Lev Anninsky: biography and photos

Lev Anninsky: biography and photos
Lev Anninsky: biography and photos

Literary critic Anninsky Lev Alexandrovich is known for his studies of the phenomena of modern culture. His books and reviews are an example of modern critical literature, as well as simply fascinating reading with amazing language and a rich factual base.

lion anninsky
lion anninsky


Anninsky Lev was born in an interesting family. His father, Alexander Ivanovich Ivanov-Anninsky, a Don Cossack by birth, worked as a university teacher and producer at Mosfilm. Mom, Anna Aleksandrova, came from a family of Ukrainian Jews. Paternal grandfather was a stanitsa teacher. The Soviet authorities dispossessed him of his kulaks and deprived him of the opportunity to work at school. Before his death, he wrote the first history of his kind, which Lev Aleksandrovich is now completing. Anninsky says that he owes his birth to the revolution. In other conditions, his parents, people who belonged to completely different circles and places, would never have met. And thanks to the revolution, both of his parents came to Moscow, got an education, met and started a family. For some time my father worked as a teacher, andbefore the war at Mosfilm, he served as the organizer of filming. Today he would be called a producer. In 1941, he volunteered for the front and went missing.


The future literary critic was born on April 7, 1934. Lev Anninsky, whose early years were spent in almost complete freedom, recalls that his parents were almost never at home. They traveled a lot on business trips and worked. Leva went to kindergarten, and spent his free time in the yard. The house had a good library, and he was taught to read from childhood. Numerous books and shaped his worldview. Among the books read at that time, Anninsky calls important: "Myths of Ancient Greece" by A. Kuhn, works by Tolstoy, Stevenson, Gorky, Belinsky. While still at school, he was able to read many philosophical works, in particular Kant, Hegel, Rozanov, Berdyaev, Shestov, S. Bulgakov, Fedorov and many others. He realized his philological vocation in his youth and firmly followed it.

Anninsky Lev Alexandrovich
Anninsky Lev Alexandrovich


At school, Lev Anninsky studied well, helped by erudition and erudition, as well as an innate love of learning. Already in high school, he firmly decided that his vocation was Russian literature, and he has not changed his opinion so far. He graduated from school with a gold medal, which allowed him to easily enter the Moscow State University at the Faculty of Philology. Here Anninsky was also one of the first students in terms of academic performance. Upon graduation, he was recommended for admission to graduate school. Anninskysuccessfully passed the entrance exams, but he did not have a chance to continue his studies: in 1959, the party course changed, and now only those who have already managed to work in production are accepted to continue their studies.

Lev Anninsky books
Lev Anninsky books

The beginning of a career path

Thus, in 1959, Lev Anninsky sets foot on his professional path: he begins working in the Soviet Union magazine. Here he is entrusted with a very boring duty - to compose captions for photographs in a magazine. For six months, he painfully invented ideologically correct signatures, but in the end he was fired with the wording "for unsuitability." Then Anninsky finds something to his liking: he begins to write reviews and critical materials.

Creative life

The long journey of art criticism Lev Anninsky, whose biography throughout its entire length is connected with different types of art, began in Literaturnaya Gazeta. This edition was a real school of craftsmanship, and Lev Aleksandrovich never lowered the high bar set by Literaturka. After working here for three years, Anninsky leaves for the literary and art magazine Znamya. Then on his way there were such media as "Friendship of Peoples", "Literary Review", "Motherland", "Cinema Art", "Time and Us". At the same time, Anninsky writes many articles and reviews for various publications and works on large books about the work of various Russian writers.

His topics, besides literature, were also cinema and general trends in the evolution of culture. Lev Anninsky also took place as a television journalist, he was the author and presenter of suchprograms on the Kultura TV channel, such as Copper Pipes, Silver and Niello, Ambush Regiment, Hunting for a Lion, Boys of the Power. In these programs, the critic acts as a deep researcher of modern culture, a wonderful storyteller and essayist. His film programs have very high ratings, as listening to Anninsky is a unique pleasure. He is one of the most well-read people on domestic television and has a talent for capturing viewers with him into the story of a character or event.

Leo Anninsky early years
Leo Anninsky early years

Lev Alexandrovich is also a member of the Writers' Union, is on the jury of the Yasnaya Polyana literary award.


Literary critic Lev Anninsky, whose writings have been published since 1956, writes not only articles, essays and reviews, but also solid research works on various authors and events in cultural life. In total, his creative baggage today includes more than twenty books and more than a thousand articles. The most notable works of Anninsky are the long-term work on the life and work of Leo Tolstoy "Hunting for a Lion", which also became the script for the cycle of television programs of the same name, a critical biographical work about Nikolai Ostrovsky "Betrothed to an Idea", several books about writers - contemporaries of N. Leskov: "Leskov's necklace", "Three heretics". Most of the legacy of Lev Alexandrovich is literary and artistic books, in which he comprehends the life of real heroes of the cultural life of Russia from different eras. These works include books: "Elbows and Wings" about writers and literature of the 80s 20century, "Silver and Niello" about the creators of the Silver Age and their relationship, "The Sixties and Us" about Russian cinema.

Lion of Anninsky compositions
Lion of Anninsky compositions

15 volumes about my family

Throughout his life, Lev Alexandrovich continues the work of his grandfather and writes the history of his family. It became his passion, his duty to his family, his vocation. Lev Anninsky, whose books are read with pleasure by more than one generation of residents of our country, wrote another 15 volumes about the fate of his ancestors, and this work was originally intended only for “internal use”, that is, for reading with the family. But gradually, from an epic about family life, this chronicle began to turn into a portrait of the era, and it is possible that soon this work will become public. Books about the family are not just a chronology of events, they are a collection of numerous family traditions, a study of the characters of ancestors and a search for facts and documents about the lives of people from different periods. Anninsky's family is large; its circle includes numerous relatives from his father's extramarital affairs. The study of the family by Lev Alexandrovich turned into the deepest analysis of a complex historical era.

Anninsky lion
Anninsky lion


For his long creative life, Lev Anninsky received many awards. Among them are many literary awards, including the Lermontov Prize, the Prize. Kornilov. In addition, he is the owner of the TEFI, Alexander Nevsky "Faithful Sons of Russia" awards, the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of media. In 1990, Lev Alexandrovich received the Order of the Badgehonor.”

Interesting facts

Lev Anninsky at the age of five starred in Tatyana Lukashevich's film "The Foundling", which starred such great actors as R. Zelenaya, F. Ranevskaya, R. Plyatt. He got the small role of a boy who wants to be a doctor, a tanker and even a border dog. The film starred several children, none of whom later became an actor. In addition to Anninsky, Elena Chaikovskaya, now a famous figure skating coach, also played in the film.

Lev Anninsky biography
Lev Anninsky biography

Lev Alexandrovich was able to avoid the temptations of the era and did not become either a member of the party, or a deputy, or an adherent of the church. All his life he maintained his freedom and his point of view on the world.

Lev Anninsky lived all his life with his wife, who shared his interests and was also fond of literature and annals of his family. Today Lev Alexandrovich is a widower. The couple had four daughters, to whom Anninsky wants to leave a complete family history in 15 volumes.
