The waning moon and its impact on humans

The waning moon and its impact on humans
The waning moon and its impact on humans

The moon is a mysterious satellite of the Earth. It has been studied for decades, but many mysteries remain unsolved. Astrophysicists still cannot explain the nature of the Earth-Moon duo.

The moon always faces the Earth on one side, the light side. She is the most active. Some of its objects change shape or location. With what it is connected - it is not known. And the second - the dark side - is always hidden from our eyes.

It is known that the Moon attracts everything that falls into its gravitational field. It also controls the ebb and flow of the oceans. And plays an important role in astrological calculations. The numbers when the Moon is waning, and its effect on the body, we will consider below.

full moon
full moon

Three Moons

Norwegian runic chronicles told mankind that once the Earth had 3 moons that revolved around the planet with different intensity. They were called Lelya, Fatta and Month. As a result of the destruction of Leli, the Great Flood occurred, and the destruction of Fatta led to the death of Atlantis. And we have only one Moon left, but the largest and strongest. Scientists claim that under the influence of the satellite, the rotationThe Earth is slowing down more and more.

Our natural satellite has long occupied the minds of people. He was credited with magical properties, he was worshiped, he was feared. The reason for mysticism lies in the cycle: the moon grows and then begins to fade until it completely disappears from the firmament. But only to be reborn again.

Everyone knows that the Moon affects all life on Earth. Astrologers attach special importance to it. She symbolizes the subconscious, the passive feminine.

Magic and Moon

moon and magic
moon and magic

It has long been a companion helps in magical matters. Any witch knows that only during the growing moon can you make conspiracies for he alth, prosperity, love. Indeed, during this period, the Moon gives more energy, multiplies what it is asked for. During the waning of the night luminary, these rituals cannot be performed - they will not work correctly. It is recommended to do rituals only to get rid of poverty and disease.

To determine when the moon is waning, you can use the lunar calendar. It is made up of astrologers. Such calendars also contain a detailed description of each lunar day. For example, the 29th lunar day is satanic, that is, unfavorable. And the seventh is patronized by light forces.

Esotericists advise during the waning moon to get rid of the past - resentment, painful memories, unnecessary nostalgia. To do this, practice daily techniques that get rid of negative thinking throughout the entire period of the waning night star.

Also try to pay off your debts at this time. At the energy levelthis will refresh the cash flow and attract new sources of income.

Cleansing the house of negativity is necessarily carried out in the waning phase. General cleaning and getting rid of trash will renew the energy of the house, eliminate energy stagnation and negativity. "S alt cleaning" is especially effective. Add some s alt to the water and wash all surfaces, windows, doors, floors, chandeliers with this water.

It is known that the Moon has a strong influence on the emotional and physical state of people. Some feel it more, some less. It has been established that the weaker the psyche, the more the lunar cycle affects it. This is especially felt by people with disorders and mental illness. On the eve of the full moon, their condition worsens.

Rest time

waning moon - rest time
waning moon - rest time

When the moon is waning, a person loses a lot of energy. This is normal - we spend the "old" energy in order to fill up again during the growing moon. Therefore, astrologers advise you to try to relax with your family, not to quarrel. You can engage in spiritual practices, your favorite hobby, meditate.

A person on such days is maximally focused on himself, his thoughts and emotions. Therefore, he has the opportunity to think more, make more informed decisions. A calm period when thoughts flow slowly but surely. It is also an auspicious time for repentance.

Give up new beginnings

lunar cycle
lunar cycle

The numbers of the waning moon are unfavorable for any undertakings. Do not sign important documentsopen restaurants, launch new products. A business started on a waning moon can suffer significant losses. It is also not recommended to make large purchases. After all, subconsciously a person is tuned to deliverance, not acquisition. It is recommended to complete old, unfinished business.

How does the waning moon affect he alth?

moon and earth
moon and earth

The lunar cycle affects everyone living on Earth, but women are the most sensitive to it. During this period, emotionality and susceptibility are reduced, energy disappears somewhere. Many wake up sluggish and unrested. Metabolism also deteriorates. Therefore, in the phase of the waning moon, it is recommended to adhere to proper nutrition, do not overeat. This period is most favorable for cleansing the body, getting rid of toxins, diets in order to reduce excess weight. Light food is recommended.

The disease, if present, is weakened. The body is trying in every possible way to get rid of it, so the treatment in this lunar phase is faster and more effective.

The influence of the waning moon on the signs of the zodiac

Moon and zodiac signs
Moon and zodiac signs

The moon affects the zodiac signs in different ways. For example, representatives of the fire element (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) are in constant opposition to the earthly satellite and suffer from depletion of the energy balance. They become somewhat distant, melancholy. Their state is distinguished by an amazing calmness, which is usually unusual for them. But Leos can notice their irritability.

Earth signs (Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus) the Moon will bring peace and readiness for philosophical reflection, analysis of past events. Capricorns, owners of a strong energy reserve, usually do not notice phase changes at all. As, however, and Taurus, on which the night star does not have a strong influence. But Virgo during this period may feel excessive fatigue.

Representatives of the air element (Aquarius, Gemini and Libra) feel the full influence of the waning satellite. This is because they are very emotional. But this period brings them only positive emotions. Gemini gets a chance to get rid of everything negative and superfluous. Libra can do what they love and find inner harmony. The state of Aquarius is completely dependent on the previous period. If they felt good, then during the waning moon their condition will not change.

Water signs (Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer) are most strongly associated with the lunar cycles. The moon plays on their emotions like a musical instrument. Scorpios at this time go through a kind of emotional test. Often they manage to pass it and achieve inner balance. Pisces almost do not depend on the change of lunar phases, as they can easily rebuild between energy flows. Crayfish, on which the Moon has the strongest influence, are temporarily closed from others, subconsciously feeling the depletion of their own biofield.

Advice for women

lunar cycle for women
lunar cycle for women

Many women prefer to cut their hair during the waning moon - to grow more slowlyand longer retained the desired length. If you want to grow your hair as quickly as possible, cut the ends of your hair during the growth of the night star. It is also recommended to do epilation, correct the shape of the eyebrows and carry out cosmetic cleanings in the waning phase of the moon.

But in the phase of the full moon, the creative abilities of a specialist in a beauty salon are activated. If you want to radically change your image, try something new - feel free to sign up for a master during the full moon.

The waning moon in February 2018

January 31, 2018 was a full moon followed by a waning phase. The night luminary will begin to thin from February 1 to February 15. And on the 16th, during the new moon, it will completely disappear from the sky.

The most auspicious days are 1 and 2, 6 and 7, 13 and 15 February. The entire phase of decline will be generally positive. What number of the waning moon should be feared? February 12 is a very difficult day that requires caution.

The waning moon in 2018 will bring you mostly positive emotions.
