The story that Nastya Belkovskaya told about herself amazed everyone. How much she had to endure, endure and at the same time, requisitions of the vicissitudes of fate, remain a good-natured and optimistic girl for success. As a person with a disability, she trains and improves her abilities daily.
Passion for little Nastya Belkovskaya
Nastya was born an ordinary child in a simple family. She loved to draw beautiful dresses and costumes, she dreamed of becoming a fashion designer. Her name often appeared on the local news. The girl took part in international competitions, won prizes. After school, she entered the institute as a fashion designer. Teachers immediately noted her talent. I could immediately draw a beautiful and worthy model Nastya Belkovskaya. The biography developed very successfully. After graduation, she entered graduate school. But everything was fine until that ill-fated day.

A life-changing tragedy
She felt uplifted and happy. A young graduate student was predicted a great future and a chic career. And her lover proposed to her. The wedding was to take place soon. Everything crashed in an instant.
The tragic story that happened in December 2008 seems mystical. Nastya, having exchanged a car with her boyfriend, was driving along the road. The car suddenly stalled, coming to a stop in the middle of the road. The girl was afraid to get out of the car, but Ivan, Nastya's boyfriend, persuaded her to leave the salon, assuring her that the emergency triangle must be put on the road. She went to the trunk to get the emergency lights. And at that moment, a BMW car crashes into her at great speed. The girl was pinned down on both sides. Wild pain and loss of consciousness. Nastya's legs were torn off immediately at the time of the collision.
Then everything happened like in a nightmare. Doctors were forced to amputate both of her legs. And also the doctors diagnosed the girl with a terrible craniocerebral injury. Nastya falls into a coma and is between life and death for more than a month. Many complex operations had to be performed by doctors. She suffered a huge shock when she regained consciousness. In addition to both legs, Nastya lost her memory and was completely paralyzed. Even the fingers were insensitive.

Nastya's life after the hospital, treatment and operations
Tears, disappointments, losses and pain are the constant companions of Nastya Belkovskaya. The girl was not allowed to die, but her parents took an absolutely helpless person home from the hospital. She was paralyzed, did not remember anything, but instead of her legswere 18 cm stumps. Ivan, who was in love with her and made an offer, disappeared somewhere, his friends turned away. Help was nowhere to be found. The parents had to leave their jobs. Money was sorely lacking. The girl was in a deep depression, not wanting to live like this.
The country learned from A. Malakhov's program that Nastya Belkovskaya suffered. “Let them talk” is a TV show that, instead of a dot, put a comma in the life of a girl and her family. There were people and specialists who helped her find herself again in the future and believe that life goes on. A long period of rehabilitation and revival began.

First steps on prostheses
After many meetings with experienced psychologists, doctors and people with disabilities, Nastya Belkovskaya blossomed again. Discussing her problems with qualified people helped a lot. She wanted to make her childhood dream come true. And the girl took herself seriously. To feel complete, she had to learn to live without legs. In Germany, prostheses were made for her. But because of sitting in one position, Nastya's joints began to atrophy, and her body began to change. Walking in this state on prostheses is unacceptable. But the strong-willed girl did not stop this. She began to play sports intensively, for several hours a day lay under a press of 40 kg.
Learning to walk on paired prostheses is very difficult. But the girl mastered them. True, he goes to them only in the gym, dance studio and music school. But in the pool and the circusvisits the circle without prostheses.
Years have passed since that tragic day. Relatives, doctors and people around Nastya are still surprised that the girl survived and suffered such monstrous injuries. Today she smiles and feels complete, forbidding everyone to say the word disabled.

Tough training and first victories
Nastya trains every day. Despite the inconvenience with prostheses, she is engaged in simulators with surprising assertiveness, and has also mastered horseback riding. Horses help keep their muscles in shape and have a calming effect. As the heroine herself says, the whole body hurts after the ride. But compared to the pain she endured before, it's nothing.
And here are Nastya's first victories. 2011 is a special period in her life. In October, she becomes the champion of Russia in bodybuilding and fitness. Nastya Belkovskaya competed in the parafitness category. Arriving at the world championship in Austria, she, receiving a well-deserved award, entered the stage absolutely independently. She had neither prostheses nor a wheelchair. January 2012 - a new victory and the title of Moscow champion in chest press.
And yet Nastya really wanted to do her favorite thing. She continued to dream of a career as a fashion designer. When she managed to restore the sensitivity of her hands and fingers, she immediately took pencils and felt-tip pens in her hands.
Sketches with her drawings were once seen by the famous couturier V. Zaitsev. He was impressed by the work and after meeting the girl began to help develop her talent. He liked andphotos from Nastya's collection. Vyacheslav noted that she professionally and confidently poses for the camera.
Success and fame
Nastya became successful and famous thanks to her strength of mind and will. She overcame the impossible, becoming one of the most interesting personalities in the world. In it, no one will now see that broken and destroyed girl who does not want to live and cries, looking out the window at unfamiliar passers-by. She is confident in herself and her abilities.

Increasingly, she is invited to participate in show programs. Several films have been made about her. Nastya Belkovskaya, without hiding details, shares her recovery experience and helps people who are in serious condition. The girl's mother supports her daughter in everything, helps and accompanies.
Beautiful fashion model Nastya Belkovskaya
Nastya acts in clips, films are made about her. Photographers all over the world want to work with her. Her photo shoot took place in Germany, where she worked as a professional model. Nastya Belkovskaya got on the cover of a popular magazine. Looking at the pictures with her participation, it is impossible to believe that the girl has no legs, and disappointment in life reigned in her soul not so long ago. She is very beautiful and graceful. And this is another of her talents.

Dreaming about space
Nastya was invited in April 2015 to shoot a program dedicated to astronautics. During the broadcast, she met A. V. Tsvetkov, who, having learned about the girl’s interest in the topic of space, invited her to a conference inspace museum. Nastya Belkovskaya accepted the invitation with pleasure. The road to space is now open to her. At the conference, the girl congratulated those present on the holiday and spoke about her desire to fly on the Kepler parabola into the microphone. Museum staff have agreed to help make this dream come true.
I want to believe that she will succeed. Dreams will come true, a career will be built, there will be a family and children. Nastya Belkovskaya most of all wants children's laughter to be heard in her house. Such a strong-willed and purposeful woman cannot be otherwise.