Each of us at least once in our lives heard about such an unusual attraction as the Children's Railway. Irkutsk, Ufa, Penza, Kemerovo, Krasnoyarsk and, of course, Moscow - this is not a complete list of Russian cities where you can get acquainted with this attraction.
So what's so unusual about this place? And why is the flow of tourists here from year to year only increasing? Do rides continue to exist in our crazy age of computer technology that managed to conquer our grandparents in their time?
Let's try to answer all these questions. And this article is entirely aimed at introducing the reader to an amazing object called the Children's Railway (Irkutsk). Why is this city chosen as an example? The fact is that, according to many leading experts, this attraction can be considered typical for Russia in technical terms.
General information
Probably, we will not discover anything new, noting that now in the guidebooks of a huge number of settlements in the world you can often find photos of the children's railway. In the city of Irkutsk, in turn, peoplecome not only to ride. Many are interested in the technical uniqueness of this structure.
Being a branch of Russian Railways, this facility also has its own name - the Children's East Siberian Railway.

Today, this attraction is open only during the warm season, namely from mid-May until the end of summer. The rolling stock includes three trains: Sibiryachok, Yunost and Baikal. The total length of the circular route is just over 3 km.
Opening of the Children's Railway in Irkutsk. History
Not everyone knows that today the age of this attraction is almost 80 years old. Opened in 1937 and having undergone a number of renovations, it now corresponds to the most advanced technologies on the planet.
After the project was approved, the object was opened only two years later - in November 1939. Initially, the Children's Railway (Irkutsk) was three times shorter, and the first station opened on the outskirts of the city, in the village of Rabochey.

In 1992, a decision was made to move the object to the islands. Until 2002, miniature trains stopped at only one station - Solnechnaya, in the vicinity of which there were classrooms, a local railway museum, and a library.
A year later, two more stations appeared - Angara and Rodniki, and the Children's Railway (Irkutsk) itself was named after the honorary railway worker G. I. Tetersky, who managed local highways from 1968 to 1979.
How to get to your destination
Actually speaking, this is not so difficult to do as it might seem at first glance. All that a local resident or a guest of the city needs is to get by public or private transport to the islands of Yunost and Horse, located on the Angara River, in the very center of the city.
By the way, lovers of weekend walks may well go there on foot. The route will not take long.

Learning process for children and teenagers
As soon as trains end on August 31, numerous classrooms open their doors. The guys start learning new professions.
After 3-4 years of intensive training, you can get the speci alty of a diesel locomotive driver or station attendant. Usually students of 6-7 classes of local schools are accepted for study. In most cases, children from families of hereditary railway workers are enrolled in classes, however, experienced instructors who regularly attend educational institutions can often interest even beginners in this direction.

After completing the training course and successfully passing the exams, each graduate receives a special certificate indicating that he has been awarded the appropriate qualification.
Children's Railway (Irkutsk). Terms of Use and Conduct
The fare is between 170 and 210rubles and depends on the type of wagon. It is cheaper to ride in a closed one, more expensive, respectively, in an open one, related to a higher level of comfort.
Children under two years of age, disabled people, boarding schools and participants in the Second World War can travel for free.
The management of the complex reminds that it is forbidden to litter, smoke, drink alcohol (as well as being intoxicated), damage property, swear and use foul language on the territory. It is strongly recommended to refrain from riding bicycles, roller skates and skateboards.

It should be remembered that you will not be allowed into the carriage with heavy video, audio and television equipment, bulky items, household appliances, animals and prams.
Interesting facts
On a small section of Rodniki-Solnechnaya, approximately in the middle of the walking route, you can observe the change of train number: from 802 to 803.
It should be noted that in the afternoon the children's railway (Irkutsk), a photo of which can be seen in any atlas dedicated to the sights of Russia, invites young railway workers from other surrounding cities to work.

The real pride of the Irkutsk Children's Railway is a huge and very modern complex of administrative and educational buildings. By the way, it is interesting that in size it is much larger than the management of the main Sakhalin railway.