Decided to move to the United States of America for permanent residence? Then you've come to the right place! After all, in our article you will find the top 10 best states to live in the US for Russians, according to Internet users who have migrated there. In addition, all information is diluted with real photographs taken in America, and at the end of the article you will find a video in which a woman shares her opinion on this matter.
Seat 10 - Utah
Looking for the cheapest state to live in the US? Then you should definitely pay attention to Utah, which the locals call the "hive" because of the industriousness of the people. In this state, you will find great opportunities to get a job, as well as start improving your skills. People are extremely positive about the former citizens of Russia who came to work with them, as they responsibly fulfill their duties.

Utah's climate will pleasantly surprise you with its snow-capped mountains, as well as the purest springs. As a rule, the weather depends on the height of the residence, so you can easily find a place that suits you. Most of the state is located in places with low humidity, but so much snow falls in the mountains that even Siberians envy the locals. In addition, the Utah government is extremely welcoming to visitors.
The current governor notes that their state has ideal conditions for doing small business. To do this, the authorities provide the local population with loans, patents, grants, and even various subsidies for the development of an enterprise. Well, the person who came here in order to earn money by ordinary labor will also be satisfied. Salaries here are quite high, and working conditions are comfortable.
Seat 9 - Wyoming
One of the best states in the US to live in, especially if you like cowboy culture and free space. Here you can really feel completely safe, as well as start farming (the authorities will help you with this by providing all kinds of grants and subsidies). Winters here are unusually cold, but spring and summer are not hot and moderately humid.

The best time of year to move to Wyoming is in the fall, as you can see unusually beautiful scenery, and here the most comfortable temperatureair for living. This place is ideal for someone who decides to retire, since the state has the lowest population density. This has a positive effect on product prices. In addition, the unemployment rate here is much lower than in any other state.
In Wyoming, you will also be able to find housing without much difficulty. Moreover, in most cases we are talking about a large and beautiful house with a private courtyard or even several acres of land. Real estate prices remain quite fair, and mortgages are provided even to visiting residents. It is possible that you will be able to acquire your own piece of paradise near a pasture where wild horses or mountain elks graze.
Seat 8 - Colorado
One of the safest states to live in the US (official sources testify to this). The level of natural beauty also remains high, as majestic mountains cover almost the entire territory of Colorado. This place has the he althiest environment, so thousands of tourists from all over the world come here every year to enjoy the clean air, camping or cycling.

Many locals know that President Theodore Roosevelt called Colorado "American Switzerland" because of its high quality of life. However, it is strongly not recommended to move here in the winter season, as you will see only gray streets covered with snow. But in spring, the nature of the state really blooms with abundant colors. Real estate prices here vary quite a lot, but the choice of housing is very wide.
Colorado has plenty of entertainment at affordable prices. Therefore, the state is most suitable for those young people who cannot sit still. Although some towns look quite peaceful and peaceful, their hundred-year-old architecture has been perfectly preserved to this day. Hunting and fishing also thrive in Colorado. Many people have a stuffed bear or elk antler in their living room.
Place 7 - South Dakota
One of the best states to live in the USA for Russians, because here you can quickly earn a large sum to buy real estate. However, if you decide to engage in agriculture in America, then it is best to find a more suitable place for this. The land here is not very fertile. But the state has excellent conditions for the development of medium and small businesses, as thousands of tourists visit the state every year.

People in South Dakota are also very responsive and friendly to visitors. If you need any information, then do not be afraid to ask one of the locals - be sure to get a detailed answer and useful recommendations. The cost of living here, of course, is slightly higher than in other states, but it's worth it. But housing prices are the lowest here, and taxes on individuals are simply absent.
In South Dakota, everyone can find something inspiring and amazing for themselves. Take at least a huge number of monumentscultures that are reminiscent of times gone by. People who once moved here in search of work were also extremely satisfied, since most of them managed to find a job that is really pleasant to do. Well, creative individuals will never neglect the opportunity to share their talent at exhibitions.
Place 6 - North Dakota
One of the most comfortable states to live in the USA. The quality of life here, perhaps, has not changed since the oil boom that took place in the last century. Also, the Peace Garden is known to many residents of the country as the agricultural center of all America. If you know how to grow sugar beets, sunflowers, wheat, corn, or any other in-demand crop, then you should definitely go here to earn money.

It's not hard to guess that North Dakota is constantly competing with South Dakota, fighting for every visiting resident. That is why the unemployment rate here remains extremely low, and local authorities rarely face budget shortages, which is why they use a significant part of the money to improve infrastructure and support entrepreneurs. So it will not be difficult for a thinking person to make money here.
Yes, real estate prices in the state are not the lowest. However, this feature is due to the fact that wages here remain at a consistently high level. Many Russians who decide to move to the United States for permanent residence consider North Dakota to be the best state in America to live in. It is not surprising. A favorable climate, high salaries, good-natured residents - what else do you need?
Seat 5 - Minnesota
One of the best states to live in the US with about 10,000 lakes. The diversity of life here is incredibly great: some residents prefer to be in solitude somewhere in the middle of the forest, fishing and hunting, while others settle in a cosmopolitan metropolis that is always in a bustle. So you can not even doubt that you will be able to find something suitable here for yourself.

