Russia is famous for its strongest and most organized law enforcement agencies. But even in their ranks, unforeseen situations happen. One of them happened to General V. Bykov.
Biography of Vitaly Bykov

Born on 1958-20-05. Graduated from two universities: University of Trade in the USSR. F. Engels and the Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in St. Petersburg, having received first an economic education, and then a legal one.
Vitaly Bykov received his PhD in Economics in 2006, after defending his thesis on the organizational structures of criminal financial activity, which poses a risk to the security of our country.

Law enforcement service
Major-General Vitaly Bykov began his work in law enforcement structures with the fact that, after returning from the army in 1978, he took the position of a simple law enforcement officer.
After 1980, he began to climb the career ladder and consistently worked in the following structures in significant positions:
- Commander-in-Chief of the Special Unit of the Department for Combating theft of Socialist Property.
- Commanding person in the structure of the criminal investigation department.
- Financial Crimes Police Department.
- State institutions for combating crime of the Leningrad Region (hereinafter St. Petersburg), then the North-Western Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
- Commander-in-Chief in the organization against organized crime groups and terror ORB of the state administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
- He was the 1st deputy head of the Department of Internal Affairs in Lipetsk.

Presidential Decisions Regarding Major General
In August 2009, the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev issued a Decree according to which Vitaly Bykov became the 1st Deputy Head of the Main Institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the North-Western Federal District - the head of the operational-investigative unit. And in July of the same year - by the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the North-Western Federal District.
According to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev No. 379, Vitaly Bykov was appointed head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the North-Western Federal District. To achieve such results, he faithfully served the Fatherland by that time for 33 years! On the basis of the same Decree No. 379, he was assigned a significant rank - Major General Vitaly Bykov.

Facts from a personal resume
General Bykov Vitaly Nikolaevich became known to the general public for the persecution of civiliansoppositionists.
The official's wife received scandalous popularity. She tried in every possible way to put the theater-goers who were in the neighborhood on the street because they allegedly interfered with her with their noise. Although the head Milena Avimskaya did everything to avoid conflict, she conducted an independent examination and did soundproofing. But Vitaly Bykov, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and influential acquaintances in every possible way prevented theatrical performances. "Special people" even threatened the composition of "ON. THEATER".
But from the authorities, General Bykov Vitaly Nikolaevich received exceptional approval and promotion.
But then he decided to quit his job at the Ministry of the Interior. In this regard, Vitaly Bykov issued huge bonuses to himself and certain of his employees, because of which he will now face criminal liability.
Major General Service File
To move up the career ladder, Vitaly Bykov became the initiator of inspections and initiation of a criminal case against Andrei Dmitriev, representing the Other Russia party. Dmitriev and his associates were charged with participation in extremist activities in 2010, although no proper evidence was found.
In 2012, other representatives of this party spoke out against Bykov's actions, handcuffing themselves, they sought a more thorough investigation into his work and powers.
In 2013, his wife reinforced his dubious reputation thanks to her scandal with the theater. She extremely often and ostentatiously used the fact that her husband was Vitaly Bykov. The Ministry of Internal Affairs, Rospotrebnadzor, bailiffs - all fulfilled the requirements of an influential spouse, thereby providing a very difficult life for theatergoers, who, in turn, tried in every possible way to resolve the conflict peacefully. But Nadezhda Bykova was resolute. Therefore, fines were prescribed for all claims, and the entire theater had to "flee" to Moscow. This almost killed him, but the theater was hardly, but still able to survive, while incurring huge losses.

2010 was marked by the fact that Vitaly Nikolaevich took under his wing the investigation of the Mkhitaryan case, after the successful completion of which he counted on promotion. The objectivity of the Ministry of Internal Affairs officers who conducted the investigation and are subordinate to Bykov is a big question, since the testimony of witnesses is very different from those included in the final documentation.
In 2014, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin removed from their positions 30 generals and 6 colonels of the Ministry of the Interior from the federal districts, which had already been canceled by that time. This was done for further reassignment.
Golden parachutes
A huge scandal was caused by the story of golden parachutes in the amount of 500 thousand US dollars, which were paid to Vitaly Nikolayevich himself and some of his subordinates. Someone received 750, someone - 205 thousand rubles. However, during the interrogation of the awarded employees, it turned out that in the end people received only tens of thousands in their hands, and the lion's share of such bonuses remained in their pockets.superiors.

The ex-head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the North-Western Federal District, General Vitaly Nikolayevich, was detained in the spring of 2015. He is charged with misappropriation and waste of budgetary funds. The total damage, according to preliminary estimates, amounted to 19 million rubles.
Former colleagues testify
Some former subordinates of General Bykov are already testifying against him. Orders were found according to which he gave bonuses to employees, but, surprisingly, they were all signed retroactively in order to be in time before the liquidation of the district structural departments.
The Basmanny Court of Moscow decided to extend the detention of Vitaly Nikolaevich for a period of three months - until 2016-30-04
Now everyone is following developments and waiting for further action and court decisions.
Such extravagance of state money became possible due to the fact that there is no law on maximum bonus payments to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Now they are undergoing thorough checks and interrogations to establish all the facts and violations.