Svetlana Zeynalova - biography, family, photo

Svetlana Zeynalova - biography, family, photo
Svetlana Zeynalova - biography, family, photo

Her lively and emotional voice is unmistakable. Charming, purposeful and restless Svetlana Zeynalova long ago settled in the hearts of many who started their every day with the Good Morning TV show on Channel One. Many people know her by sight, but few know something about her life outside the reach of the camera. She is quite an open person. But Svetlana Zeynalova does not talk much about her life outside the studio. Little is known about her biography.


Svetlana Zeynalova is a popular radio and TV presenter. Her face is familiar to many, because it is she who hosts the famous Good Morning TV show. Svetlana is a Muscovite, born in May 1977. Before entering the TV world, she had to overcome many difficulties.

svetlana zeynalova biography
svetlana zeynalova biography

The future talented presenter and artist graduated from the Lenin Pedagogical University, Faculty of Psychology. After studying, she did not stop, in the same 1977 she entered the school. Shchepkin. It was here that she first tried herself as a future artist. Her first role was in the theater "At the Nikitsky Gate".


It was from this moment that the rapid rise of Svetlana Zeynalova's career as a TV and radio host began. Her voice, full of vivacity and energizing, sounds from the screens of Channel One. The presenter has repeatedly admitted that morning broadcasts are not easy for her, since she is an owl in her lifestyle, not a lark.

svetlana zeynalova biography family
svetlana zeynalova biography family

It was not easy to break into the TV channel as a presenter. Having passed a difficult casting, Svetlana Zeynalova nevertheless achieved her goal. Her biography also contains information about her work on the radio. Her voice can be heard on the Maxim radio station. In addition, she presents a secular news review on Business FM.

Of course, not everything immediately appeared in the life of a future popular TV and radio host named Svetlana Zeynalova. Her biography is full of experiences and difficult situations. There was a time when she was sorely lacking money. This happened at the very moment when the presenter worked in the theater. In addition to studying and working in the theater, she had to earn extra money as a waitress and perform at various events.

Svetlana Zeynalova acquired her first experience as a presenter on the TV Center TV channel. Her biography in this role began with the program "Mood". At the moment, she independently conducts various wedding programs, corporate events and parties.

Svetlana Zeynalova. Biography: family

Svetlana Zeynalova was married to the former director of radio "Maxim" Alexei Glazatov. After a stormy office romance, young people realized that they should be together. In 2009their daughter Alexandra was born. In 2012, they unexpectedly parted ways. For a short time, Svetlana Zeynalova was a married woman. Her biography was soon replenished with information about the divorce.

svetlana zeynalova biography photo
svetlana zeynalova biography photo

The future husband conquered Svetlana Zeynalova with his self-confidence. It seemed to her that nothing was impossible next to him. It was difficult not to succumb to the charm of a person with such powerful energy. But at some point, Svetlana realized that their relationship had become obsolete and she had matured. After several happy years, their marriage eventually fell apart.

At the moment Svetlana is single, and it seems that she likes this state. As she shared in one interview, loneliness does not bother her at all. In her free time, she takes care of her daughter Alexandra or meets with friends. Svetlana's daughter is very similar to her mother - just as mischievous, smart and bright. Now Svetlana Zeynalova finds her happiness in her. The biography, in which the family briefly took first place, however, may still change unexpectedly.

Sister help

The family of the future TV and radio presenter did not stand out much from other families living on the territory of the USSR. Svetlana lived in Moscow with her sister and parents. Already in childhood, she dreamed of becoming a famous actress. The girl was lucky: having entered the school to them. Shchepkina, she began to receive small, but interesting roles.

Svetlana Zeynalova and Irada Zeynalova sisters biography
Svetlana Zeynalova and Irada Zeynalova sisters biography

True, they paid very little for them. There was absolutely no money. I had to work formultiple jobs at once. This frantic pace of life did not allow Svetlana to rest freely. Perhaps it was this period of her life that tempered her fighting character. The girl had to change course and try to reach the top in another area.

Svetlana turned to her sister Irada Zeynalova for help, she was already popular in journalistic circles. Irada helped her sister meet several producers. Thanks to the support of her sister and her perseverance, Svetlana has achieved what she deserves.

Now in the life of our heroine everything is more or less settled. She works on her own show, travels and tries to find a hobby along the way. Although time is sorely lacking. Shooting takes all the time.


