The meaning and origin of the name Oleinikov

The meaning and origin of the name Oleinikov
The meaning and origin of the name Oleinikov

The meaning of the surname Oleinikov, like any other surname, originating from the profession of the male ancestor, is obvious. He was engaged in a craft - he produced oil. His countrymen traditionally called him Oleinik, and his children and other descendants, respectively, were called Oleinikovs.

surname Oleinikov
surname Oleinikov

Moreover, this profession is universal. Agree, not a single country, not a single civilization can do without people who produce vegetable oils or trade them. After all, oils are used both for food and for religious and cosmetic purposes. As far back as the century before last, these oils were often called “oil” or “olya” in Russia.

It is characteristic that back in the 19th century our ancestors used vegetable oil on a daily basis, which is actually a national product. Ordinary people ate butter, for the most part, only on weekends.

Related Slavic surnames

It is noteworthy that the origin of the surname Oleinikov (Russian version) has its analogues in related Slavic languages. So in Belarus, for example, there wereAleinikovs. Let's remember one of the representatives of this family. In the middle of the last century, the actor Pyotr Aleinikov (The Little Humpbacked Horse, Big Life, Tractor Drivers) was very popular.)

Ukrainian version of the surname Oleinikov is more concise. He remained original - Oleinik. So, in particular, in an old document of the 17th century, the "Register of the Zaporizhzhya Host", Misko, Grinets and Stepan Oleyniki are mentioned - the Cossacks of the Bila Tserkva regiment.

Oleynikov family origin
Oleynikov family origin

What is the wisdom of Oleinikov's craft? Pre-dried sunflower seeds were first crushed and crushed several times. Then the resulting mass was placed in pots and heated in an oven. After heat treatment, the hot mass was laid, wrapped in linen fabric in a kind of press: dies, squeezed with wedges. At the bottom, under the dies, there were dishes, into which the oil flowed. Because the wedges had to be struck, the artisans were also called oilers.

Surnames for peasants: after serfdom

It is characteristic that the professional origin of the surname Oleinikov is in principle different from the origin of surnames derived from canonical names. It is clear that it did not originate among the nobility, not among the higher clergy. Therefore, the absolute majority of the founders of the Oleinikov family are people of the 18th century. After the abolition of serfdom, a huge number of peasants received surnames in the legislative order. The state, and not the feudal landowners, now kept records of its citizens, freerural dwellers. Including registration was needed for mobilization in the army. It seemed natural for people to adopt a surname consonant with their craft. Since there were much fewer canonical names as sources for the further creation of surnames than actual professions, the Rybakovs, Shevtsovs, Kuznetsovs, Melnikovs, etc. appeared among the population.


It is customary to remember prominent people, considering the origin of the surname. Oleinikov Ilya Lvovich, who, unfortunately, is no longer with us, should be mentioned first in this list. People's favorite and radiant person. Deep and subtle master of kind and soul-healing humor. It was enough for him, in his characteristic manner, to simply pause - and the audience was already beginning to smile.

meaning of the surname Oleinikov
meaning of the surname Oleinikov

Another well-known person of modern Russian cinema is the director and producer Oleinikov Alexander Anatolyevich. His film works are widely known: "Love-carrot", "My beloved mother-in-law", "Military intelligence". He created his own unique image in cinema.

By the way, among the Oleinikovs there are people famous in the business world. One of them is Igor Mikhailovich, an American billionaire developer who emigrated from the USSR.


The origin of the name Oleinikov is explained by one single version - the profession. The ancestor of the surname was either an oil mill, or an oil trader, or combined both of these crafts in his activities.

surname Oleinikov nationality
surname Oleinikov nationality

It is characteristic that the oil itself,as a product, from ancient times it was highly revered. He was associated with spiritual enlightenment, with the sending down of divine grace. No wonder oil is used for consecration in all religions. As we already mentioned, the profession of an oleiner is universal. Perhaps that is why the surname Oleinikov is found among representatives of the most diverse peoples of Russia. After all, it is absurd to define nationality as a profession. Moreover, most families are now international.
