Falling river. Lena is the largest river in Eastern Siberia. Slope, description, characteristics

Falling river. Lena is the largest river in Eastern Siberia. Slope, description, characteristics
Falling river. Lena is the largest river in Eastern Siberia. Slope, description, characteristics

Rivers play one of the most important roles in the life of the planet. For example, for fish it is a home without which their existence is impossible. For animals, this is a source of life, without which they will simply die. A person uses water resources in different directions. This includes fishing, shipping, and the construction of hydroelectric power plants to produce electricity. In a word, rivers play an important role for all life on planet Earth.

Description of the Lena River

fall of the Lena River
fall of the Lena River

Russia is a country with a huge extent, so there are a large number of rivers on its territory. Among them, one of the largest is Lena. Its length is so significant that it ranks tenth in the ranking of all rivers on the planet.

It's amazing that such a beautiful river originates in a small swamp, which is located not far from the cleanest, largest Lake Baikal. No wonder the water basin was named after Lena. The nature of the river flow is so similar to the female! He is constantly changing. It can be quiet, but it can also be aggressive. And it is impossible to predict what it will be nextturn. Confirmation is the data that at the source the river is shallow and narrow, but making its way through many obstacles, feeding on melt water and absorbing small streams, the reservoir reaches a depth of up to twenty-five meters, and a width of up to twenty meters.

Fall of the Lena River

There is a phenomenon in which the source exceeds the mouth. It usually occurs on the river in the cold season, when the supply of the reservoir due to tributaries becomes less. The fall of the Lena River today is 1470 meters. The slope is 0.33/km and is calculated as the ratio of fall to length. Concepts such as the fall and slope of the Lena River are necessary in order to design and build important facilities (hydroelectric power plants). Also, this data is important for water transport.

The mouth of the Lena River

mouth of the Lena River
mouth of the Lena River

The mouth is a kind of "end" of the river. In other words, this is the place where she stops her journey and flows into another body of water. The mouth of the Lena River is the Laptev Sea. For 150 km to the place where it flows into the sea, its character changes dramatically. The current becomes sluggish, and the river becomes smaller. Many islands are formed, which comfortably house representatives of the local flora and fauna.

Lena is the pride of Siberia. An interesting fact is that with its length of 4400 km, it completely remains on the territory of Russia. There have always been many settlements along the banks of the full-flowing river, and, nevertheless, nature remained pristine.
