Desert plants: names, description, characteristics and adaptation

Desert plants: names, description, characteristics and adaptation
Desert plants: names, description, characteristics and adaptation

Deserts are natural areas characterized by high temperatures, lack of humidity, almost no precipitation and a strong drop in temperature at night. Deserts are not associated with fertile soils where fruits and vegetables, trees and flowers grow. At the same time, the flora of these natural areas is unique and diverse. It will be discussed in this article.


Botanists still do not have reliable information about how desert plants have changed. According to one version, some adaptive functions were acquired by them millions of years ago due to environmental changes. Therefore, representatives of the flora were forced to adapt to adverse conditions. So, during the rain, the processes of growth and flowering are activated. So, what are the characteristics of desert plants?

Features of desert plants
Features of desert plants
  • The root system is very deep, it is highly developed. Roots penetrate deep into the soilsearch for groundwater. By absorbing them, they transfer moisture to the upper parts of the plants. Those representatives of the flora that have this feature are called phreatophytes.
  • The roots of some plants, on the contrary, grow horizontally on the surface of the earth. This allows them to absorb as much water as possible during periods of rain. Those species that combine both of the above features are best adapted to life in desert regions.
  • For desert flora, it is very important to accumulate a lot of water. In this they are helped by absolutely all parts of plants, especially stems. These organs not only perform a storage function, but are also the site of photosynthesis reactions. Simply put, stems can replace leaves. To keep moisture longer in the body of the plant, the stems are covered with a thick layer of wax. It also protects them from the heat and the scorching sun.
  • The leaves of desert crops are small and have wax on them. They also store water. Not all plants have leaves. In cacti, for example, they are represented by prickly thorns. This prevents waste of moisture.

So, there are properties created by evolution that allow flora to exist in the desert zone. What plants can be found there? Below is a description of the most popular of them.

Cleistocactus Strauss

This plant is often called wool torch. It has to do with his appearance. Cleistocactus can grow up to 3 meters. Its stems grow vertically upwards, have a graygreen coloration. The ribs of the culture are dotted with medium-sized white areoles, located at a short distance from each other. It is about 5 mm. This makes the plant appear wooly, which is why it got its "folk" name.

What plants are in the desert zone
What plants are in the desert zone

Flowering occurs at the end of summer. At this time, dark red flowers are formed, which have a cylindrical shape. Cleistocactus can be grown at low temperatures that reach -10 ° C. The territory of Argentina and Bolivia is considered the birthplace of culture.


This desert plant described in this article is one of the rarest conifers in the world (discovered in 1994). It can only be found on the territory of such a mainland as Australia. Wollemia is considered one of the oldest plant species. Most likely, the history of the tree began at least 200 million years ago, and today it belongs to the relic.

The plant looks mysterious and unusual. So its trunk is shaped like an ascending chain. On each tree, female and male cones are formed. Wollemia perfectly adapts to adverse environmental conditions. It tolerates fairly low temperatures, dropping to -12 °C.

Desert Ironwood

This plant can be found in North America, namely in the Sonoran Desert. In height, it can reach 10 m. The diameter of the trunk, on average, is about 60 cm, but in some places it can expand or narrow. The plant can be either a bush or a tree. Its bark changes color over time. The young tree has a smooth, shiny gray bark that later becomes fibrous.

Desert plant description
Desert plant description

Despite the fact that this plant is considered an evergreen, at low temperatures (colder than 2 ° C) it loses its foliage. With a long absence of precipitation, the leaves also fall off. The flowering period begins in late April - May and ends in June. At this time, pale pink, purple, purple-red or white flowers appear. The density of a desert tree is very high, it exceeds that of water, which is why the plant sinks. It is solid and heavy. Since the wood is strong and fibrous, it is used to make knife handles.

Espurge fat

Because of its unusual shape, it is often called a "baseball" plant. This representative of the flora is common in South Africa, namely in the Karoo desert.

Spurge has a small size. So, its diameter is about 6 - 15 cm and depends on age. The shape of this typical desert plant is spherical. However, it becomes cylindrical over time. In most cases, Euphorbia obese has 8 facets. They have tiny bumps on them. The flowers of this representative of the flora are commonly called cyathias. This plant can store water for a long period of time.

typical desert plant
typical desert plant


These desert plants oftencalled "cholla". They can be found in the United States, namely in the southwestern regions and in the Sonoran Desert. This representative of the flora is a perennial. Its entire surface is covered with sharp silver needles. Their size is 2.5 cm. Due to the fact that the cylindric densely covers all free space, the plant can be confused with a small dwarf forest. A large amount of water accumulates in a thick trunk, which allows the culture not to suffer much from the hot desert climate. The flowering period begins in February and ends in May. At this time, greenish flowers form on the plant.


What other desert plants exist? These include the Carnegia cactus. This representative of the flora can reach truly gigantic sizes. So its height is about 15 m. This plant grows in the USA, in the state of Arizona, in the Sonoran Desert.

Carnegia blooms in spring. An interesting fact is that the cactus flower is the national symbol of Arizona. Thanks to the presence of thick spikes, the culture saves precious water. Carnegia is a long-liver. Her age can reach 75 - 150 years.

desert plants
desert plants

African Hydnora

One of the strangest desert plants common in Africa is the African Hydnora. Due to the unusual and very extravagant appearance, not all botanists classify this organism as a representative of the flora. Hydnora has no leaves. The brown trunk can merge with the surroundingsspace. This plant becomes most noticeable during the flowering period. At this time, spherical flowers form on the stem. They are brown on the outside and orange on the inside. In order for insects to pollinate the plant, hydnora emits a pungent odor. Thus, she continues her lineage.


The well-known baobab tree belongs to the genus Adansonia. Its homeland is the African continent. This tree is most often found in the southern region of the Sahara desert. Most of the local landscape is represented by the baobab. By the presence of this plant, you can determine whether there are nearby sources of fresh water in the desert. Adaptation of plants to adverse conditions can occur in different ways. So, the growth rate of the baobab directly depends on the availability and amount of groundwater or precipitation, so the trees choose the wettest places for their life.

adaptation of plants in the desert
adaptation of plants in the desert

This plant is a long-liver. The maximum age ever reached by representatives of this species is 1500 years. Baobab is not only a guide through the desert, but it can also save lives. The fact is that not far from this tree you can find food and water. Some parts of the plant can be used as medicines or sheltered under a spreading crown from the heat. People from all over the world compose legends about this representative of the flora. It attracts many tourists. Previously, the names of scientists and travelers were carved on it, but at present, tree trunks are damaged by graffiti andother patterns.


A desert plant may look like a shrub or a low tree. It can be found on the territory of such states as Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Iran and China. Often, several trees grow near each other at once. In this case, they form a kind of forest.

Saxaul desert plant
Saxaul desert plant

Saxaul is a desert plant that can reach a height of 5-8 m. The trunk of this representative of the flora is curved, but its surface is very smooth. The diameter varies within one meter. Massive, bright green crown looks very noticeable. The leaves are represented by small scales. With the participation of green shoots, the process of photosynthesis takes place. When strong gusts of wind act on the tree, the branches begin to flutter and cascade down. During flowering, pale pink or crimson flowers appear on them. In appearance, one might think that saxaul is a very fragile plant that is not able to withstand bad weather. However, this is not the case, because it has a very powerful root system.
