Flight engineer Alexander Sizov after the crash. What is with him and what does he do?

Flight engineer Alexander Sizov after the crash. What is with him and what does he do?
Flight engineer Alexander Sizov after the crash. What is with him and what does he do?

Second life? And is she happy? Is it the joy of knowing that you were given an incommensurable gift and a second chance, or the pain of memories that tirelessly paints all major notes with black? And this paint will be enough for a million lives… It is not for nothing that God gives some of us one more opportunity to stay here, on the sinful earth. Maybe you need to change something in your life, realize, understand … Not for everyone, but, probably, for those who are worthy … We are talking now about a miracle - a survivor after a plane crash, and his name is Sizov Alexander Borisovich.

Alexander Sizov after the disaster
Alexander Sizov after the disaster

Zhukovsky is a city where a newly born person lives

The city of Zhukovsky, a former garden city, and now a science city, has found a very glorious citizen … Or rather, this person has always been here, but experienced a second birth. Alexander Sizov, a survivor of the plane crash on September 7, 2011, lives here today - Operations Engineeraircraft. This day is forever covered with a mourning veil, especially those who are related to hockey. The Yak-42 aircraft, on board of which there was a glorious young team of hockey players from Yaroslavl, took acceleration, but it was not destined to land on the sinful earth in the normal mode. These cheerful guys, the hope of domestic hockey - the Yaroslavl team "Locomotive" - went to the game with the club "Dinamo" (Minsk). The Tunoshonka River became their last refuge on Earth…

alexander sizov plane crash survivor
alexander sizov plane crash survivor

Alexander Sizov does something after the disaster, somehow breathes, walks, eats, drinks, found the strength to live on, adapted. Born in a shirt, he does not give interviews, does not communicate with journalists, it is very difficult for him to remember everything, he tries to forget. Especially avoided the attention of the press in the first years after the accident. His family avoids publicity … September 7, 2011. No one imagined that this date would forever turn black for everyone who is in any way connected with sports, and especially with hockey. And Alexander Borisovich Sizov is very worried, because according to his duties he must check the aircraft for airworthiness. And everything was fine with the Yak-42. What happened? The official version points to the human factor.


Sizov Alexander Borisovich
Sizov Alexander Borisovich

On that terrible day, Sizov was not in the crew, he rode in the tail and was not fastened. By the way, many do not wear seat belts - they believe that it is safer this way. Alexander called his wife and said:"Let's land in Minsk - I'll dial." The ill-fated Yak-42 passed the runway, drove onto the ground and began to rise into the air from it. Already an emergency! After the crash, Alexander Sizov recalled that after takeoff the plane tilted and the flight mechanic managed to understand that the accident could not be avoided, he lost consciousness. Then there was a river, all in kerosene, but he woke up and survived, but he could have drowned or burned out … Fractures, operations, the Sklifosofsky Institute. But everything worked out, and today Alexander Sizov lives in the Moscow region with his wife Svetlana and son Anton. The son is studying at the Moscow Institute. Sizov drives a car, walks, he works, leads an ordinary life - time heals everything, and the wounds are gradually healed.

where is alexander sizov now
where is alexander sizov now

How and where Alexander lives today

Next to Sizov's house, which is located on Gagarin Street, there is a Vzlet movie theater. What is it - a bitter irony of fate or mysticism? After such an event, it is unlikely that a person will rise into the air. But the surviving flight attendant Alexander Sizov, who has given his profession for many years, cannot just pick up and leave. He does not fly, but his activities are related to the engineering service of airliners: Sizov works as an aircraft technician at the Yakovlev Design Bureau.

