The Pioneer Organization is a children's communist movement that existed during the Soviet Union. It was created in the likeness of Scouting, but there were several significant differences. For example, the organization was the same for both boys and girls, and the pioneer camps were more like a sanatorium than a sports and tourist complex.

Since 1909, the scout movement has been actively developing in Tsarist Russia, by the beginning of the 1917 revolution, more than 50 thousand teenagers participated in it. But in 1922 it was disbanded in connection with the establishment of a new system, and an ideologically correct pioneer movement came to replace it.
The idea of creation belongs to N. K. Krupskaya, and the name was suggested by I. Zhukov. The birthday of the pioneer organization is February 2, 1922. It was then that letters about the creation of local children's groups were sent out.
Pioneerism was clearly based on Scouting, from which almost all customs and even slogans were taken. The uniform has changed slightly: instead of a green one, a red tie has come. And here is the motto "Be ready!" and the answer is "Always ready!" stayed
The pioneer organization consisted of several structural units, the smallest of which was a link, which included from five to ten pioneers headed by a link. The detachment consisted of links, usually it was a school class. Its head is the chairman of the squad council.
Detachments were part of a squad - most often the school acted as a squad. The squads were part of the district, then regional and republican organizations. The entire structure of the pioneer movement was officially called the "All-Union Organization named after V. I. Lenin".

The Pioneer organization was controlled by the VLKSM (Komsomol organization), and that, in turn, by the CPSU (Communist Party). The activities of the pioneers were regulated by congresses and conferences of the Komsomol.
The Palaces and Houses of Pioneers were actively developing, which were the bases for instructive-methodical and organizational-mass work.
Because the Pioneer movement was originally based on Scouting, the Pioneer life was similar to the Scout life - campfire songs, games, etc. But as the organization began to merge with the school, pioneer life took on a more formal meaning. Most of the classes were done "for show". The main activities of the pioneers were:
- collection of scrap metal and waste paper;
- help for pensioners;
- military sports game Zarnitsa;
- competitions - in football ("Leather ball") and in hockey("Golden Puck");
- one of the types of volleyball - pioneerball;
- protection of water resources ("Blue Patrol") and forests ("Green Patrol");
- participation in sports circles and sections.

Pioneer Organization Day
In the USSR, this holiday was celebrated on the twenty-second of April. Various concerts and gatherings were held, and pioneers were awarded diplomas and trips to children's camps of all-Union significance for special merits. Pioneer parades were held in some cities. The results of inter-link competitions were summed up, and in the evening festivities were organized and bonfires were kindled.
With the collapse of the USSR, this day ceased to be an official holiday, but it is still remembered. For example, in Ukraine it is celebrated every year in Sevastopol. There is a festive procession and various thematic competitions.
Besides the USSR, the pioneer organization existed in all countries of the socialist camp, and still lives in Vietnam, North Korea, Mongolia, Cuba, Angola.
Now Pioneerism is back in vogue - after all, no alternatives to this popular children's organization have been invented.