With the holidays approaching, every company, team and just friends are thinking about how to celebrate the New Year more cheerfully. Corporate in the sauna is a popular and extraordinary idea, which often becomes the best solution for an event. The most important thing is to prepare and think over the program.
How good it is to have a corporate party in the sauna
Visiting a bath in itself is an interesting thing, because it is:
- Good for he alth.
- Allows you to completely relax in an informal setting and forget about everything in the world.
- Unusual sketches and competitions can be staged at a corporate party in the sauna.
- Yes, and just spend time in a place where there is no one but a company that went to celebrate the New Year or another holiday.

These are just some of the positive aspects of holding a corporate party in the sauna. Everyone will find their benefits in such an event.
How to prepare for such an event
Corporate party in the sauna is a special kind of celebration. Here, elegant evening dresses and tailcoats will not be useful to anyone. Nevertheless, the theme can be thought up to make it more interesting. For example, you can organize a Hawaiian party. Everyone will put on colorful beach suits and beads made of flowers or other decorations.

Preparation in this case is more about morale and a positive disposition for fun.
New Year's corporate party in the sauna for the team
If the celebration in the sauna is organized for a company where there are a lot of people, then it is necessary to think over the event so that it is fun and a light atmosphere is created. To do this, you should come up with a scenario for a corporate party in the sauna. For an example, you can take this option:
The heroes of the occasion come in, they are met by the host in the costume of Zeus with a crown on his head and wrapped in a sheet:
Presenter: “I see that guys and girls have come today.
I think that with steam, swimming, we will spend time loudly.
Are you ready to have fun, sit in the steam room, swim in the pool?

If yes, then I'm waiting for you, in the dressing room in costumes, my friends.
Ceremonials change into clothes that were originally agreed upon and enter the dressing room.
Presenter: “For you to forget modesty, The contests started, I advise friends, Fill the glass and drink to the bottom.
So that steam only gives us joy, And the holiday lit up with a smile.”
Host: “I see you are cheering, Now I want to tell you, It's time for contests, Who's ready to start our holiday party, friends?
I need two men with glasses of beer for the contest.”
Participants exit.
Host: “Put your glasses on the chair opposite each other. And now the most interesting. You must empty the glasses without using your hands.”
The winner is awarded a bath hat with the inscription "Beer Lover".
Host: “Our second competition is very interesting. I need three pairs for him.”

Participants go out, the presenter hands them a hat with notes in it. On each of them it is written what props the participants must take. One will come across a washcloth, another towel, the third brooms. The essence of the game is that, using the details received, the couples must dance a certain dance, which is voiced by the leader.
Presenter: “The couple who got the washcloth should dance rock and roll. The couple who got the towels go dancing to the Gypsy Girl, and the couple with the whisks dance the Macarena. So, we invite the first participants to our impromptu stage.”
This contest doesn't have to determine the winners. Each participant can receive a symbolic gift, such as a Christmas tree toy, if the New Year is celebrated. And you can determine the winner by voting or applause. Everyone will receive presents, and the winners will receive certificates.
Host: “It's time for us to steam the bones and check the temperature of the pool. And after the bathexperience new entertainment for yourself.”
Everyone goes to the steam room. Upon returning, the host is waiting for everyone with an offer to play twist.
Presenter: “We had a nice time, I hope you remember this holiday.
I wish you to enter the New Year with a pure soul and body.
And after the steam room and fun ideas, we can't do it any other way.
Happy New Year everyone, friends, Smiles, lots of money and he alth I wish you!!!”
The host leaves, and the company spends further time at its discretion. You can continue fun contests, or you can just have a heart-to-heart talk with office colleagues.
Corporate in the steam room for girls
If a group of girls is going to the bath, then they also need to think over the program first so as not to be bored at the event. Photos of corporate parties in the sauna, in which girls participate, confirm that this is an unusual, fun and just a great idea to spend time in this way. The scenario of the event could be like this.
Presenter: “In order to get you ready for the fun, I suggest starting our program. Not a single corporate party of girls in the sauna is complete without body masks and massages. I suggest you visit a non-standard beauty salon in which you will be the main characters. I need four girls to participate.”
Two girls each approach the chairs on which the presenter has previously placed jars with unknown contents. The girls are blindfolded, and they must smear their partner, standing opposite, from several jars, not knowing what is in them. In one of the jars put finelydetailed activated carbon, reminiscent of the consistency of coffee grounds. Ketchup is poured into another jar, and the participants may think that it is honey or sour cream. In the third jar there may be gouache paint of a bright color. In the fourth cosmetic clay. When the blindfolds are removed from the girls' eyes, they will be very surprised by the color of their body. But after all, this is not a problem in the bathhouse, you can immediately wash off the results of the competition. But the audience will have a lot of fun watching the members.

