The talented and popular actor Pavel Volya is from Penza. He graduated from the Penza State Pedagogical University with a degree in Russian Language and Literature. But he did not become famous for this at all.
KVN in student years
Even during his studies, Pavel Volya was incredibly popular in his hometown. He played in the student team of KVN "Valeon Dasson". And later he got on the central television. He became one of the residents of the Comedy Club on TNT. Now, many years later, Pavel Volya is the host of this program. In addition to participating in the Comedy Club, Pavel Volya has played in many films - serious and not so. All films with his participation are quite popular and by no means because of the intricacy of the plot or brilliant acting. People watch these films because their idol, Pavel Volya, plays in them.
- In 2007, the first film was released, created by residents of the Comedy Club. Roles in this film were played by both well-known actors who are not related to the Comedy Club, and its residents. Including Pavel Volya.
- Filmography of the actor further replenishedfilm "Plato", where Pavel played a major role. Many moviegoers, even those who were not previously familiar with Volya's talent, noted the organic nature of his character, liveliness. They believed him. Plato in this film is a jaded "salesman of happiness", as he calls himself. The Hero of Will is ambiguous. It would seem that he does not care about anything in life. But fate gives him a chance to fix everything - he meets Love.

- In 2009, another film with the participation of the talented Pavel Volya, "The Bride at Any Cost", is released. This time, his hero is a successful businessman and a well-known heartthrob who, in order to advance even further in his career, makes acquaintance with a criminal authority. Everything would be fine, but it happens that the hero of Will seduces the bandit's girl. And now his task is to provide himself with an alibi and find a bride at any cost.
- In 2010, another film with the participation of the actor was released. Romantic comedy "Love in the City 2". The episodic role - the taxi driver Hamlet - in this film is played by Pavel Volya.
- Filmography, the actor's roles in 2011 became richer by 2 more films. This year, another romantic comedy with the participation of Pavel Volya, Kiss Through the Wall, was released. The film is about a hapless magician's assistant, Kesha, who suddenly gains the ability to walk through walls. The comedy will be of interest to fans of such an actor as Pavel Volya.

- Filmography in 2011 alsoreplenished with the ambiguous role of the secretary of the main character in the film "Office romance. Our time." The hero of Will in this film is the prototype of the secretary "Verochka" from the famous Soviet "Office Romance" by Eldar Ryazanov. He's also interested in "brand stuff" and sorts things out with his boyfriend.
- In 2012, the film "Happy New Year, Moms!" was released on the big screens. These are five short stories - stories united by the theme of love for mother. Each plot reveals the theme of the love of two people - mother and child. The son of the heroine Irina Rozanova in this film was played by Pavel Volya.

The filmography of the talented young actor will certainly be replenished. In 2016, it is planned to release the continuation of the film "Viy. Journey to China", where Volya also participates
Actor's personal life
These are not all the roles of Pavel Volya. He also played episodic cameo roles in the series "Univer" and "Galygin. Ru". And also Pavel Volya is the host of many TV programs: "Comedy Battle", "Laughter without rules", "Improvisation".
As for his personal life, Pavel is also doing well here. He is happily married to the gymnast Laysan Utyasheva. The couple already have two children.
Power of Will
Together with Laysan, Pavel launched the Internet project "Power of Will". Laysan, as part of the project, talks about how to eat right, how to play sports, and Pavel, in his words, "how to stop being idiots." Herealized the need to lecture when he had children. Everything is being done to ensure that his children do not live among people who are “even worse than these,” Pavel Volya admits.
Filmography, the main roles of Pavel do not yet have great cultural value, but perhaps the talented actor and teacher is still ahead.