Head of the district - election procedure, official powers

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Head of the district - election procedure, official powers
Head of the district - election procedure, official powers

Video: Head of the district - election procedure, official powers

Video: Head of the district - election procedure, official powers
Video: 2022 Westchester County Poll Worker Online Procedure Training 2024, December

Regions are territorial units of territories and regions with a local system of government. They are usually small in size and footprint. The boundaries of the districts are most often rectilinear, established in the Soviet Union. The presence of land zoning makes it possible to more accurately assess the territorial structure of development, natural conditions, agricultural indicators, as well as the demographic, social situation, etc. The presence of a local management system allows you to more quickly respond in case of emergencies, accidents, weather disasters, as well as makes the chain of command more reliable.

The head of the district has certain powers, and his election is subject to legislative standards.

resignation of the head of the district
resignation of the head of the district

Who is the head of the municipality

This is the highest official within the municipal area, whose activities are regulated by the Charter and the FederalLaw No. 131-F3, in force since October 6, 2003. The law regulates the general principles of management for solving problems at the local level. They are also called the head of the municipality, the head of the city, the mayor of the city, and so on. Elections of the head of the district are carried out in the manner prescribed in the legislation of the Russian Federation.

heads of regional administrations
heads of regional administrations

What are the functions of the head of the municipality

The head of the municipality has several functions:

  • Issue of legal acts, within the limits of his powers.
  • Signs legal regulations in the prescribed manner, according to the charter of the municipality.
  • Regulates relations between the governing bodies of municipalities, between local governments of their municipality and citizens, state bodies. authorities and organizations.
  • May decide to convene an ad hoc meeting.
  • Solves topical issues of local importance, as well as some state powers.
head of the district administration
head of the district administration

How the head of the municipality is elected

Both the powers and the procedure for electing the head of the municipality are spelled out in the charter of the municipality in accordance with the above Federal Law. In accordance with it, there are several ways to elect and exercise the powers of the head of the municipality:

  • Election in the municipal elections for the post of head of the district administration. This method gives the greatest number of levers of control and authority to the current head. At the same time, voters influence the election results, and hence the situation in their municipality. This method is used in most municipalities of our country.
  • Election in the municipal elections for the position of chairman, while the head is determined on the basis of a competition. In this case, the head of the municipality is like the Queen of Great Britain, who reigns, but almost does not lead the country. This form of election is not often used.
  • Election by the representative body of the municipality of the given area from among its members, and the head of the local administration - on the basis of a competition. In this case, the head of the municipality is a formal figure, and all power is in the hands of the head of the local administration. This option has become quite common nowadays.
  • Similar to the previous type of election, but all power belongs to the head of the municipality. This method of election is used in rural settlements and in small municipalities.

Powers of the head of regional administrations

It is important to consider this point. The head of the district has the following powers:

  1. Acts on behalf of the district, represents his district at the regional level, interacts with state authorities. authorities, organizations, citizens.
  2. Signs the acts established in the Charter, as well as the regulations adopted by the local Duma.
  3. May issue legal acts within its powers.
  4. May demand an extraordinary convocation of the local council.
  5. Solves local issues and also has somestate-level powers.
  6. Creates reports on the results of its activities for the year, which it sends to the district council.
  7. Also exercises other powers prescribed in the Charter and regulations of the local Duma.
head of the district
head of the district

Powers of the head of administration of the municipal district

In the course of his duties, the head of the district administration issues resolutions concerning issues of local importance, as well as on individual state issues. Also:

  • Performs management activities within the competence of the district administration.
  • Acts on behalf of the district administration. Forms the composition of the administration. Uses the funds allocated for the maintenance of the administration. Distributes budgetary funds, excluding only funds allocated to the District Duma and its deputies.
  • Creates, deletes, reorganizes municipal institutions and businesses.
  • Works on projects of the district budget. Submits them to the District Duma.
  • Performs appointments and dismissals of local civil servants, deputy head of the district.
  • Provides preparations for municipal elections, referendums, etc.
heads of regional administrations
heads of regional administrations


Thus, the head of the district is the highest official at the local government level. His task is to ensure the implementation of Russian legislation in his district or municipality. At the same time, the system is quite bureaucratic and has manyvague wording. The expediency of the existence of the regional Duma is not quite clear either. Moreover, it is financed by a separate budget item, and the head of the district administration does not influence this process. All this contributes to the growth of the number of bureaucracy in the country and puts an additional burden on the budget.
