How to blow gum bubbles correctly?

How to blow gum bubbles correctly?
How to blow gum bubbles correctly?

Probably, each of us in childhood had to do at least once such an exciting and interesting activity as blowing bubbles from chewing gum. But for all its apparent simplicity, most people are faced with problems such as gum sticking to the lips due to improperly inflated bladder. Therefore, in order to turn this lesson into a real art of creating a great and great mood, let's look at how to blow gum bubbles correctly.

Buy gum

how to blow gum bubbles
how to blow gum bubbles

It would seem that it's complicated: I went to the store, bought any chewing gum and that's it. But here lies the first mistake, which lies in the fact that at the moment there is a huge number of different tastes, and if you choose the one that you don’t like, then the further event will lose its meaning. Therefore, in order for your gum bubble to turn out as it should, you should choose only those chewing gums whose taste qualities are familiar to you. In addition, there are several types of chewing gum. For example, there are those that are not designed to inflate a big bubble, which negate all the fun, while others -generally too sticky, which, in turn, makes it much more difficult to remove them from the face if the bubble suddenly bursts.


As you know, in order for something to turn out at the proper level, one desire is not enough. Therefore, in order to no longer think about how to blow gum bubbles, we start small.

Unpack the package and take only 1 record from it, and not the whole package, as most people do. Then we slowly chew this plate until we feel that it has become soft and smooth. In addition, it is especially recommended not to stop until all the sugar crystals have completely dissolved. Be prepared for this process to take some time (2 to 10 minutes). But here you should not overdo it, because if you tighten this process too much, then the chewing gum will become very fragile, which, in turn, will not allow you to inflate even the smallest bubble.

And this is where the fun begins…

gum bubble
gum bubble

When the preparatory stage is over, we proceed to the main thing, namely the process of inflating a bubble from gum. As practice shows, in order to get the biggest gum bubble, you need to follow the above plan:

  1. Roll the chewing gum into a ball. To do this, we use the central part of the tongue, on which we hold the chewing gum until it becomes the desired shape.
  2. Move the resulting ball as close as possible to the front teeth and with the tongue change the shape of the ball into a flat circle.
  3. Place the formed circle behind the front teeth and start pushing the tongue through it until it is covered with a thin layer of chewing gum.

Remember that before blowing gum bubbles, you need to carefully and accurately perform all the above steps, as one careless movement - and you have to start all over again.

The finishing touch

biggest gum bubble
biggest gum bubble

After the necessary layer is ready, carefully pull out the tongue from it and start blowing very lightly. Feeling the movement of air, carefully remove the chewing gum from the mouth, while forming a small ball. It is very important to blow using the air from the lungs and not just with the lips, as ordinary breathing will not be enough to get a large enough bubble. We don't stop until the bubble bursts.

Remember that there are many tips on how to blow gum bubbles, but nothing beats constant practice. After all, everyone knows that through trial and error, you can achieve a lot on your own, the main thing is to want it.
