How useful are cool expressions and phrases? For any occasion, some people always have jokes, jokes, sayings that can cheer up others. A witty, ironic, cheerful person endures adversity more easily and will not go into his pocket for a word.
Reality sometimes presents not the most pleasant surprises. Overload at the workplace, stressful situations in one's own home, insecurity in friends, work colleagues, and in the future as a whole often lead to a breakdown. It is not worth saying that in the soul at such moments - just cats scratching. What to do in such turbulent times?
What can help relieve stress?
Many people, being victims of unexpected pressure, try to look for, if not oblivion, then recharge, in the regular use of various stimulants. Moreover, some of them begin to support themselves with relatively safe energy drinks, and end their lives as hardcore drug addicts.
Even our favorite tea is among these energy drinks. It is known that tea is able to raisemood for no apparent reason. However, over time, this can lead to a real chemical addiction. Therefore, it is much better to relieve stress by remembering and using cool expressions for any occasion.
Will humor and jokes help with stress?

Adequate jokes and jokes can improve mood and relieve stress without any additional chemical doping. It is for this reason that the article is devoted to comic expressions applicable in a variety of life situations.
After reading it, you will not only improve your mood here and now. By memorizing some of these expressions, you can cheer yourself up whenever the need arises. Moreover, such a beneficial effect will have practically no side effects.
The main thing here is not to overdo it when communicating with people who do not understand humor. After all, some may condemn even the most innocent joke, and light sarcasm for them is like a personal insult!
When can funny expressions about life be used in a speech?

You can't change the situation - change your attitude towards it. This is the upbringing of positive character traits that make it easier to go through life, quickly find new friends and help old ones. Cool expressions filled with subtle humor will help defuse the situation in almost any situation. They can be used both when something went wrong, and when the heart overflowsjoy. The most important thing is that the interlocutor is on the same emotional wavelength with you. If this condition is met, neither you nor your listeners will be bored.
The following are the most famous humorous expressions for any occasion, according to their areas of use.
Examples of the coolest expressions about family life
In this block you will find the most famous funny expressions that can be used in the process of communicating with family members. Especially this block is recommended to be studied by the male half: do not forget that women love witty ones. Introducing our TOP 10:
- Matrimonial ties are difficult, so they are usually carried by two, and sometimes by three.
- Lover from first marriage.
- A woman's naivety: even while watching porn movies, she hopes that sex will end with a wedding.
- Declaration of love is like a time signal. It is true only at the moment of utterance.
- My trembling half.
- You and I are one blood - you are Chuk, I am Huck.
- When it's raining and longing outside, saw your husband - create an atmosphere of comfort.
- Better to be jealous of a woman over a stove than a computer.
- My kids are wondering where everything came from, me where everything went.
- Happiness is when the desired moments coincide with the inevitable.
- A strong marriage is a humble husband and a wife who treats him like a king.
Cool expressions on vacation

To fill your vacation with smiles and fun, you canuse almost any jokes and jokes. The most suitable of them will be cool expressions from films. If those do not come to mind, remember something from the following TOP:
- One drop of nicotine will kill a horse, three hundred will be able to defeat the Kirovets tractor.
- A glass that has been quickly drunk is not considered full.
- Today you don't drink with us, but tomorrow you will change your Motherland.
- Eat, eat up, dear guests. If your conscience is completely gone, then you can come tomorrow.
- Smart people are nice to talk to but difficult to work with.
- My life is fading away so fast it's like she's not interested in me anymore.
- There are no ugly women, there are underfunded women.
- To make a woman happy, let her do nothing sometimes.
- A person who values life will not distort it with dirty thoughts.
- Monogamous will only make one person unhappy.
Cool phrases and expressions appropriate in the queue to the doctor

Going to see the doctor again? Do not despair! Our coolest expressions, presented in the following TOP, can make a visit to the doctor easy and fun:
- Go to the website of the dental clinic -
- One head is good, but the torso will come in handy.
- The patient refused an autopsy, so the doctor was forced to treat him.
- The doctor cannot prolong life, so he prolongs the disease.
- The doctor asks the patient with a knife in his back: - Youvery painful? - No, it only hurts when I laugh.
- Drugs are so expensive that as long as you make money on them, time will heal.
- New version of the Hippocratic Oath: only upon presentation of an insurance policy…
- This is what our Predictamus suffered.
- The freer the medicine, the more expensive the drugs.
- It was a beautiful leg… Let's have a second one!
Cool expressions to use during a fight

Of course, quarrels are not the most pleasant thing. But even they can be made less painful if you learn to “send” people you don’t like more or less beautifully. The following is another TOP, in which you will find expressions with meaning, cool insults of cultured people:
- How will principles be on your stock exchange today?
- Of course everyone wants to be honest… But they want to be rich more.
- Yes, it's time to weed your head.
- Grumbling is the new sign of agreement!
- There are simply no unbearable people, only narrow doors.
- Who made you face like that?
- Let it be rubbish. But take as much as you want!
- I noticed by the face of your alarm clock - you are getting ready to ring again.
- Don't fake thinking here.
- And reluctance to live, and too lazy to shoot yourself.
Cool expressions about gray everyday life

