The Tarkovsky couple has been known to every second inhabitant of Russia for more than 100 years. Their story began with the famous poet and translator Arseny Tarkovsky, who paved the way for his family. The Tarkovskys are still known, although the fourth generation of the family tree has already gone. In this article, we will talk about Larisa Kizilova, who played an important role in the life of the famous family and became an integral part of the Tarkovsky clan.

How it all began
Larisa Kizilova met Andrei Tarkovsky in the distant 60s. Then the son of the famous poet had already become famous throughout the country thanks to his activities. Andrei Tarkovsky is a director who has earned several world awards and prizes. Larisa Kizilova connected her life with Andrei, despite the fact that her future husband had a reputation as a free, loving and "walking" man. Their marriage was officially concluded in 1970.
Short biography
Larisa Yegorkina was born in 1938(April 15) in the small village of Avdot'inka. Before meeting with Andrei, she was married once, after which she bore the surname Kizilova (after her ex-husband). We met Tarkovsky in 1965, after which their relationship began to develop rapidly. Subsequently, the actress took the director away from the family - Andrei was married to his classmate Irma Raush. In 1970, Larisa gave birth to her first child, Andrei, who also continued the creative path of the couple. A little later, the couple adopted their daughter Olga, who now lives in France with the notorious producer Pascal.

Throughout her life, Larisa Tarkovskaya managed to live in the territory of the former USSR, and in Italy, and in France. In adulthood, the actress became the keeper of her husband's archive, which was founded in Moscow and Paris. The talented actress died in 1998 (February 19). Now her grave can be found in the small Parisian cemetery of Sainte-Genevieve-des-Bois, where Larisa was buried next to her husband.
Creative path
Larisa Tarkovskaya is a famous Soviet actress, who later became the first assistant director. Repeatedly starred in films. The young actress was glorified by such film adaptations as "The Mirror" in 1975 and "Nostalgia" in 1983. Despite the fame, the filmography of Larisa Tarkovskaya is not particularly rich. In total, the actress has 3 films in her arsenal. The woman devoted her entire career to directing, her husband and children.
The scandalous life of the Tarkovskys
It's no secret that in the biography of Larisa Tarkovskayacontains many intimate moments. For example, her husband Andrei was known not only for his directorial projects, but also for being in love. The famous director and screenwriter has many mistresses and several wives on his account. Larisa Tarkovskaya knew about her husband's hobbies, but patiently waited, accepted and forgave.

In an interview, the daughter of a famous couple admitted that Andrei Tarkovsky openly cheated on Larisa. The director had many women, but despite this, Larisa devotedly helped her husband to achieve success. Perhaps such patience is due to the fact that the director left his first wife for Larisa.
Strange death
There is still an opinion that the Tarkovskys did not die by accident. The media has repeatedly associated the couple's cancer with the film "Stalker". They say that the area where the sensational film was filmed was either cursed or radioactive. It's no secret that the director was stricken with lung cancer, which led to his death in 1986. 10 years later, his wife also died, and the cause of Larisa Tarkovskaya's death was lung cancer.
Character of the actress
Everyone was amazed when Larisa and Andrey got married, because they are absolute opposites. However, the actress helped her future husband get out of depression. This is because after the first triumphant film "Ivan's Childhood" Tarkovsky began to have serious mental problems. Heavy pressure from critics, regular problems with the new director's project led to the fact that Andrei gradually fell into a deep depression. If notthe pressure and love of Larisa Kizilova, perhaps the director's career would have ended in the early 70s. Everyone who was familiar with this creative couple noticed that the actress was always next to her husband, and when hard times came, Larisa walked over the heads on her own, sought to show the film, and looked for sponsors.

All these steps led to the fact that the actress managed to get Andrey out of a protracted depression, bring him to his senses and make him believe in himself.
Escape from the USSR
The Tarkovsky couple became more and more famous every day, the family was invited to make more serious foreign films. So, after the famous film adaptation of Stalker, Andrei and his wife went to Italy, where they took up the shooting of the equally popular film Nostalgia. Soviet newspapermen took this news with aggression, because of which they declared Tarkovsky a traitor.
This situation led to massive pressure from both the media and the government, causing the couple to flee abroad. It was during this period that the famous director began to fall ill, because the couple had to leave not only their home, but also their children. All this time, Larisa Kizilova was next to her husband, until her death.

Memory of Larisa Tarkovskaya
This woman has always stood out from the crowd: chiseled figure, perfect regal posture, blonde long hair. She was like a fairy, wrapped in a light shawl. No wonder the director was fascinateda wonderful actress, which is why he left his first wife Irma Raush and married Larisa.
Full filmography of Larisa Tarkovskaya:
- Mirror, 1975. The main role went to the famous Soviet actress Margarita Terekhova, and Larisa played only a neighbor. It would seem that only one episodic role, but how much the life of the actress has changed after that. Actually, this was the only full-fledged role in which she was remembered in the cinema.
- "Nostalgia", 1983. Here Larisa took on the role of an assistant director, thanks to which the picture inspired millions and was enthusiastically received in Europe.
- "Solaris", 1970, "Stalker", 1979. Assistant director.
Larisa Tarkovskaya was a wonderful woman. She was able to give her husband that comfort and peace that helped him in the most difficult life periods. Now they remember her with a smile, although many believed that this woman was absolutely not suitable for Andrei Tarkovsky. However, despite the pressure, hatred and slander, the actress showed courage, perseverance and fortitude, which can not only be envied, but also learned.