Host: “After the massage, I suggest you eat. For this competition, I invite six participants.”
Each girl is invited to sit on a chair and hide her hands behind her back. The host takes plates, each of which has either sweets or fruits. Without the help of hands, a blindfolded girl must take what is on the plate and guess which dish she was offered. The competition is serious, but at the same time fun and interesting.
Then the host invites the girls to play the famous game "Crocodile". In this game, each participant of the event must show the given word without words.
Presenter: “Today we had a good holiday, all of you took a steam bath, and I have to go home.
Enter the New Year with a pure soul, After all, the long-awaited, golden holiday is coming.
Let the corporate day be remembered for a long time, I wish you a lot of positive and laughter.”
The host leaves, leaving a pleasant aftertaste in the memories of each participant of the women's corporate party in the sauna. Such a holiday is unusual, and givesthe opportunity to spend time outside the box.
Corporate in the steam room for men
For men, being in a steam room is not uncommon. After all, many guys periodically visit a bathhouse with friends or companies. Sauna is always fun. But when it comes to a corporate party, and even a New Year's party, the program should be thought out from A to Z. To do this, you should hold a celebration according to the scenario so that the holiday does not turn into banal gatherings and heart-to-heart talks.

Host: “Hello, knights and heroes, guys and men, low and high. In general, I greet everyone who today decided to take a steam bath from the bottom of their hearts and raise toasts to the long-awaited New Year holiday in an atmospheric establishment. I promise that you will not be bored for a second, because I have prepared amazing contests and fun competitions for you. Welcome to our 'Steam Is No Barrier' Theme Party!
All participants of the event are placed in the dressing room. And the host continues his speech.
Host: “To warm you up before going to the steam room, I offer you a competition that everyone will definitely like. I hope you stocked up on beer? Because it will definitely come in handy right now. I need three men for the contest.”
Participants come out, the host sits them on chairs and gives each one a liter bottle of beer and a straw.
Host: “Our contest is that you have to drink as much beer as possible in one minute. But you will not drink it usually, but through a straw. Open up your bottles andI turn on the timer. Spectators, you can cheer for your friends loudly by shouting their names. Let the whole neighborhood hear how much fun we have here.”
Host: “Time is up. Now I must take a ruler to determine which of you is a real man. To measure with a ruler, I will be the amount of remaining beer in bottles. I see that thirst tormented each of you, because there was almost nothing left in the flasks. But the winner is clearly visible in the stomach. I think the man with the biggest belly is the winner! Moreover, he had the least beer left! Applause for the winner!
Now I suggest you get what you came here for. Namely:
Go to the steam room, steam your bones, Dive into the pool, swim there from the heart.
And then start having fun again
And eat beer with chips and s alty biscuits.
Everyone heading to the steam room.”
Host: “I see you liked the beer contest, so I propose to arrange another such contest. I invite two people to participate.”
The host puts bottles of beer in front of each player, each of which has a long tube. The bottles are on the floor and the participants must empty the contents of the bottles without the help of their hands. The one who completes the task first wins. The winner is given a medal with the award for the highest rate of beer drunk.

Also, for men, you can arrange a competition who will make the best broom, after giving them twigs. Then they will use these brooms,visiting the steam room.
Such a holiday will be remembered for a long time, the most important thing is that this is an extraordinary idea for holding such a celebration.
Sauna songs to create atmosphere
In order to diversify a private corporate party in the sauna, you need to prepare not only contests, but also songs- alterations about the bath. For example:
Song on the motive "Three White Horses"
Today we will warm ourselves up, Pleasant park and beer.
This means let's go to the steam room, This means let's go to the steam room, And celebrate the holiday together there in a crowd.
Let's warm up the bodies and purify the hearts, We are going to the bathhouse with you.
Heat the steam room and take brooms, Then in a crowd in the pool.
This version of the song can be offered to sing by all participants of the event. Another idea would be:
Song on the motive of "Little Christmas Tree"
Our company is cold in winter, We took slippers, we will go to the bathhouse.
There we will go to the steam room with a broom, We will warm up the bones and sing songs.
How much fun surrounds us, We are having a great time in the bathhouse now.
Such songs can dispel sadness and give the desired atmosphere during the New Year's corporate party in the bathhouse.
What details may be needed
For all competitions to be available, you should take the following details with you:
- The game "Twister".
- Towels.
- Washcloths.
- Beer.
- Brooms.
- Small souvenirs.
These are the details for standard contests. Or you can spend an unusual time using improvised means that will help organize fun relay races.
What you need to consider in such a corporate party
Sauna is a rather unusual place for a corporate party. If in a restaurant all dishes and drinks are served by waiters, then you need to prepare a trip to the sauna yourself. Namely, to buy all the necessary food, drinks. Although, if you wish, you can order mobile waiters who will facilitate this fate.
How to make your event memorable
Of course, every holiday is memorable in itself. But in order for every single participant of the event to never forget such an unusual celebration of the New Year, you need to try. It doesn't take much effort to do this, the most important thing is:
- Assign a person responsible for photographing. After all, bright pictures will remind you of the holiday even after many years.
- If the presenter is not hired, but someone from the company is chosen as a toastmaster, then this person should think over the program so that no one gets bored.
Such a holiday as a corporate party in the sauna, no doubt, will be remembered by everyone. And if you think through everything to the smallest detail, then the event will be unforgettable.