The goddess of beauty among the ancient peoples of the world

The goddess of beauty among the ancient peoples of the world
The goddess of beauty among the ancient peoples of the world

In ancient pagan religions, the goddess of beauty and love was revered no less than the supreme deities. They worshiped her, built temples, made sacrifices, tried to appease her for the sake of family well-being and a happy life.

The beauty queen
The beauty queen

Slavic goddess of beauty - Lada

Every nation has its own history and its own religious beliefs. Most of all, we, of course, have heard a lot about Aphrodite - the Greek goddess of love and beauty. But this does not mean at all that we, the Slavs, did not have our own patroness of the family hearth. And here she was, her name was Lada. The Slavs believed that she patronizes marriages, strengthens them, brings happiness and peace to the family. Therefore, the goddess of beauty Lada was especially popular with young couples who brought her gifts of berries, flowers, honey and live birds. Lada also patronized young mothers and their children. She was very fond of the Slavic people. Holidays were often organized in her honor. The Slavs believed that the goddess listens to all requests and tries to fulfill them, so they affectionately called her Shchedrynya.

Scandinavian goddess of beauty Freya fell in love with the people so much that they dedicated one week day to her - Friday. Not in vain inTranslated from German, this day is called Freitag. This day, according to legends, is favorable for marriages, love affairs and peace negotiations. Freya was also revered as the patroness of truce and family warmth.

goddesses of beauty
goddesses of beauty

But in Ireland, the goddess of beauty and love was depicted as a delicate, fragile, slender, incredibly beautiful woman, dressed in a silvery dress with flowers in her hair. Her name was Ein, the goddess lived in the realm of the fairies and appeared only on moonlit nights. Ein especially patronized those women who respected and loved the fertile Earth. First of all, the "moon goddess" tried to teach the females playfulness, seductiveness and wisdom in love pleasures, so that you could surely seduce and fall in love with a man.

Hathor - the Egyptian goddess of beauty and love, who adored fun, music and holidays. Therefore, she was depicted with a musical instrument - a sistrum. The Egyptians believed that an amulet in the form of a sistrum around the neck protected from troubles and troubles. Hathor was especially kind to young couples, protecting their family hearth.

Probably there is no person who does not know who the Greek goddess of beauty is. Her name has already become an association with unearthly beauty and unsurpassed love. The daughter of Uranus, the father of Zeus, she was born from the foam of the sea on the island of Crete.

Greek goddess of beauty
Greek goddess of beauty

Aphrodite! So she is called, and is still revered.

She patronized musicians and writers glorifying love, she herself was the greatest fan of realfeelings. Although she did not represent an example of marital fidelity, since she was the wife of the god of blacksmithing and fire, Hephaestus, who was far from handsome. Because of this, the inhabitants of Olympus often witnessed her conflicts with Hera, the patroness of the family and the hearth. The Greeks even saw the cause of the Trojan War in Aphrodite, who cast a spell on Paris, after which he fell in love with Helen.

The Greeks had a rather peculiar concept of beauty: a strong elastic body, large facial features, huge body parts - this was considered beautiful. Aphrodite was also depicted like this.

The goddesses of beauty of each nation are delightful in their own way. All peoples took care of the feeling of love, family relationships and raising children, so they valued their goddesses very highly.
