We live at an accelerated pace. Fast travel by transport, business meetings, a snack on the run …. And a valuable quality for residents of the metropolis is the criterion "quickly". Perhaps for this reason, fast food has entered our lives so firmly and thoroughly.
In addition to the wide variety of menus offered by fast food cafes, what else can they surprise us with? Consider today the most popular dish of impressive size from the most eminent cafes. So what is the biggest burger in the world? But first, let's understand the terminology.
What is the difference between a burger, a sandwich and a hamburger from each other
Burger is the common name for "sandwiches" on a bun cut in half, grilled meat patty (or fish), onions, lettuce, chopped tomatoes, cheese and sauce (usually ketchup, but can be special sauce).
Hamburger was "born" in the German city of Hamburg. It differs in that it containscan only contain a meat patty, and sesame seeds are sprinkled on the bun.
Sandwich is one of the ancient cold appetizers known in European cuisine. This dish was common among the poor working class of the population. It could include a variety of product combinations. The sandwich owes its popularity to the English Earl John Montagu. In order not to be interrupted during card games, he asked his servant to bring a cutlet, which was in the middle between two buns. And his card rivals liked this idea so much that soon this dish appeared in aristocratic circles.

But today, anyone who wants a wide range of this snack is provided, ranging from its composition, ending with price and taste preferences.
Culinary records among hamburger lovers
For the first time in 2011, the Guinness Book of Records recorded the largest burger making ever. It was created by Canadian grilling expert Ted Reeder.
The largest burger had a total weight of 268 kilograms, where the meat patty weighed almost half - 136 kilograms. The rest of the ingredients, as befits, were 2 huge buns, vegetables and herbs. Mr. Reader baked meat on the grill using special technology, using elevators and assistants. It is worth noting that this culinary giant was created in support of his book, which contained numerous recipes for making burgers. It contained 110 recipes for the main course of any picnic.
But3 years later, in September 2014, this record was broken by Philip Robertson. This time the home of the largest burger was America, Minnesota. His weight turned out to be so huge that so far no one has dared to get around Mr. Robertson. The hamburger weighed 751 kilograms and was 3 meters in diameter. It included 27 kilograms of bacon, 18 kilograms of cheese, 22 kilograms of lettuce, and 18 kilograms of pickles. A special oven was used to bake this giant, where meat was baked for 4 hours and bread for 8 hours.
Below is a photo of the biggest burger in the world.

"KFS": the biggest sandwich
If size matters to you in the field of "eating on the run", then we bring to your attention the largest sandwich in "KFS" - bigger. The name is telling, and it becomes clear that there are no other sandwiches anymore.
The recipe for the biggest burger in KFS is unique, it was saved by the creator of the brand. It contains only natural breaded chicken fillet, smoked bacon, tomatoes, lettuce, sauce and fragrant fresh sesame bun. The manufacturer assures that there are no chemical additives, flavor enhancers in this sandwich and only natural fresh products are used. Bigger is served in a cardboard box, so it is convenient to take it with you. The calorie content of the product is about 600 kilocalories.

"Burger King" and his "star" burger
Triple Whopper is the biggest burger at Burger King.
Whopper means "whopper" in English. And this is no accident: in one such dish, in addition to a bun cut in half, meat, salad and sauce, there are additional ingredients that make it tall. Burger King first released its Whopper recipe to the public in 1957. And it has become so popular that all the major players in the fast food industry have turned their attention to creating such a sandwich.
The triple whopper includes 3 grilled beef patties at once. A distinctive feature of this burger is that it’s hard not to notice the grill pattern on the cutlets. In addition to cutlets, you will find chopped tomato rings, onions, pickles and a combination of sauces (ketchup and mayonnaise). In terms of energy value, such a snack can replace a full meal for you: its calorie content is 1250 kilocalories.

The biggest McDonald's burger
"Big Tasty" is the hallmark of McDonald's products. This is not only the oversized burger that everyone loves, but also a special sauce designed just for it.
The diameter of the bun ranges from 119 to 125 millimeters. It includes a bun, Big Tasty sauce, fresh onions, iceberg lettuce with a larger cut, tomatoes, Emmental cheese and, of course, a large beef patty weighing about 150gram. A generous amount of 30 milliliters of sauce keeps the burger juicy and vibrant.
There are three whole pieces of cheese on the Big Tasty sandwich: one for meat and two for meat - it perfectly stabilizes the whole structure, thanks to the property of melting evenly with Emmental cheese.

The meat is grilled for 2 minutes, this is enough to keep the juiciness and it is completely ready to eat. The energy value of this burger is 850 kilocalories.
Black Star music brand in the culinary arena
In September 2016, the music brand "Black Star" launched a chain of fast food cafes that thundered throughout the country. The largest burger "Black Star Burger" is referred to as "megaburger". It is distinguished not only by the highest cost of the entire menu (999 rubles), but also by the largest dimensions and the number of products in its composition.
The weight of one such sandwich is 1 kilogram! And the energy value is almost 70% of the norm for an adult - 2000 kilocalories.
Megaburger is 610 grams of marbled meat, freshly cooked crispy buns, a few slices of cheese, fresh tomatoes, fried bacon, herbs and signature sauce.

Despite the cost, the megaburger is very popular among visitors.
In conclusion
Today we reviewed the biggest burgers in the world and inlarge fast food chains. Special attention was paid to the energy value of each dish. If we take into account that the average daily intake of an adult is 2800-3000 kilocalories, it becomes obvious that such nutrition should not be regular. Take care of your he alth and get real pleasure from the process of eating!