Natalya Aliyeva is an ordinary girl who worked as a waitress, who made the dream of millions of women come true. She is the same Cinderella from the fairy tale. One day, when Natasha met a rich sheikh, her fate changed. Today it looks more like an Arabian fairy tale.
Meeting the Sheikh

Natalya Aliyeva worked in Belarus as a waitress at the Minsk Hotel. Rich and famous guests often visited here. But she could only dream of starting a life with one of them.
Everything changed in September 2007. Sheikh Saeed bin Al Maktoum, a member of the ruling family in the UAE, came to Belarus to take part in a clay shooting tournament. Going on a trip to Eastern Europe, he was the last thing he thought about romantic adventures. Ambitious Said only dreamed of medals at the championship.
But when he saw Natalya Aliyeva passing by, he forgot about the guns and the cymbals. He did not go to the competition the next day, but spent the whole day with a charming waitress. A few weeks later they got married.
How the sheikh met his love

At the same time, until nowit is not clear how Sheikh Said and Natalia Aliyeva met. The fact is that she worked as a waitress in a bar, and the Arab practically did not leave the room. He tried to concentrate, diligently preparing for the competition. He prayed five times a day. He brought with him four cooks who prepared food for him, he ate without leaving the room.
The hotel managers say that the apartment was booked for a week. The guest arrived in Minsk by car from Italy.
Natalya Aliyeva is from Azerbaijan, she is a Muslim by religion. She claims to have married for love.
At the same time, the sheikh already has one wife, from whom Said has five children.
A week in Minsk was not enough for the Sheikh. He extended his stay at the hotel several times. The marriage was concluded without leaving the hotel. Unlike the young wife, the man does not comment on anything. It is only known that after the wedding, the happy newlyweds went to Cyprus. For the next shooting competition.
Al Maktoum Dynasty
The family is quite famous in the United Arab Emirates. She has been pedigree since 1833. From 1971 to the present, its representatives are the emirs of Dubai, hereditary prime ministers and vice-presidents of the kingdom.
The eldest in the family is now Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum. He is the Prime Minister of Dubai. One of the most respected Arab specialists in racing and thoroughbred horses. At one time he tried to acquire the famous English football club Liverpool, but failed.
In general, the al-Maktoum family is famous forsuccess in sports. Sheikh Said has repeatedly won medals of various denominations in clay shooting competitions.

A little over a year later, Alieva Natalya gave birth to a child. The life of the princess in the palace became more complicated with the advent of the baby. But relatives, friends and numerous servants help with advice. At the same time, Natasha does not accept the help of nannies directly, since she was brought up in a different culture. She believes that a mother should take care of her child herself.
Only her cousin Valentina, who lives with her in the palace, came to her aid. He has warm feelings for his daughter and Sheikh Said al-Maktoum. He loves to put her to bed on his own and mess around with her all night long.
They named her Aliya, after Said's mother. But at home they call it in a simple way - Lily. She is growing up bilingual. Russian and Arabic are constantly spoken around her.
In honor of the birth of her daughter, Natalya Aliyeva, the wife of the sheikh, received a truly royal gift - a gold ring with a scattering of diamonds. And also a car - a black Jeep "Land Rover". In her personal fleet, she has become the third. Little Lily was also not left without a gift. The father gave the baby gold earrings with diamonds. Of course, she does not wear jewelry yet.
Mom and daughter dress up in branded items of the most famous fashion brands. But there are clothes from ordinary stores in their wardrobe. They try not to make a cult of things in this family, says Natalia.
Princess waitress Natalia Aliyevabreastfed her daughter. Complementary foods started at about four months. She cooked cereals herself, cooked them, made vegetable puree in a blender. They do not trust anyone to prepare food for their baby, she does everything herself.
Relationship with second wife

For a man with our mentality, it's hard to understand how a man can live with two wives. But Aliyeva Natalya is a Muslim, so her cultural ideas are somewhat different. They are closer to the Arab culture. Therefore, they communicate well with Said's first wife, arrange picnics for children together. The older brothers and sisters are still jealous of the baby, but in the future, Natalya is sure, their relationship will improve.
She is not jealous of Said's first wife. Although it was hard to get used to at first. Now everything is fine, the relationship between them is excellent. Wives even exchange gifts with each other, bake cakes together. Large families often gather for holidays. Up to a hundred people are present!
The Arab mentality is noticeably different from ours. People are open to their own, everyone treats each other with respect and love.
Arab climate

The climate in the United Arab Emirates is not easy. Very hot. Natasha and her daughter have already adapted. The only thing is that you have to choose the time for walking either in the morning, before noon, or in the afternoon, not earlier than 16 hours. It's just unbearable to be outside during the day.
Natalya Aliyeva is walking, whose biography today captivates many young girls in everythingpeace, with my daughter a lot. They live according to this schedule: they eat in the morning, sleep a little and devote time to games. They sleep during the day, after dinner they go for another walk, in the evening - a mandatory bath. With great interest, the baby watches the various living creatures that live in the sheikh's estate. These are goats, peacocks and even giraffes.
A young mother does not have a single free minute. From the age of three months, her daughter began to cut her first teeth, which brought Natasha several sleepless nights. It didn't take long to get back in shape. During childbirth, she gained 14 kilograms. But already half of this weight was gone in the first two weeks after the birth of my daughter. Fitness classes, swimming in the pool and exercising in the gym helped a lot. Fortunately, all this is at home, you do not need to go anywhere. Now the weight of the heroine is 58 kilograms, while before pregnancy it was in the region of 55-56.
New life

Adapting to a new life was not easy. Especially morally. Still, the UAE is a new country for Aliyeva, who grew up in Belarus. It took time to get to know her, to learn the language. Today she speaks and writes in Arabic. Not yet free. Where there are not enough words, English has to be used.
The global financial and economic crisis had almost no effect on the Sheikh's family. At least Natalya does not notice him. He only draws attention to the fact that some construction projects have been frozen in the city itself, workers are being laid off somewhere. But there are no global problems.
Relatives in Belarus
About myThe Arab princess did not forget her relatives and friends. They often come to visit her in the UAE, but no one is going to stay for permanent residence. Everyone grew up in Belarus, they like it there.
She helps them with money. My father bought a new car. When he comes to visit, he tries to introduce his son-in-law to Russian culture. In the evenings at dinner, she reads Blok's poems to him.
Aliyeva's story seems like an incredible fairy tale. But fairy tales are sometimes found in our lives. You just need to believe in them.