An ancient Assyrian state with a rich history, unique architecture, where functioning mosques, hammams and medieval markets coexist next to ancient ruins - this is all Syria, a unique and amazing Middle Eastern country, washed by the waters of the Mediterranean, Cyprus, Levantine seas and adjacent to Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Israel.

Despite the centuries-old history of these places, the modern statehood of today's Syria is barely 70 years old. But this is not what this article is about. We have to get acquainted with the geography and ancient history of the state, find out what is the area of Syria in thousand km2, what are the features of the landscape of this country.
From the fourth millennium B. C. these blessed lands began to be inhabited by permanent settlers. Centuries changed, states were formed, flourished, died, new ones were formed, and the Syrian square was never empty. Excellent climate with warm, mild winters and sunny,but not exhaustingly hot summer is always attractive. Comfortable mild dry weather stands here throughout the year. Only from November to March, with the onset of winter, rare rains of short duration are shed. Winter temperatures are +7-9˚С, in summer - 25-30˚С. Desert and mountainous areas surprise tourists with cold nights, in winter the thermometer often shows temperatures below zero.

The country's good location, including a narrow coastal plain with a coastline of 183 km, and vast desert plateaus, and mountains that protect against western hot winds, seem to be specially created for people's lives. Therefore, the capital of the country, Damascus, which has existed for more than one millennium, is one of the oldest cities on Earth, constantly and densely populated. Today, according to official figures, approximately 2 million people live in it.
Historical background
These ancient lands occupied by Syria have seen many states that flourished here at different times. After the decline of Egyptian rule, the state of Ebla was formed on the banks of the Euphrates, subsequently conquered by Akkad. Then many small states arose on this territory, only from 661 Islam was established in the region, and Damascus became the official capital of the famous Arab Caliphate. The area of Syria in thousand km2 has changed over time.
In the Middle Ages, the region was ruled by the Crusaders. Their states were conquered and plundered by the troops of Tamerlane in the 15th century, and since that time Syria has become an integral part of the Ottoman Empire. The country became independentafter the end of World War II in 1946. Founded about 5 thousand years ago, today Damascus is the main city of the country, the full name of which is the Syrian Arab Republic. The official state language is Arabic. The area of Syria is more than 185.2 thousand km2. According to this indicator, the state is in 87th place in the modern world.
Syria: area and population
According to 2015, 18.5 million people inhabit the country. Rural residents make up 46% of the total population, but the lack of stability in the country today does not allow us to say this for sure. More than 70% of the population professes Islam, Christians in Syria are about 10%.

Despite the predominant majority of the Arab population, among the inhabitants of the country there are Kurds (9%), Armenians (2%), Assyrians (0.3%), representatives of Caucasian nationalities (0.3%).
The area of Syria is very impressive, and the terrain is diverse: mountainous landscapes are replaced by flat rivers. The legendary Tigris and Euphrates flow throughout its territory. The length of the Euphrates is 680 km. The water arteries of the country are not only large, but also historically famous rivers.
On the Dutch Heights occupied today by Israel at around 2814 m above sea level is Mount Hermon. Lake of rare beauty Al-Assad is the largest body of water in the country, covering almost 675 square km.
Cities and history
The Arab Republic has amazing, almost fabulous sights. The area of Syria contains a huge layerhistory that continues to live in monuments and buildings. The legacy of previous civilizations is enormous, each of which has left traces of its former power. These lands witnessed the glory of Alexander the Great, the conquests of Tamerlane, the courage of Saladdin.

Damascus is the oldest of the capitals of the world, which arose at the crossroads of trade routes and became the center of Mediterranean eastern trade. To the south of the capital is the city of Bosra, built of black bas alt. The sight of the city is the Roman theater, turned into an impregnable citadel.
Second after Damascus, the Syrian city of Aleppo is famous not only for its amazing historical monuments, but also for the fact that it is predominantly populated by Christians.
It is impossible to list all the wonders of these unique lands. It doesn't really matter what area of Syria, the only important thing is that almost all of it is a real open-air museum.