacht, choose a course on an electric navigator to correctly calculate the sea route, pore over waxed sea charts and dream of finding treasure, and perhaps burying the treasure chest themselves.
Children feel like romantic heroes from adventure books on a sea ship, but in our high-tech time, it's worth a lot!
Tips for beginners
If overland you prefer life on a yacht in the ocean,then it is wiser to heed the advice of experienced sailors. Andthey are as follows:
- Don't think you can run your own business while out at sea.
- The stupefying fog of romanticism quickly disappears and it becomes clear that this is life, though different, but not a continuous adventure. Therefore, carefully weigh the pros and cons.
- If you are seasick, then you have nothing to do in the sea, because it is impossible to get used to the pitching.
- There is a truth that says that the longer a person is on the shore, the more he is drawn to the sea, and vice versa. This is the absolute truth.
- Choose the speed that suits you best.
- Don't be lazy to find out more about the country you are going to land on, and be sure to get some souvenir there, maybe you were there for the first and last time.
- Carefully observe regular logbook keeping.
- Study marine science, it will come in handy in life on a yacht.
- Do repairs yourself if possible.
- Be forward-thinking and have a back-up plan as the weather can disrupt the main one.
- Don't be in a hurry to go anywhere, as you will go further on a calm and even course. The principle works here: "Hurry - you will make people laugh."
- Become fluent in at least one foreign language, as it will make your life much easier.
About navigation

Recently, the trend has been to buy a yacht not as a means of entertainment, but as a full-fledged residential building. Whole families doyour choice in favor of the lifestyle of sea travelers, but why? What pushes people to leave an established life and move to a world full of adventures and build their lives on a sailing yacht?
For those who value their freedom, there is nothing surprising in such a choice, and, according to psychotherapists, it is not an escape from social problems. Just for now, life on a yacht at sea is an unusual phenomenon for us. But off the coast of Western European countries, you can often see moored residential barges.
According to Stanislav Poltorak, an expert on human behavior, psychiatrist, the main reason for Russians choosing unusual marine life is disagreement with modern life principles and rules imposed by society. A person is, first of all, a person who is quite capable of resisting the rules imposed from outside.
Is that why he has to go to a job he doesn't like every day, communicate with unpleasant people, buy a "status" foreign car and an apartment in a trendy area? Wouldn't it be better to sell everything that is available and buy a sea vessel adapted for life, making a choice in the direction of freedom and independence? You can work via the Internet, and live wherever you like.

Escape from problems is moving to the quiet and wilderness of the forest thicket, but the sea life, full of adventures, is something completely different! After all, a person begins to act, not based on the expectations of other people, but on what he wants to do himself. But still, this is not a rebellion, since there is no opposition to someone or something. It's just a lifestyle chosen by a specific person for themselves and their loved ones.
True, there is a danger that returning to society may be more difficult than it seems at first glance. And this is not surprising, because a person has fully managed to taste the taste of freedom outside the narrow social framework.
In any field of activity, you will have to contact people, solving issues that a person has long lost the habit of having, leading a marine lifestyle, because there he is free to control how much life on a yacht costs. But on land, little depends on him personally.
All this combined can cause significant damage to the mental state of a free navigator.
What makes you leave

The fates of all people who have changed their established way of life are approximately similar to the sea life full of surprises on a yacht. Each of them from childhood read adventure literature, dreamed of becoming a captain and going on a long voyage. They all grew up, became someone, and in different ways came to what they had long desired.
Life in the middle of the sea helps to learn simple pleasures. There it becomes clear who is, who and what is worth. Lies and hypocrisy in the sea are inappropriate, and friendship is based only on sincere and bright feelings.
The cost of living on a yacht is cheaper than living on land, subject to certain conditions of savings. You can observe them in this way:
- cut fuel costs by sailing or rowing;
- independently carry out repairswork;
- stay less often in marinas (in the Mediterranean, such a pleasure costs from 60 to 500€ per night!);
- choose a yacht with the ability to anchor.
What should be the ideal seaside home?
If we summarize the wishes of all seafarers regarding the choice of a yacht for family life,then this is what happens:
- She should have good driving performance.
- Be strong and agile.
- To be comfortable specifically for you, and not the most "fancy", because there will always be one whose yacht is cooler.
- Be both beautiful and fit for any weather.
- Designed for 7-8 people (for guests), but with one steering wheel.
- Economical and easily repairable.
- Have a spacious deck (especially if you have children traveling with you).
Cost variation
As you know, no yacht can be universal in all respects, because everyone has a different idea of the ideal. However, the main role is played by the financial component. Of course, the better and faster the yacht, the higher its cost. For some, a small boat of the Albin Vega type is ideal, the price of which varies from 5,000 to 10,000 €. For others, a €100,000 45-foot yacht is the better choice.
And someone likes a more spacious catamaran, the price of which is many times higher. In general, the well-known Russian proverb, which says that there are no comrades for the taste and color, works here as well.
Guy for Dummies: Life on a Yacht

In order for you to enjoy the life of a sea wanderer, you must first of all get tired of the everyday life of land, because without the desire for freedom and independence, without the desire to know the world, you will not succeed. But still, this is not enough to master the skills of navigation on your own.
Seven things you need to do to start a new life as prepared as possible:
- Find a good instructor and learn the craft.
- Swim several times under the guidance of an experienced captain.
- Visit yacht shows and choose a yacht to live on board with the help of experts.
- Find like-minded people and ask for a visit to see the marine life from the inside.
- Don't choose one boat for life as you may find your dream yacht later.
- In no case do not lose your home for the sake of buying a seaworthy vessel, as life on it may not work out. Where will you return then? Therefore, try to earn money to buy a yacht yourself.
- Find the strength to leave your comfort zone, because without it nothing will work.
Three modes of life on a yacht

- The transition is a movement during which you can enjoy the fresh sea breeze and beautiful views. But there is a minus, which is that if you have seasickness, you will be motion sick, which means you will have to suffer from headaches and constant urge to vomit. Yes, and the dwelling takes on the simplest and most unsightly appearance (also due topitching).
- Parking in the marina is like returning to the blessings of civilization. So, the opportunity to visit a sauna, a restaurant, a supermarket or just go shopping in a boutique. In addition, you can take advantage of the fact that you can safely wash the yacht with fresh water from the shore, without fear that its reserves will run out. The downside is that life on a yacht in the Mediterranean (or parking in a marina) is overshadowed by tropical heat, from which neither awnings nor swimming can save. Of course, the minus is insignificant if your vessel is equipped with modern air conditioning.
- Anchoring is about enjoying the fresh air and beautiful coastal scenery. You can swim and sunbathe as much as you like. The downside, of course, is also available, and it consists in the fact that you can only get to the shore by boat. If she sails, then this is fraught with such difficulties as the lack of a place to moor, and the need to sit up to her ears in s alt water.