The plots of Indian folk tales are rooted in the times of ancient beliefs, stories about Indian deities. According to beliefs, they created the whole world and all sorts of benefits. Religion plays a big role in the life of Hindus, so their fairy tales are often filled with religious motifs.
Fairy tales, as usual, were composed by ordinary people from the people. Thanks to this, the heroes of the story often became the most ordinary people who do not have a high rank, but kind, brave and strong-willed children and adults. Encountering various difficulties on the way, the characters of Indian fairy tales for children overcame troubles, getting out of difficult situations with success, one way or another receiving certain life lessons. Such stories are very relevant for children, as they provide valuable moral and life lessons, developing the child spiritually.
List of the most famous Indian folk tales

- "Ascetic and Goddess".
- "The Brahman and the Werewolf".
- "Magic Peacock".
- "Ganesha the Conqueror".
- "Stupid Brahmin".
- "Dara and the headman".
- "Der Sail".
- "Good Shivi".
- "Golden Antelope".
- "How the jackal outwitted the lion".
- "Ramakrishna's Tenali Cat".
- "Lakhan Patwari".
- "Laptu and Japtu".
- "Motcho and Mungo".
- "Wise Birbal".
- "Jackal's Bride".
- "About the badshah and his faithful falcon".
- "Where does the hare come from on the moon".
- "Foam and bean field".
- "Stick, Mahadeo!".
- "Sant and Basant".
- "Santhuram and Anthuram".
- "Tenali Ramakrishna and Goddess Kali".
- "Tismar Khan".
- "The Braves of Colmel".
- "Prince Sherdil".
- "King Dhanraj and his parrot".
- "Witness Jackal".
Children's Writers of India
Children's writers from India are not well known in Russia. Among them, three of the most famous can be distinguished:
- Gokulankra Mahapatra.
- Nur Inayat Khan.
- Vikram Seth.
Unfortunately, at the moment there are almost no translations of national author's works for children into Russian, while Indian folk tales are translated in abundance.
Kipling's Tales

Tales of the British fairy tale author RudyardKipling stand in a separate category. The writer traveled a lot in his youth and spent a particularly long time in India, where he wrote many stories, which also began to be considered Indian fairy tales for children. Even Hindus often recognize these works as national, despite the fact that Kipling's roots go back to Britain.
Among his "Indian" tales are two volumes of the work "The Jungle Book", which includes many tales that immerse you in the atmosphere of India. Among the most popular stories from this category are stories about Mowgli, which are known to most readers in the Russian expanses.