Svetlana Zeynalova and Irada Zeynalova are sisters. Their biography began in Moscow. Here they were born and raised, but their roots are not Russian. By nationality, both sisters are Azerbaijanis. Perhaps this explains their bright individuality. The blood of the ancestors does not let you forget about yourself.

An interesting biography of a TV presenter named Svetlana Zeynalova. Nationality gives the girl even more charm. Lively and impulsive, the two sisters quickly won the love of the public and found their viewer. Although, as Svetlana admits, she feels more Russian than Azerbaijani. Perhaps this was influenced by the environment and her lifestyle.

The path to success

Popularity overtook Svetlana Zeynalova when she hosted the Bachinsky and Stilavin Show on the radio. The mocking teasing of the two men and the sharp replies of the girl did not leavethe viewer is indifferent. Soon her name became recognizable, and her voice was what people heard every morning after waking up.

svetlana zeynalova biography parents
svetlana zeynalova biography parents

In 2010, the presenter was offered to host her own show on Our Radio, which the star has been doing to this day. Svetlana loves her job very much. The only thing Svetlana Zeynalova regrets is that she constantly has to conduct morning broadcasts. It is problematic for her to get up at five in the morning every day.


Irada helped the girl on her way to success, and Svetlana Zeynalova, whose biography is interesting and unusual, did not let her sister down. She actively used the chance that fell to her and achieved popularity. Although the sisters are involved in the same industry (journalism), their work goals and results are completely different. Svetlana is an emotional, cheerful and sociable person. She can't imagine what it's like to spend the night in an unknown place and fall asleep under the explosions of shells.

Irada Zeynalova, unlike her sister, is serious, fearless and restrained. Irada travels all over the world, visits the most unexpected and hot spots and finds herself in dangerous situations. Irada Zeynalova is harsh by nature. Many are wary of her, knowing her sharp tongue. Perhaps this is all connected with the activities of a journalist, where there is no place for sentimentality. Like their characters, the sisters' spheres of activity are also opposite to each other. However, this does not prevent them from getting along well and treating each other warmly.

Irada Zeynalova

Irada Zeynalova is a correspondent and reporter for Channel One. In 2006 received "TEFI"as the "Best Reporter" and was awarded the medal "For Services to the Fatherland". Married to journalist Alexander Samoletov. Alexander is a special correspondent for the Vesti program. The couple has been together for ten years, they have two sons - Timur and Oleg. Irada Zeynalova did not graduate from the Institute of Journalism and got into this field of activity quite by accident. She is a process engineer by education, which did not prevent her from becoming the most sought-after journalist in the country.

As Irada admits, she considers herself more Azerbaijani than her sister. She likes her homeland and the ancestors from which their family descended. Smart and principled, she is always ready to lend a shoulder to close and dear people.

Svetlana Zeynalova. Biography: parents

Svetlana Zeynalova warmly treats her family. Her parents are an important part of her life.

svetlana zeynalova biography nationality
svetlana zeynalova biography nationality

Galina Zeynalova is a mother of two beautiful daughters. She always tries to support her children with a kind word and advice. Svetlana Zeynalova's father was an official and held an important position in the ministry. He brought up both daughters in severity. In the past, he was engaged in journalism, perhaps from him a craving for such a profession was transferred to them.

Reckless Svetlana Zeynalova

Svetlana Zeynalova not only hosts radio and TV shows, but also acts in films, albeit in small episodic roles. In addition, the TV presenter participated in several shows. In Cruel Intentions, she almost drowned.

irada and svetlana zeynalova biography
irada and svetlana zeynalova biography

Extreme streak is not only in the character of the older sister, but the younger one got it too. In terms of character, Svetlana looks like a mischievous boy. Svetlana Zeynalova was fond of hand-to-hand combat for some time, but abandoned this business due to a catastrophic lack of time.

Svetlana is a very honest, open and positive person. If she gave her word, she got used to keeping it. Appreciates and respects this quality in other people. She is an amazing woman who manages to do so many different things! She is a wonderful mother, a devoted sister, a professional in her difficult work. She has a lot of warm energy that people around her feel and are drawn to her.

A TV presenter named Svetlana Zeynalova has a rich biography. Her photo can often be seen in various publications.
