Victoria Sergeevna Bulitko: biography and creativity

Victoria Sergeevna Bulitko: biography and creativity
Victoria Sergeevna Bulitko: biography and creativity

Who is Victoria Sergeevna Bulitko? How did this beautiful fragile woman manage to achieve success? We invite all fans of her work to read this article.

victoria sergeevna singer
victoria sergeevna singer

Victoria's childhood and youth

Bulitko Victoria Sergeevna - theater and film actress. She was born in Zaporozhye, in a family of teachers. As the actress herself jokes on her personal website, immediately after her birth, humanity thought about its security: the day after her birth, Geneva negotiations began on the creation of a European nuclear-free space. And also in the UK, they passed a law on the mandatory use of seat belts in transport.

Studied in Ukraine and graduated from Zaporizhzhya School No. 23 in a class with a physical and mathematical bias. A lover of KVN, amateur performances and theater, she longed to play in the "Club of the cheerful and resourceful." Before leaving school, the girl was engaged in preparatory courses for admission to the Engineering University. However, fate decreed that Victoria was offered to enter the Zaporozhye National University at the theater department. It happened after I noticed a temperamental girlone of the jury members at the school KVN. So in 2000, the future actress entered the theater.

victoria sergeevna
victoria sergeevna

Versatility of creativity

Having graduated from the Zaporozhye National University in 2005, the diploma student has been playing in the Youth Theater for several years. Victoria was invited to this theater as a first-year student! Creative activity continued until 2008. After that, the actress decided to donate her talent to the Podol Theater. In parallel, Victoria began to work in the television industry. For the second year she has been collaborating with such TV shows as "Diesel Show", "Diesel Morning", "For Three".

The daily work schedule is extremely busy, but Vika manages not only to work at the studio and in the theater. While still studying at the university, Victoria organized the Khalva duet group with her friend. Twice this team took first place at the International Festival of Arts and Humor! In addition to theatrical activities, the girl became a full member of the KVN world. For two years (from 2011 to 2013) she performed with the team "Girls from Zhytomyr", and before that she played in the teams "Sun", "4th Floor".

Since adolescence, Bulitko Victoria Sergeevna began to write poetry, and also put them to music with a guitar. The result of this was the birth of the Bulitka musical group, the writing of various kinds of musical compositions for show projects.

Victoria Sergeevna photo
Victoria Sergeevna photo

Where did you play before?

Victoria played at the Youth Theater in Zaporozhye for more than five years. During this time, she participated in the performances of "Adventures in the countryMDD", children's productions of "The Three Little Pigs", "Crystal Heart" and "Teremok". Also with her fruitful participation there were performances under the names "Profitable Place", "Lies on Long Legs", "Monsieur Amilcar", "Nameless Star".

Star on screen

Victoria Sergeevna, whose biography was the subject of our review, began her television career in 2005, immediately after graduating from university. The first job - participation for two years on a TV show as part of the comedy duet "Halva". Participating in KVN, in parallel, Vika begins acting in TV shows and films until 2016. The first serial role was received by the actress in Cheerful Smiles. After that, Victoria Sergeevna starred in "Funny Mistakes" and in 2008 in the film "Escape from the New Life". Then came the work in the series "The Return of Mukhtar-2", in seasons 5 and 6. In 2010, the actress participated in the filming of such series as "Pretty Women", "By Law", "Mercy Route".

Each year after entering the university was marked for Vika with either an award or a new job on television. In the period from 2012 to 2014, the actress played in many TV shows, sketch shows and several films. Victoria became highly demanded in 2015, having played in 14 works! These are the series “Greek Woman”, “Prosecutors”, “Central Hospital”, “Dog”, “Investigators”, “Forget and Remember”, “Maslyuks”, “This is Love 2”. Films "The Best Party", "Black Flower", "Two Plus Two", "Bad Neighbor". Sketch show "Online 4" and "For three". In 2016, Bulitko participated in the sketch show "For Three" in the second and third seasons.

