Many are interested in the animal world and its features. It is present in every corner of the world. In our article, you can find out information not only about the largest and smallest representatives of the fauna, but also find out what features the genitals of animals and the process of their reproduction have.
General information about animals
Animals are representatives of the biological kingdom. They are the main object of study of zoology. Animal cells have a centrosphere. For this reason, they are classified as eukaryotes. The main features of animals include the following factors:
- Food with prepared organic matter.
- Active movement.
Many believe that the animal kingdom includes only mammals. Such an opinion is erroneous. In fact, animals also include fish, birds, insects, and many others. Previously, this biological kingdom also included microorganisms that had only one cell. Now the term "animals" refers only tomulticellular organisms.
To date, scientists have described more than a million of the most diverse species of animals. Arthropods occupy the first place in terms of numbers. Experts suggest that the entire animal kingdom originated from flagellar microorganisms. Most of the fauna species known to us appeared about 500 million years ago. However, many scientists suggest that this happened much earlier.

All animals feed on other living organisms. It is for this reason that they are heterotrophs. All representatives of the fauna are divided into the following groups according to the way of feeding:
- Herbivores.
- Carnivores.
- Parasite.
- Omnivores.
All animals differ significantly in life expectancy, way of feeding and reproduction. It is for this reason that all representatives of the animal world are considered separately.
The structure of the reproductive organs in sheep and goats. Features of the reproductive system in males
The reproductive organ system is closely related to the functioning of the entire body. Their main purpose is to procreate.
Genital organs of male ram and goat include:
- Tests.
- Seminal wires and cords.
- Sex glands.
- Scrotum.
- Urinary canal.
- Penis.
The reproductive organs of goats and rams produce several milliliters of seminal fluid.

Test -it is the main reproductive organ in the male. It is where the formation and development of sperm takes place. It is also worth noting that it is the testis that produces male hormones. In a ram, this organ has a weight of 300 grams, and in a goat, it is half as much.
The testis has an oval shape. An appendage is located next to it. It contains mature sperm for a large amount of time.
The testicle is located in the scrotum. In male small cattle, it is located between the thighs. The temperature in the scrotum is much lower than in the rest of the body. This factor is favorable for the development of seminal fluid components.
The skin of the scrotum has glands. Its surface is covered with hair. Under the skin of this organ is a flexible tissue. It forms a septum and divides the testis into two parts.
The main function of the genitourinary system is the excretion of seminal fluid and urine from the body. The organ consists of a mucous and muscular membrane, as well as a spongy layer.
Features of the reproductive system in female small cattle
The genitals of animals of different species differ significantly from each other. It is for this reason that each group of fauna must be considered separately. The reproductive organs of female small cattle include:
- Ovaries.
- Falling tubes.
- Vagina.
- Uterus.
- External genitals.
The ovaries are oval-shaped organs. They are located in the region of the lower part of the spine. It is in this organ thatfemale sex cells and hormones. Almost the entire surface of the ovaries is covered with rudimentary epithelium. Below it is the follicular zone, in which the egg and follicle are formed.
The fallopian tube is a narrow tube that connects to the uterus. Its length ranges from 12 to 16 centimeters. This is where fertilization takes place.

The uterus is the organ in which the development of the fetus takes place. During the birth process, she pushes the baby out through the birth canal. The uterus consists of horns, body and neck.
Reproduction of small cattle. Fertilization and pregnancy
Reproduction is a process that is inherent in any living organism. The main purpose of reproduction is to reproduce their own kind for procreation. Reproduction of vertebrates occurs due to the connection of two cells - a sperm and an egg. Their formation is possible only after the onset of puberty. In small cattle, it occurs at 7-8 months of life. Sexual maturity may come later. It depends on the characteristics of the breed and physical condition.

Sheep and goats go through several sexual cycles in a year. Each of them on average lasts from two weeks to 20 days. Throughout the cycle, a wide variety of changes occur in the body, namely preparation for fertilization and pregnancy.
If pregnancy does not occur after the fertilization process, then the female small ruminants enter the balancing stage. Sex organsanimals stop producing eggs at 8-10 years of age.
In case of fertilization, nutrients accumulate in the body of female small ruminants. Pregnancy lasts an average of 5 months.
Nerve endings in the genitals of representatives of the animal kingdom
Animal genitals cause a lot of controversy among zoologists. Nerve endings pass through them. Some zoologists believe that an independent nerve center is present in the genitals of females. However, studies by other specialists do not confirm this.
The uterus includes a large number of nerve endings that are connected to other vital organs. This fact allows us to explain the occurrence of sharp pains during labor.
The reproductive system of horses. Features of fertilization
Reproduction and the genitals of the horse have several features. You can find out this and much more in our article.
The external genital organs of the male include the penis and testicles. The reproductive organs of the female include the ovaries, uterus, vagina, and vulva. The period when the horse is ready for fertilization is called hunting. It lasts from 3 to 10 days. After the end of the hunting period, the female does not tolerate the close presence of the male for a month. Usually this process occurs in the summer or autumn season. In the event that pregnancy does not occur, the hunting period is repeated.

