The wisdom of a woman is in love

The wisdom of a woman is in love
The wisdom of a woman is in love

Video: The wisdom of a woman is in love

Video: The wisdom of a woman is in love
Video: 6 Things you should NEVER do for Women.. (Stoicism) 2024, December

Modern experts and analysts, studying love relationships, explain them by hormonal mechanisms. And this is in contrast to the opinion expressed by writers and poets two hundred years ago. Then love had a spiritual beginning. The search for the original source will continue in the future. It is difficult to say what the new discoveries will be, but in any formulation there will always be such concepts as the wisdom of a woman and her patience. Strange as it may sound, but with all the visible changes in the reality around us, relations between people do not change at all. People fell in love and started life together in ancient Egypt, they continue to do the same in modern France.

Women's wisdom
Women's wisdom

Relationships always start with beautiful words and beautiful dreams, then flow into a habit, and then into alienation. The beginning of a relationship may look different, but the end is almost always the same. Neither female wisdom nor male prudence can in any way change this course of things. As stated in the revelations of the prophet Ecclesiastes, there is nothing new under the sun. Argue with the prophets of the ordinarya man who is overcome by a variety of passions is not appropriate, but it is quite appropriate to ask a simple question. And it sounds very simple: why does one couple have a life together, while the other does not?

woman's wisdom
woman's wisdom

It should be noted right away that wisdom is not an ability of the intellect or a trait of character. Reflecting on the question posed, each individual can come to different conclusions. Men who had to remarry very often complain that passion quickly fades. The wife washes off her makeup, and with it her attractiveness. But the wisdom of a woman is to remain at least a little mysterious.

Wisdom is
Wisdom is

Of course, everyone wants to live in a festive atmosphere. But, unfortunately, even a birthday happens only once a year. The vast majority of people inhabiting our planet build their lives according to various schedules. There are only two days off in a week. Some special holidays can be counted on the fingers. Like it or not, there are very few holidays on the calendar. Maybe the wisdom of a woman lies in creating a festive atmosphere? And then the man will be 100% satisfied? However, practice shows something completely different. The more a wife tries to please her missus, the more capricious and exacting he becomes.

woman's wisdom
woman's wisdom

No, love is not a holiday. And not passion. And the wisdom of a woman matters only in unity with the wisdom of a man. It has now become fashionablelive in a so-called civil marriage. This form of relationship does not impose obligations on the participants in this alliance. Moreover, civil marriage, as a rule, does not form the responsibility of people for their actions. The weakest side in such a relationship is a woman. Wise people understand this. Despite fashion trends and trends, they build their relationship according to the classical canons.
