Bashkortostan is a popular tourist region. On its territory there are places of amazing beauty. Travelers are especially attracted by the local mountains, on the slopes of which you can organize a camp, admiring the pristine nature, romantic sunrises and amazing sunsets.
Let's find out what natural attractions Bashkortostan is rich in. The mountains, which have long been chosen by travelers from different parts of the world, will be discussed later in the material.
Mount Yamantau
When looking at Bashkortostan on the map, you will definitely pay attention to the highest peak called Yamantau. It is known among the local population as the "Evil Mountain". This ridge has a length of about 5 kilometers. The main mountain of the presented chain, Big Yamantau, has a height of 1640 meters above sea level.

The mountain is a popular tourist destination. It is located on the territory of the South Ural Reserve and is protected by the authorities of the Beloretsk region.
ThemselvesBashkirs consider this hill not a very friendly place. The ridge got its second name - "Evil Mountain" - because the local slopes are littered with numerous sharp stones. There are swamps around the mountain itself, which for a long time did not allow indigenous peoples to graze cattle here. Moreover, in the vicinity of Yamantau one can often meet predatory animals, in particular a bear.
Mount Iremel
The rocky massif Iremel is the second largest mountain in the Republic of Bashkortostan, the height of which is 1582 meters at the peak point. The hill is a sacred place for indigenous peoples. For centuries, it was forbidden to ascend here not only to strangers, but also to the local population, who lived at the foot of the shrine. The mountain is currently open to tourists.

In 2010, the Iremel district was given the status of a protected area. Fishing and hunting are strictly prohibited here. The collection of mushrooms, fruits, flowers and seeds of plants is also extremely limited.
Iremel is a real Mecca for travelers. Every year tens of thousands of people from the Urals and neighboring countries come to conquer the local peaks. And this is not surprising, because the slopes of the mountain are quite gentle. Therefore, every tourist is able to climb it, without the use of climbing equipment. Lovers of a measured rest in the bosom of nature also come here. There are also those who are trying to find life-giving ginseng on the slopes, despite the severe restrictions that are imposed on such activities.
Bashkortostan, mountainsSheehans
Shikhany is one of the largest rock massifs in the Urals. They are located on the territory of the Sterlitamak region of the republic. The mountain range is of reef origin. Local rocks were formed as a result of the drying of the sea, which existed here tens of millions of years ago, back in the Devonian period. To this day, the remains of prehistoric mollusks, fossilized algae, sponges and corals can be found in the rock structure.

Today, Bashkortostan is one of the main suppliers of limestone to the Russian market. The Shikhany Mountains are valuable for enterprises in the city-forming sphere. Given this circumstance, nature lovers can only hope that the local rocky peaks will be preserved in their original form for future generations.
Shikhany mostly consists of steep slopes, the height of which is on average about 400 m above sea level. The unique natural we alth opens up the widest opportunities for recreation here, not only in summer, but also in winter. The ski resorts available here are an extremely popular place for extreme sports lovers. With the first snow, both the population of Bashkiria and numerous outdoor enthusiasts from all over the CIS flock here.
Mount Yuraktau
Describing Bashkortostan, the mountains that are located on its territory, it is worth paying attention to the ridge called Yuraktau. Its surroundings are one of the most picturesque places in the region.

The local population callsrepresented by the mountains "Bald Ridge". The massif got its name due to the fact that on one of its sides there is a rather low, sparse vegetation, and on the other - a dense forest.
Mount Yuraktau is located in the Sterlitamak region. This ridge stretches for an impressive distance along the Belaya River. The presented mountains are famous for their extremely steep ridges, which, oddly enough, does not in the least frighten travelers, whose influx is observed here in the summer.
One of the most popular places at the foot of Mount Yuraktau is the ancient lake Arakul. Tourists who come here with their whole families traditionally organize camping along its shores.
Mount Susaktau

Susaktau is a mountain in Bashkiria with an extremely original shape. From a distance, it can be confused with a man-made pyramid. Unlike other rocky ridges, if you wish, you can drive up to its foot directly by car. However, climbing the peak will be much more difficult, because its slope in some places is at least 30-35°.
Mount Susaktau is covered exclusively with undersized plants. Some of them are extremely rare and listed in the Red Book.
The Dema River flows in close proximity to the hill. Its shores are especially picturesque and are a favorite vacation spot for the local population.
Mount Yangantau
Yangantau mountain peak (Bashkiria) is one of the most popular natural attractions of the republic. The name of the rocky hill is translated fromlanguage of the indigenous peoples of the region as "burnt mountain". The peak received such an unusual name due to chemical reactions that occur in the thickness of its rock. Inside the mountain there is an abundance of oil shale, which oxidize, reacting with oxygen, and release heat to the surface. Hot steam that streams through cracks in the rock itself and gives the impression of burning.

Yangantau (Salavatsky district) is a relatively small mountain. Its height above sea level is only 504 meters at the peak point. At the foot of the mountain, the Yuryuzan River flows, which is an invariable place for organizing tourist rafting. Rocky rock hangs over its shores. While rafting down the river, you can find many caves of natural origin, where to this day unique finds are being mined by domestic and foreign archaeologists.
Currently Mount Yangantau is protected by local authorities (Salavatsky district). It has the status of a natural monument.
Mount Inzerskiye Gears
The highest mountains of Bashkortostan - Yamantau and Iremel, are conditionally separated from each other by peaks called Inzerskie Zubchatki. In the southern part, this ridge bifurcates, and here an accumulation of rock scattered in a chaotic manner is observed. The northern region of the mountain forms the so-called "fortress", the walls of which are naturally formed hills. In the central part of the mountain range is its highest peak, which is known among rock climbers as "The Lighthouse".

Since ancient times, travelers and hermits have settled at the foot of the Inzersky Coglets. Their numerous man-made cells have been preserved here.
The structure of the hill is rich in natural resources, in particular rock crystal. Such stones are not mined here on an industrial scale. However, they are traditionally collected by amateur geologists and collectors.
Mount Naryshtau
If you look at Bashkortostan on the map, you can highlight a rather remarkable hill, which is located at the very beginning of the Ural Mountains. The height of the Naryshtau peak above sea level is only 349 meters. Therefore, the mountain is popular with tourists who can slowly climb its gentle slopes, enjoying the picturesque scenery.
From the top of the ridge there is an amazing view of the Orenburg steppes and the city of Oktyabrsky. While climbing the mountain, tourists regularly find a whole host of unique fossils: minerals, the remains of marine reptiles, and in rare cases even precious metals and stones (gold, quartz, marble).

At the top there is a depression in the rock. However, access to the small cave is currently restricted by local authorities due to a high risk of rock falls.
Throughout the year, Mount Naryshtau is visited by thousands of people who come here from nearby cities to actively relax, enjoy wonderful views and recharge the energy of pristine nature.
So we looked at the most famous hills, which are so rich in Bashkortostan. The mountains presented in the material are invariably popular with travelers from the Urals and adjacent regions. Tourists from near and far abroad often come to enjoy the local beauties and go mountain climbing.