The five-storey Khrushchev building is no different from similar others. Sizov lives on the top floor in a two-room apartment. In this apartment, Alexander, his wife and son have long wanted to finish the renovation. After a terrible plane crash, his wife Svetlana prayed to God that Sizov would get out. If a person is alive, he can do everything: repairs, work, and the ability tolove and forgive. He has a red cat, he loves the owner very much. And Alexander, in rare interviews, always mentions that it was the love of his family that allowed him to survive, and only thanks to the support of his wife Svetlana, Alexander Sizov, who survived the plane crash, is on his feet today …


Speaking about domestic aviation, Alexander is critical of the "Superjet", believing that this is money wasted. Or washed. Who, if not him, knows the whole ins and outs of the Russian aviation industry? In fact, there is nothing to guess.

That terrible day

Alexander cannot be blamed for anything - he should not have been in the cockpit, since he is not a flight engineer, but an aircraft operation engineer. His task is to make all the preparations for the flight of the vessel on the ground, but not in the air. And there was no need for Sizov to be in the cockpit during the flight. And he told his wife before the flight: "Everything is absolutely normal, the plane is absolutely he althy."

where is alexander sizov flight engineer
where is alexander sizov flight engineer

How did this happen?

Alexander Sizov after the disaster was repeatedly interrogated by the authorities. He was summoned to court on February 12, 2015, but refused to take part in the process, having informed about it by phone. He referred to he alth problems, but in fact he just had nothing more to say. Yes, according to the official version, the pilots pressed the brake pedal while the plane was accelerating - what else can Sizov say, how to justify the actions of the pilots? Alexander, giving evidence, stated that he had no complaints about the airliner and all the equipmentworked in normal mode. Moreover, the plane was loaded evenly - everyone was sitting correctly, the luggage placement was also in line with the norm. Why did the liner collide with the beacon's antenna?

Favorite work as medicine

"The past is slowly smoothing out," says surviving flight attendant Alexander Sizov. Where are these terrible experiences and sleepless nights now? Every day that he spends in his native OKB moves him away from the X day, when he received his second birth. But the soul cannot be completely cured. Work is what saves a person from everything: from despondency, idleness, gray thoughts. All the more beloved. The experimental design bureau, created by A. S. Yakovlev, produced more than two hundred types of aircraft, one hundred of them were serial. Just think: in 70 years, 70,000 Yak aircraft have been built - this is a record among all Russian design bureaus. And although today the Russian aviation industry is in a deplorable state, and funding comes as a New Year's gift - a rare surprise, but it is very much expected, Sizov is not going anywhere. He is one of those who is true to his cause and stands his ground to the end. OKB is the parent of many talented designers, technologists, production line employees and engineers. Our hero is one of this galaxy, and people know for sure: where Alexander Sizov, the flight engineer, had a hand, everything is in order, the aircraft is serviceable. He works conscientiously and is the pride of the team.

surviving flight attendant Alexander Sizov
surviving flight attendant Alexander Sizov


The bureau has been awarded for success in creating a newaviation technology. During the war of 41-45 years. he was awarded the Order of Lenin (in 1942) and the Order of the Red Banner in 1944. Specialists of the Design Bureau, where Alexander Sizov is now, enjoy great prestige in parallel scientific organizations, since new technologies are used in their work, and the Design Bureau itself does not stand still and initiates orders for new models of aircraft control systems, as well as engineering solutions. The bureau closely cooperates with service organizations of the Ministry of Defense, so that the high reliability of the aircraft is guaranteed. How could he be faulty, this ill-fated Yak? Moreover, these liners are used in many countries, not only in Russia.

surviving flight attendant Alexander Sizov where now [1]
surviving flight attendant Alexander Sizov where now [1]

Let's live in peace

Alexander Sizov went through a long rehabilitation after the disaster. After the experience, scars remained, and not only bodily ones. He underwent several plastic surgeries, neck, chest, back - there was no living place, the bones were broken. Yes, plastic will correct physical defects, but who will heal the soul? It will take him a long time to stop having nightmares about the death of his comrades… Will time heal everything? Maybe if they leave him and his family alone and stop pestering them with speculation, questions and suspicions. After all, everyone has the right to a peaceful life, it is freedom to live peacefully and not depend on others. And no one has the right to take away this freedom from another.