Cool expressions about life are an opportunity to colorize gray everyday life. Want to see for yourself? Read the following TOP:
- Soon they will start jailing all the worst non-payers of bribes.
- Don't smile at me like a taxman.
- I'm having more and more prophetic nightmares.
- To be completely happy, I want to survive.
- The 112 service received another call. The rescuers were upset, but they decided not to pick up the phone.
- If a bald head is a path trodden by thoughts, then I am the most thinking person!
- Even New Year someone hates. Well, for example, Christmas trees.
- To eat so much, you have to eat.
- If you are always surrounded by fools, then you are the most important of them.
- I'd rather sweat seven times than frost once.
Funny expressions used instead of insults
There are people to whom you explain at least 1000 times, repeat - everything is useless! However, even in this case, do not despair and be sad. After all, cool expressions for communicating with an unpleasant interlocutor can come up in slippery situations. Communication with "particularly gifted" people is no exception. To find out how to point out to such people all the stupidity of their situation, remember a few expressions from the following TOP:
- Sewerage is the only thing that can unite us.
- I see you are smart! I see - the skull is too tight. I can fix it.
- Smile more, boss needs more idiots.
- Don't make me nervous! I already have nowhere to hide the corpses!
- There is only one hero. When there are many heroes, they are called hooligans.
- I look, soon someone will get off with a slight fright.
- Wait for a warning shot athead will not take long.
- Be careful, take care, don't let your brain think.
- If I get up, I'm afraid a nuclear war will ruin such a beautiful day for you.
- I increasingly feel an irresistible desire to obscenely admire your behavior.
Cool expressions to help admit your mistake
Oddly enough, cool funny expressions can smooth out the situation when you don’t feel like laughing at all. One such situation is the need to admit one's own mistakes. To find out what can be said in such an inconvenient case, check out the next TOP:
- The source of my wisdom is my experience. The source of my experience is my stupidity.
- There are people who don't make mistakes, so they are just afraid to act.
- Our delusions will die before us, so don't make a mummy out of them.
- Experience is the thing you get instead of what you want.
- Experience is the thing that comes right after you need it.
- I won't try to explain anything between slaps. And it will turn out indistinctly, and you will have to repeat.
- Why commit the sin of being discouraged by mistakes when there are more pleasant sins around!
- Today I am quieter than water and funnier than grass.
- And yet, I did not manage to violate all decorum today.
- Wisdom is not about not making mistakes, but about not repeating them again.
Descriptions of news and other recent events

Viewnews, in our time, can be no less a source of stress than a conversation with an angry boss. Our final TOP “Cool catchphrases about modern life” will provide you with invaluable help in detente:
- The people voted on election day.
- Tell me that Lenin was a skinhead!
- The main thing is to win. After all, the winners will not be imprisoned.
- Walking at night is the easiest way to commit suicide.
- Debauchery is any sex in which you are not involved.
- The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that Eva not only ate the forbidden apple, but also made a fashionable bag out of the poor Serpent.
- If I'm on a plane, I'll take the front seat. When the plane crashes, the beer cart will again pass by me! At least I'll get drunk before I die.
- Looks like Group 2 blood steaks will soon become the most common dish.
- Driver, beware of places where children can suddenly jump out!
- Psychoanalysis is the effort of the brain to get pleasure intended for another organ.
A little more about the benefits of cool phrases and expressions in everyday life
If an article on the topic "Cool expressions for any occasion" at least encourages someone not to resort to various chemical doping just to cope with the negative effects of stress, then it was not written in vain.
Of course, constant stress is an unpleasant thing, but you can and should learn to cope with it without medication. Is it difficult? Actually not very much. It will be difficult at the very beginning. Especially these difficulties cantouch those who have already become addicted to certain chemicals.
If we are talking about drug addiction or neglected alcoholism, in order to overcome addiction, most likely, you will have to consult a narcologist.
However, most readers do not belong to this population. This means that you can train your own mind to successfully deal with stress. To achieve this goal without serious difficulties, you need to learn how to switch from what upsets you to the exact opposite moments in time. It will take quite a bit of time, and you will notice that achieving this goal is not difficult at all. The main thing here is not to let yourself get turned on!
After all, if someone from your environment behaves in a boorish way, this is his problem, not yours. Why waste your energy on other people's problems? And even if you were mistaken: what will the hassle and bitter tears give? Wouldn't it be better to just draw the right conclusions and not repeat past missteps and mistakes?
The media is bombarding us with an endless stream of negative news. And what does it give? Will there be fewer wars? Will planes stop crashing? Will all drivers and pedestrians learn to follow the rules of the road? Unfortunately, all these questions can be considered rhetorical. Therefore, after all, you should not worry too much about everything that the media brings down on us. Let's live together with our nervous system. And constant stress has never prolonged anyone's he alth!
Therefore, the only thing that can really help us is the right attitude to everything that happens both in the world around us anddirectly in our lives. Any difficulties are easier to endure in a calm mood. And the best assistants in the constant struggle with stress, apathy, depression and constant fear are ourselves. The ability to control one's own mind, to have cool phrases and expressions in stock is one of the types of positive survival.
Keep looking at your life with a smile, endure hardships with a cold mind, and see the positive in every situation. And most importantly - stop worrying about trifles! Life loves those who take it lightly! And then everything in your life will be just wonderful!