Ayan spruce: description of the species, range, care for an evergreen tree

Ayan spruce: description of the species, range, care for an evergreen tree
Ayan spruce: description of the species, range, care for an evergreen tree

Ayan spruce is a typical representative of coniferous species of the taiga Far Eastern forests. It is characterized by a pale undergrowth and a special cover of grass that is poorly developed. It can be safely asserted that the Ayan spruce is one of the ancient species of the plant world of Primorye, because the species closest to it existed as early as the Middle Tertiary. Ayan spruce trees live for about 500 years.

ayan spruce
ayan spruce

The appearance of the tree

In appearance, this coniferous plant is similar to Sitka and ordinary spruce. The difference between this evergreen tree and ordinary spruce lies in the size of the shoots and cones, which are smaller than those of other species. This difference is difficult to see in the photo of the spruce, so it is often confused with the common spruce.

The maximum height of a tree is about fifty meters. As a rule, the higher in the mountains, the lower the crown, and the thinner the trunk. The tree has a crown in the form of a regular cone with a pointed top. The bark of young spruce trees is smooth and dark gray in color. Over the years, Ayan spruce acquires a layered bark. The needles of this species are flat, and its color is bright gray from the bottom, and dark green towards the top. The needles are about two centimeters long. The cones give off a glossy sheen, and their length is about seven centimeters. Seeds atspruces are small in size, for this reason the tree has another common name - small-seeded spruce.

photo of firs
photo of firs

Ayan spruce area

Ayan spruce grows in the north, but does not reach the northern border, where Siberian spruce is common. The basins of the Aldoma and Lantar rivers, which flow into the Sea of Okhotsk, are the most extreme areas where this evergreen tree is found.

In areas to the south, small-seeded spruce can be found on the coast of the Sea of Okhotsk, namely near the basins of nearby rivers.

In the west, this type of spruce grows in separate sections that reach the Stanovoy Range and the Tukuringra Mountains, located in the southeast of Yakutia.

Ayan spruce also grows in Kamchatka, namely near the valley of the river of the same name. This species grows on such islands as Sakhalin, Shantra and Kuril. On the first island, the species occurs from 48° north latitude, where Ayan spruce is the main coniferous species. Here it grows alongside local firs and Myra firs, with the latter it shares a dominant position.

small-seeded spruce
small-seeded spruce

Features of the growth of small-seeded spruce

Mountain slopes and plateaus are the main locations where small-seeded spruce grows. In coastal areas, it is found above 700 meters above sea level, and in the northern regions above 400 meters. In the latter case, the conifer is found in areas with humid air and cool and rainy summers. That is why, to the south, the trees of this species are in most cases low and oppressed.

On mountain belts and in river valleysAyan spruce is much rarer than in the above places.

This species does not grow near permafrost and in places with stagnant moisture. In marshy areas, trees grow stunted and stunted. In places with dense shade, the tree develops well and successfully self-sows.

Young undergrowth appears most often in places with half-decayed stumps, trees and other forest humus. But in open areas with loamy soil, young trees often die from spring late frosts.

This coniferous tree is demanding on the soil. It grows most often on moderately moist loam. It dies on sandy and peaty soils. Sometimes grows on soil with stones and rubble. It does not tolerate transplants, pruning of branches and polluted air. Ayan spruce, the description of which we are considering in this article, is well adapted to the cool short summer period.

Using Ayan spruce

Small-seeded spruce is an important forest-forming species of the Far Eastern forests. Its wood is used in the same way as European spruce wood, but the mechanical properties of Ayan spruce are somewhat worse. In particular, wood goes to pulp and paper production.

Trees that grow on the gentle slopes of mountains have the best characteristics. Reserves are being created to protect the Ayan spruce, which grows in accessible areas.

Ayan spruce is most often used for decorative purposes, due to its bluish tint of needles. It is especially popular in forested areas. Looks great against othersdark coniferous or hardwood. This contrast among tree species can be seen in the photo of firs below.

Ayan spruce description
Ayan spruce description

The evergreen tree is especially beautiful due to its cones, which have a light brown color and an oval cylindrical shape.

Spruce care

If you want to plant an Ayan spruce, you need to remember the following:

  • The place where spruce is planned to be planted may be shady. The tree does not like waterlogged soils, it is better to choose moderately moist loams.
  • When transplanted, spruce takes a long time to recover and get sick.
  • Drainage can be made from broken bricks, the layer of which should be about 20 centimeters.
  • The tree must be planted at a depth of 50-75 centimeters.
  • You can “feed” spruce using nitroammophoska fertilizer.
  • During a drought, watering is required at least once a week.
  • Loosening is done to a depth of about 6 centimeters.
  • Young growth should be covered with spruce branches for the winter.
  • A tree can have various pests and diseases. For example, bud rust and ulcerative cancer.

Ayan spruce is quite difficult to care for. But many gardeners successfully cope with this, the main thing is more attention and diligence.