Victoria Sergeevna actress
Victoria Sergeevna actress

Theater on Podil: life and work

As of the current year, Victoria Sergeevna, whose photo you see in the article, plays in the theater on Podil. The actress herself on her own website admits that she loves her job, and that W. Shakespeare's words about the theatricality of everything that exists have become close to her like no one else. The actress is involved in many performances. One of the most popular, for which Vika received several awards, is called “Last Summer in Chulimsk”. The actress also plays in the comedy play “La bonne Anna, or How to Save a Family”, in the musical comedy “Opera Mafioso”, “Dead Souls” based on the work of N. V. Gogol, “Premonition of Mina Mazailo”, in a comedy with black humor “Six black candles. The chanson-style fantasy The Luxenburg Garden and the tragic farce The Games of the Oligarchs are also in the theatre's repertoire, played by a talented girl.

Earlier, Victoria Sergeevna played the role of Veronica in the play based on the play by V. Rozov "Forever Alive", but now this performance is not shown. There are also several productions that have been withdrawn from the show, but not lost to the portfolio of Victoria Bulitko. These are performances such as "At the bottom", "Oh, this Anna", "Vernissage on Andreevsky", "Where do children come from".

Bulitko Victoria Sergeevna
Bulitko Victoria Sergeevna

Truly deserved awards

Despite her young age, Victoria Sergeevna achieved excellent results in the pop field. Immediately after graduating from high school in 2005, the girl participated in the festival of humor and satire "Golden Rabbit" and receivedPeople's Choice Award. The following year - two awards at once: the prize "For the best actor's work" at the STEM "Student Jokes" and the place of the laureate of the second degree at the same festival. In 2007, Victoria took third place in the show "The Last Comedian".

In 2009, she received the Hope of Art award. In 2011, performing with the "Girls from Zhytomyr" team, the participants jointly earned the "Big KiViN in the Dark" prize in Jurmala.

In 2012, Victoria Sergeevna earned four awards at once throughout the year. The first - at the festival "Kind Theatre" in the nomination "For the best performance of a female role" for the role of Valentina in the play "Last Summer in Chulimsk". The next - "For the best musical concept", ibid. Playing Valentina in the above performance, Victoria Bulitko received two more awards in the theatrical voting "Bitter!" and at the Good Theatre. The following year, in 2013, Bulitko won the Person of the Year award in the New Generation of the Year nomination.

victoria sergeevna biography
victoria sergeevna biography

Interview with Victoria

In an interview, Bulitko provides information about his work easily and with a smile. So, Victoria said that as a child she dreamed of becoming a doctor, a janitor and an artist. Vika remembers her first fee - 34.00 hryvnia at the Youth Theatre. Then the freshman of the theater faculty was entrusted to play a role in the play "The Adventures of Moidodyr". From other interviews, it was found out that one of the principles of filming on television is non-participation in advertising of alcoholic beverages and tobacco. Life principle of the actress -positively affect future generations. Victoria herself jokes that she drinks alcohol only so that others get less of it. But seriously, Victoria Bulitko has a negative attitude towards the use of strong drinks and does not consider them as a way of relaxation. The best rest is going out into nature.

victoria sergeevna creativity
victoria sergeevna creativity

Actress currently

Since 2015, Victoria Sergeevna, whose work has been loved by many, has been a resident of the Dizel Studio humorous TV show. On her personal website, the actress spoke in detail about her past work and current skills. So, it is known that she is fluent in Russian and her native Ukrainian languages. Victoria Sergeevna is a singer, plays the guitar beautifully, has been writing songs since the age of 13, has been driving a car for over 10 years.

Victoria is no stranger to the social life of her country. She has been involved in charity work for the visually impaired. The action was timed to coincide with the international holiday "White Cane". Also participated in the International Festival of Arts in honor of Mikhail Bulgakov.