Always dreamed of studying art? Then the sculpture gardens of Minneapolis are perfect for this. Or are you looking for beautiful places with natural waterfalls and forest trails? Whatever the case, you should definitely go to Minnesota! Here you will find a lot of useful things, which is ideal for relaxing body and soul. Take the MOA mall, which has an area comparable to 78 football fields.
However, we draw the attention of our readers to the fact that the local weather is best suited for those people who prefer the cold season. Frosts come to Minnesota at the end of November and last until mid-March. But you are unlikely to be able to find a state in which all areas of activity are so harmoniously combined with each other. Seriously: the standard of living here always remains consistently high, and the authorities contribute to this in every possible way.
Seat 4 - Maine
Most people have heard very little about itshtetl. It is possible that this is due to the relatively low population density and low crime rate. That is why, if you are wondering which state is better to live in America, then be sure to consider this option. The local architecture fascinates with its appearance, and the quality of life always remains at a consistently high level.

Have you ever heard of a city that was built specifically for families with children? Brunswick is a place that has a huge number of recreational programs, and the authorities help people who have one or more children in every possible way. The only drawback of this paradise on earth is that in the winter season the weather here is extremely severe. In fairness, it should be noted that this feature is typical for the entire state of Maine.
But in the fall you can see some of the most beautiful leaf fall in the world, which, unfortunately, sometimes even provoke traffic jams - the state is not densely populated, so there is practically no one to clean the leaves. But it is precisely because of this feature that visitors here are extremely favorably treated. The authorities will also provide all the necessary assistance in order to find really high-quality housing and a well-paid job.
Place 3 - Vermont
Still not sure which state of America is the best? Then be sure to consider Vermont for a similar role - a place with the lowest crime rate, which only confirms its idealism for visiting residents. Vermont is capableoffer its guests the widest range of opportunities: from modest villages on the banks of a lake or river to bustling metropolitan areas that are business centers.

A city called Burlington deserves special attention, which is one of the best places in the world to raise children (information was taken from Men's He alth magazine ratings). For the smallest residents of the state, all kinds of options for self-development are provided here, and their parents will receive all the necessary support from the authorities. So if you have a child, then you can safely consider this city in order to settle in it.
A significant drawback is the very cold winters of Vermont, although for a Russian person this feature of the climate is unlikely to seem critical. In addition, this is more than offset by relatively low real estate prices, as well as consistently high wages. Local residents are extremely friendly to visitors, and employers are especially willing to take them under their wing.
Place 2 - Hawaii
Hardly the cheapest state to live in the US. However, it is here that most people who have moved overseas for permanent residence prefer to settle. Warm weather all year round, gentle ocean breeze, huge white sand beaches - this is how people imagine heaven on earth. And all this is capable of giving Hawaii. So this place should definitely be considered as the best state in America to live in.

Hawaiians are extremely respectful of the environment. Thanks to this, the local nature always remains pristine here, and the waters are almost crystal clear. Local residents also actively promote a he althy lifestyle called "aloha", which means "peace" in ancient language. Rest assured that it is the Hawaiians who will show mercy, kindness and compassion to all people.
However, one cannot ignore that the pleasure of life on the islands will be quite expensive. However, wages in Hawaii also remain high. So if you know how to save money, then it is quite possible that in a few years of your life you will be able to save up for your own house on the ocean or even open a profitable business related to tourism, which will bring you a stable income of several hundred thousand dollars a year.
Seat 1 - New Hampshire
Hardly any of our readers until this moment suspected that we would give the first place in the nomination of the best state to live in the USA to this very place (photo can be seen in the header). However, it is the local quality of life that can be called ideal. This feature is achieved through the hard work of the authorities, as well as a he althy environment. Yes, you will not find large metropolitan areas here, but New Hampshire is not devoid of civilization.
During the summer season, this state turns into a real kaleidoscope of colors. Since New Hampshire is located near the mountain range, the nature here is incredible.variety. Visiting tourists are amazed at the abundance of rivers, lakes, forests and plains. Sometimes it seems that this state is incredibly huge, because it is one of the most crowded places in the world. And from almost anywhere you can get to New York in 4-5 hours.
Local authorities are trying hard to maintain the title of the best state to live in the US. It is here that you will not find sales taxes, which is ideal conditions for the development of small and medium-sized businesses. The crime rate is also minimal and property prices are relatively low. Visitors can easily find something to their taste here or build their own business empire.
Conclusion and video
We hope you have now found a favorable state to live in the US. If you have not done this yet, we strongly recommend that you watch a short video, the author of which touches on this topic in detail. Perhaps this video will allow you to prioritize and decide for yourself where is the best place to live in the United States of America.

As you can see, there are quite a few interesting states to live in the US. Therefore, if you decide to move to this wonderful country for permanent residence, then be sure to consider each place from our top in more detail. You don't have to fly to New Hampshire right away because it's a winner. It is possible that Colorado or Vermont will suit you better. Consider your own individual preferences, and then you will succeedreally find a place where you can start a new happy life.