Angela Lansbury: biography and photos

Angela Lansbury: biography and photos
Angela Lansbury: biography and photos

Angela Lansbury is a talented actress who viewers know primarily as the gorgeous Jessica Fletcher from the television show Murder, She Wrote. Of course, many other films and series in which the star starred became famous: The Manchurian Candidate, The Picture of Dorian Gray, My Terrible Nanny, Gaslight. What is known about this amazing woman, who recently celebrated her 90th birthday, but does not leave her beloved job?

Angela Lansbury: biography

The future star was born in London, it happened in October 1925. The girl's father was engaged in business, and her mother was a theater actress, who was very popular in those years. It is not surprising that Angela Lansbury from early childhood "fell ill" with the theater, from time to time she performed children's roles in mother's performances. It is also known that she had two brothers who are no longer alive at the moment.

angela lansbury
angela lansbury

The youthful years of the future celebrity were overshadowed by the beginning of World War II. The outbreak of war forced Angela's mother and her children to move to the United States, the father of the family had already died by that time. However, this hasty move turned out to be a great success for the girl, since in her lifeHollywood broke in. Before that, she managed to work briefly in one of the department stores in Los Angeles, acting as a cashier. Her salary was a valuable asset to the family.

Bright debut

Angela Lansbury barely had time to celebrate her 19th birthday when she got her first serious role. The talented girl was taken into the film "Gaslight", entrusting her to embody the difficult image of Nancy Oliver. In addition to the aspiring actress, such recognized stars as Charles Boyer and Ingrid Bergman starred in the thriller. No wonder the film was a huge hit with audiences.

angela lansbury movies
angela lansbury movies

The very first role gave the Englishwoman not only public recognition, but also a nomination for an honorary award "Oscar". Unfortunately, another contender won the prize, but Angela Lansbury was not upset because of this. After all, the directors began vying to offer roles to the rising star.

Failed marriage

In her school years, the future "Mrs. Fletcher" had hobbies, but for the first time she truly fell in love at the age of 20. The man Angela Lansbury noticed was her colleague Richard Cromwell. The actors got married after several months of romantic encounters, the age difference of 15 years was not a significant obstacle.

angela lansbury photo
angela lansbury photo

Unfortunately, Angela's first marriage was extremely unsuccessful. Soon after the wedding, the actress discovered that her husband prefers the company of men. In the end, Richard admitted that he was a representative of sexualminorities. Of course, the star immediately filed for divorce, the marriage with the actor lasted only a few months.

Supporting roles

The future Jessica Fletcher dreamed of key roles, but Hollywood directors saw her exclusively as a character actress. However, the minor characters that she was invited to play turned out to be bright and original with the star of "Gaslight".

angela lansbury personal life
angela lansbury personal life

Angela Lansbury is an actress who brilliantly embodied the image of Sybil Vane in the drama The Picture of Dorian Gray. In this picture, her heroine is a singer who is seduced and abandoned by the ruthless protagonist. The role of Sibylla gave the star a Golden Globe, and she also won another Oscar nomination.

Another resounding success for Angela was the detective drama The Manchurian Candidate. In this tape, she brilliantly played the evil mother of the central character. It is curious that her character in the story turned out to be much older than Lansbury herself. However, it is unlikely that the offer to embody this image could surprise the actress, who was only 22 when she starred in the film "The Three Musketeers" as Queen Anne of Austria.

New love

Of course, fans of the talented Englishwoman are interested not only in films and series starring Angela Lansbury. The personal life of a celebrity settled down only in 1949, when she decided to remarry. The chosen one of the actress was the actor Peter Shaw from Ireland. She met her future husband at a Hollywood party.

angela lansbury actress
angela lansbury actress

The second marriage of the actress was much happier than the first. Angela and Peter spent a lifetime together, only Shaw's death separated the couple. When her husband passed away, Lansbury was already 78 years old. It is known that two children were born in this marriage - the daughter of Deirdre and the son of Anthony.

The actress still regrets how little attention she paid to children when they were small. The lack of parental supervision led Deirdre and Anthony to take drugs. Fortunately, this problem was resolved, at the moment Lansbury's son and daughter are successful people with their own families. Interestingly, it was Anthony who acted as the director of the television project "Murder, She Wrote", in which the actress starred.

Detective roles

Of course, not all the bright roles that Angela Lansbury played by the age of 90, whose films and biography are discussed in this article, are mentioned above. For example, we must not forget that she created the image of the legendary Miss Marple in the film "The Mirror Cracked", the plot of which was borrowed from the work of Agatha Christie.

Also, for 12 years, Angela Lansbury starred in the television project Murder, She Wrote, playing the role of Jessica Fletcher. Her heroine effortlessly unravels complex crimes, brings criminals to clean water. It is impossible not to mention one of the last tapes with the participation of the star - the picture "My Terrible Nanny". She played Aunt Adelaide in this family comedy.

The secret of longevity

Last year, Angela Lansbury, whose photo can be seen in this article,celebrated its 90th anniversary. When the actress is asked to reveal the secret of her longevity, she talks about the benefits of a he althy lifestyle. Angela practically does not drink alcohol, does not smoke, monitors nutrition. She has been involved in sports throughout her life. She also emphasizes the importance of proper sleep. The actress has no doubt that she will live to be at least 98 years old.
