Even residents of large cities are well aware of the importance of sunflower as an agricultural crop. After all, this is not only the most popular vegetable oil in the country, but also a delicious treat for children and adults. In addition to roasted unpeeled seeds, the fruits of the plant are used in a large number of confectionery products, the baking industry. Sunflower is popular not only as an industrial crop, but is often grown in summer cottages and private backyards. There are a large number of decorative varieties that are used to decorate flower beds.
Those who want to grow a he althy plant should be aware of some of the pests associated with it. One of these parasites will be sunflower broomrape.

Photos of infected fields testify to the seriousness of the fight against this pest.
Biological Description
A perennial plant from the Dicotyledonous class is widespread throughout Eurasia, as well as in Africa. Light brown grass, practically without leaves, with a stem covered with hardscales. The parasite is able to quickly infect large areas. The fruit box contains up to 2 thousand small seeds, which can survive up to 10 years under adverse conditions. The stem of the plant is swollen at the base. The flowers are irregularly shaped, often without sepals. Inflorescence spike-shaped. The Latin name for sunflower broomrape is Orobanche cumana Wallr.

A characteristic feature of this genus is the absence of roots. The parasite grows together with the roots of the donor and lives at his expense. With a high infestation of fields, sunflower dies quickly. Even under favorable conditions, yields drop significantly.
Risk groups
The parasite adapts only to a certain group of plants, rarely spreads to other crops. True, cases of infection of tomatoes, tobacco, safflower, hemp and some other cultivated plants have been recorded. Sometimes found on the roots of wild crops, in particular on wormwood, cocklebur.

From the description of sunflower broomrape, it follows that, once on the field of growing a donor plant, it quickly begins to grow in a favorable environment, the stem merging with the host root occurs. The donor stops getting enough nutrients from the water. Moreover, the result of the vital activity of the parasite poisons the seeds of the host, they take on an ugly shape. In a hot, dry summer, the host plant dies quickly.
Fight against the parasite
In the fight against sunflower broomrape, it is difficult to choose one,even very reliable, reception. As already noted, the seeds of the parasite are almost imperceptible, they spread in huge numbers. In addition, they are able to stay in the waiting stage for a long time. The plant begins to develop underground, usually only in the presence of host embryos. Modern agricultural technology offers several ways to deal with this weed at once.
Crop rotation
An effective way to fight is the usual crop rotation. The parasite is only able to survive on certain crops. Changing the purpose of the fields does not allow the seeds that have appeared to germinate, to give new fruits. The infestation of the fields is restrained. True, in conditions of high contamination of border areas, this method turns out to be ineffective. In addition, sunflower broomrape seeds can wait for their owner for many years.
Agricultural practices
Standard agrotechnical measures can effectively suppress the spread of sunflower broomrape. Control measures that can be identified for summer residents:
- Deep digging of the earth twice a year: before winter - after harvesting, and in spring - before planting.
- Timely weeding of the site from weeds.
- Regular watering.
- Keep parasite seeds from maturing, even in wild areas.
- Thickened planting of a cultivated plant.
With the regular use of these techniques, it is possible to avoid infection of the site not only with broomrape, but also with other weeds.
Using biological methods
Good helpers for the fightwith sunflower broomrape, there can be ordinary phytomize flies. These insects successfully eat the seeds of the plant, do not allow them to germinate. Modern science also offers a number of bioherbicides that quickly destroy the parasite. Unlike its chemical counterpart, it acts selectively, does not harm other plants, and is also harmless to humans and pets. Unfortunately, these drugs have not yet been properly used due to the complex technology of use.
Turning to chemistry
The last thing to consider is the use of herbicides.

Chemicals accumulate in the soil, can cause significant harm to the environment. Although the modern industry produces a sufficient number of effective drugs with the least side effects. Two quality products can be noted: "Device Ultra" and "Euro-Lighting". If the instructions are followed, they will be effective helpers in the fight against parasites.
Hybrid crops
The most promising direction of struggle is the use of hybrid seeds. Breeders have been breeding plants with immune resistance to all kinds of diseases and rejecting parasites for a long time.

In Europe, the Pioneer hybrid has become very popular; sunflower broomrape is practically not found on the roots of its plants. "Singenta" and "Tunka" performed well. Species such as "Jason" and "Forward", in addition to broomrape, have a high resistance to a number of viral diseases. The main disadvantage of this method is the high cost of seeds.