Some have seen such an amazing tree as the swamp cypress. Today it is cultivated and planted in city parks or artificial forests. Those who saw it in the autumn period may have wondered whether the swamp cypress is a coniferous or deciduous species? So what is special about this tree?
Description of marsh cypress
This tree has a second botanical name, taxodium double row, and belongs to the Cypress family, genus Taxodium. This is a large species that grows up to 36 meters. Moreover, the diameter of the trunk can be 1-3 meters. Some especially large representatives reach 5 meters! Young cypress trees have a narrow, cone-shaped crown, but as they grow older, it becomes more spreading. Cypress swamp - deciduous, but coniferous. By autumn, its bright green crown becomes red with a rusty tint and falls off. You can often notice that the taxodium is covered with Spanish moss, which makes it extra exotic.

The bark of a tree is enoughthick, about 10-15 cm. It has a dark brown-red tone and deep longitudinal cracks.
The swamp cypress has soft pinnate leaves with rounded sharp tips. Their length is up to 18 mm. Cones up to 4 cm and 2.5 cm in diameter.
Features of double-row taxodium
This tree differs from the others in its family by special root outgrowths called pneumatophores. They stretch 1-2 meters above the ground near a tree and can be shaped like a cone or a bottle. Only recently was their purpose discovered. These are respiratory roots that allow the tree to successfully endure prolonged flooding or grow in wetlands. It has been observed that if a tree grows in places with less moisture, respiratory roots do not appear near it.
Swamp cypress in the wild grows well near the banks of rivers with a weak current, as well as in the swampy areas of North America. The tree was brought to the territory of the CIS, and today it can be seen in the Danube Delta in the Odessa region and Crimea. Taxodium is in the Krasnodar Territory and the Caucasus. This tree is often found on the banks of water bodies in Uzbekistan.
Due to the fact that wood is not prone to rotting, it is actively used for construction work and furniture production.

Planting bog cypress
Taxodium is suitable for propagation by cuttings, grafting and seeds. To increase the chances, the plant is planted in moist areas, such as near lakes or ponds. Before you startlanding, a drainage of 20 cm is made of sand and crushed bricks. The second stage is the preparation of the soil, which consists of sod land, humus, peat and sand (2:2:2:1).
The depth of planting the tree should be at least 80 cm, but it is important to make sure that the root neck remains at the level of the soil. When purchasing seedlings, always make sure that the roots are not bare, that is, they remain in an earthy coma and are wrapped in burlap or canvas. Landing must be done carefully. The fabric is also not removed, it will rot over time. A young plant needs abundant watering and moderate shading. Such measures must be observed throughout the season. If foliar top dressing is carried out using the Epin tool, the swamp cypress will take root better.

Features of care
Taxodium is a fast-growing species, it belongs to long-lived breeds. This is a photophilous tree with a powerful root system. Three years after planting, swamp cypress is recommended to be fed. In summer, the plant is regularly and plentifully watered (about 10 liters per plant), and sprinkling is organized for cypress twice a month. In dry or very hot weather, the volume of water doubles.
An adult tree calmly endures frosts and temporary colds down to -30, but young cypresses can suffer in winter. To protect them, tree trunks are mulched with a ten-centimeter layer of dry foliage.
Cypress does not tolerate soil with a high content of lime. Feels good on sandy and compactedsoils. The tree is not prone to damage by pests and diseases.