When breeding horses, artificialfertilization. This allows you to get rid of problems with transportation and the reluctance of the female to breed. The onset of pregnancy can only be established by a veterinarian. To do this, he examines the uterus through the rectum. The animal's genitals swell noticeably during pregnancy.
Pregnancy lasts for 11 months. The duration of this process depends on the feeding, maintenance and age of the animal. The duration of the sexual cycle in females is from 20 to 24 days.
Reproductive organs in monkeys. Difference from human
Many believe that man is descended from apes. This fact is often denied by zoologists. This is due to a significant difference in the features of the structure and reproduction. Surprisingly, male monkeys are able to recognize when a female is ovulating. It is no secret that people do not have this feature. Monkeys also differ in the absence of menopause. This feature is present in only one species.
The genital organs of monkeys and their structure is also significantly different from human ones. The females lack a hymen. The male genital organ includes cartilaginous bone in its structure.
Distinguish a female parrot from a male
Often, animal lovers are interested in how to distinguish a male from a female parrot. At first glance, it is impossible to do it yourself. In our article you can find out the features of gender determination.

A parrot is a small bird that is a member of the animal kingdom. The females have a cere of blue,pink or brown. Its color may vary depending on the general hormonal background. Females that have reached puberty and are ready for fertilization have a brown cere. Sexual intercourse or its imitation can also help in determining sex. The female is always below, and only males imitate the regenerative process.
The smallest representatives of the animal kingdom
It's no secret that the smallest animals are rare. Dwarf lemurs live on the island of Madagascar. Their maximum height is 20 centimeters, and the average weight is no more than 300 grams. Lemurs are nocturnal. These animals belong to the family of semi-monkeys.

Zoologists believe that in order for an animal to exist, its weight must be at least 2.5 grams. However, there are exceptions. The dwarf shrew weighs one and a half grams. To maintain life, she constantly eats. The daily diet of the dwarf shrew is much more than its own weight. Surprisingly, she barely sleeps. In order not to die, she must search for food around the clock.
The smallest animals often cause joy and delight. Sometimes their size is shocking. Differs in its small data and "Microscopic" chameleon. Its length is no more than three centimeters, and its height without a tail is only 16 millimeters. This chameleon was discovered in 2007. Zoologists described it only four years ago. "Miniature" chameleonshave two rows of spikes along the spine.
The smallest snakes are narrow-mouthed. Their length is 10 centimeters. Narrow-mouthed snakes are not venomous. Ant eggs and small insects serve as food for them. Such reptiles hide in the sand or under stones. Surprisingly, the female can only carry one egg. This is no coincidence, because the cub is half the size of its mother.
The biggest animals before and now
Sarcosuchus is the largest crocodile. It existed about 100 million years ago. His diet included not only fish, but also dinosaurs. This is no coincidence, because his height was about 12 meters. It is known that its weight fluctuates up to 6 tons. The largest animals have long died out. Another of the representatives is the Gigantoraptor. Surprisingly, the skin of this dinosaur included plumage. Giganoraptor lived about 80 million years ago in what is now China. It was 8 meters long and weighed 2 tons.
Brontoscorpion is the largest scorpion. Its length was about 1 meter. It existed about 400 million years ago.
Josefoartigasia is the largest representative among rodents. It is known that it existed 3 million years ago. Its length reached 3 meters, and its weight was 2 tons. Josephoartigasia are believed to be the largest herbivores that lived in South America.
Meganevra is the largest dragonfly. Its length is half a meter. The wingspan of such a dragonfly is almost a meter. She lived 300 million years ago.
Big animalsstill exist today. The blue whale is a marine mammal. It is believed that this is the largest animal in the world. The blue whale is 30 meters long and weighs up to 180 tons. Surprisingly, the tongue of this animal alone is more than two tons. It is worth noting that the average Asian elephant has about the same weight. The mass of the heart of a blue whale is more than 500 kilograms. It feeds on plankton. He eats about three tons of food a day.
The African elephant is the largest land animal. Males reach up to 7.5 meters in length and weigh up to 6 tons. The females are smaller. Their length reaches 7 meters, and their weight is 3 tons.
It's no secret that the tallest land animal is the giraffe. He lives in Africa. The length of the giraffe is 5-6 meters, and the weight ranges up to 1600 kilograms. The neck of this animal is very long. It accounts for almost half of the growth of a giraffe.
The Southern Elephant Seal is considered the largest predator in the world. Males on average weigh from 2 to 4 thousand kilograms and reach up to 6 meters in length. The largest reptile in the world is the s altwater crocodile. It lives in Australia, India and Asia. The weight of an adult s altwater crocodile can range up to 1000 kilograms, and the length is up to 5.5 meters. It feeds on insects, amphibians, molluscs and fish. However, it can attack any living creature that is in its territory.
Summing up
The functioning and development of the genital organs in different representatives of the animal kingdom differ significantly from each other. Our article has information about the features of reproduction in some species. This information is of interest not only to zoologists, but also to curious people.