Sergey Savelyev is a well-known Russian scientist. He is the head of a large laboratory for the study of the characteristics of the nervous system, which works at the Research Institute of Human Morphology. Works under the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations.
Biography of a scientist

Sergey Savelyev was born in Moscow. He was born in 1959. His interest in the natural sciences appeared at school. Therefore, he entered the capital's state pedagogical institute. Graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology.
Started his career at the Institute of the Brain at the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Soviet Union. In 1984, he moved to a research institute engaged in the study of human morphology.
He is fond of photography, he is even a member of the Union of Photographers of Russia.
Scientific activity

Sergey Saveliev has become famous for the fact that for the past three decades he has been studying the morphology and evolution of the human brain. During this time he wrote more than a dozen monographs, about a hundred scientific articles. Compiled the world's first stereoscopic atlas of the human brain. Received for itaward from the national academy of medical sciences.
Professor Sergei Savelyev is famous for his research in the field of embryonic pathologies of the nervous system. They are developing methods for their diagnosis.
He managed to take the world's first photograph of a human embryo, who was only 11 days old. Also among his merits is the creation of a theory of control over the early embryonic development of the brain in vertebrates. With its help, he proves that the future of the cell is determined not by genetics, but by biomechanical interactions. Thus, he questioned the existence of many genetic diseases.
Also Sergey Savelyev studies theories of the origin of the human nervous system. As well as its modern evolution. Develops fundamental principles for the adaptive evolution of behavior and the nervous system itself.
Studying the brain

Thanks to his research, he managed to develop a technique by which today the hidden signs of schizophrenia are determined. This is done based on the presence or absence of certain cavities in the epiphysis.
Since 2013, he has been leading a team of scientists who carefully examine the brain of a mammoth. It includes not only employees of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, but also representatives of the Yakut Academy of Sciences, the Museum of Paleontology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The results of this work was the world's first three-dimensional model of the mammoth brain, which was made in 2014.
Sergey Savelyev - Doctor of Biological Sciences, who led the Gecko experiment in 2014. Its goal is to establish a connection between microgravity and sexual behavior. The object of study are geckos, which in the embryonic state were sent for two months to a research satellite in orbit.
Recently actively promotes the idea of cerebral sorting. This is a special method of analyzing the unique abilities of a person, which is done by assessing the structure of the brain using a tomograph.
Teaching work

The biography of Sergei Savelyev is closely connected with his teaching work. He lectures to students of Moscow State University. Works at the Department of Animal Psychology of Vertebrates.
In particular, he teaches a course on the comparative anatomy of the nervous system in vertebrates.
Scientist's views

Sergey Savelyev, whose photo is in this article, believes that in the future a person will develop along the path of inevitable primitivization. His intelligence level will decrease, physical characteristics will deteriorate.
He considers as delusions the statements of a number of scientists about the functioning of the human body, aimed at reproduction. He calls the theory of the conditioned reflex, cloning and stem cells scientific-religious fanaticism. Justifies them only by the existence of social instincts.
Criticism of Saveliev's works
Many experts criticize the work of the hero of our article. In particular, they consider thatIn his articles, he often makes factual errors and misinterprets specialized terms. And in his judgments he often uses not scientific evidence, but scoffing. At the same time, he is suspected of superficial knowledge of many fundamental sciences. For example, paleontology, archeology, anthropology, which he constantly refers to.
In this regard, many doubt his hypothesis on the reasons for the transition of human ancestors to upright posture. Savelyev himself believes that all this is due to the denial of the scientific works of his colleague Stanislav Drobyshevsky, with whom they collaborate on the scientific portal For example, Savelyev gives elementary examples of how the brain of microcephals and orangutans is arranged, thus casting serious doubt on the entire evidence base, as well as the scientific meaning and significance of craniometry, a special technique for studying the skull, which suggests that its structure changes significantly over time.
Savelyev entered into a tense debate with Svetlana Borinskaya, Doctor of Biological Sciences, who is a leading researcher at the genome analysis laboratory of the Vavilov Institute of General Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. She directly pointed out the danger of unproven belief in scientific theories, citing his "Human Genome" program as an example. She also recommended that Savelyev's statements on genetics should not be taken seriously.