The brain of every modern person during the year receives and processes such a volume of information that his predecessor from the 17th century accumulated over his entire life.

Daily, in order to obtain the necessary information, humanity turns to search engines, social networks, and mobile applications. And it is not difficult to get information, the entire amount of data is stored on the Internet. In 2014, specialists from the Russian Ministry of Culture proposed the creation of an Automated Information System of the Common Information Space in the Field of Culture to provide citizens with up-to-date information about events held in the buildings of cultural objects of the Russian Federation.
Prerequisites for Creation
More and more Russians every year visit less memorable historical places, theaters, museums…There are many institutions in the country. But a modern person, having no desire to go somewhere for a schedule or not being able to find out about an upcoming performance on the weekend, about a new exhibition by a famous artist, most often after work just relaxes in front of the TV or at the monitor screen. The cultural level of the population in the country began to fall. This reason has become a prerequisite for the creation of a single information space in the field of culture.
Information partners
Now every resident of Russia can subscribe on Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Twitter to the pages of the EIPSC AIS, install a mobile application on a phone or tablet and receive daily mailings with full information about events in all cultural institutions: what prepared, where it will take place, at what time, who will participate. The creation of a single information space in the field of culture makes it possible for each person to remotely view the entire list of upcoming events and choose and visit the most interesting for him.

How does the system work?
Each representative of a public and private cultural institution is invited to register on the site of a single information space in the field of culture and add their institution (palace of creativity, museum, theater, circus and others) to the list. Here, project participants publish information about the upcoming event. In addition, it is possible to make a newsletter for media representatives.
Thanks to the capabilities of the portal, information aboutcultural events is instantly distributed via the Internet to social networks ("Odnoklassniki", "Twitter", "Facebook", "VKontakte"), to mobile applications, posted on various sites that appear on the first pages of search engines ("Yandex", "Google "). That is, all resources are used that have the ability to convey information to each Internet user.
Results of the single space
During the existence of a single space, statistics have been collected. They show numbers like this:
- 86 regions of the Russian Federation participate in the project;
- about 4,000 institutions listed so far;
- about 200,000 people and communities subscribed to the newsletter about upcoming events.

Night at the Museum
The project "Night at the Museum" was especially successful. About 1000 museums of Russia participate in it. Thanks to the coordinated work of a huge number (about 100) of information partners, during the existence of a single information space in the field of culture, more than a thousand events were organized in museums, which were attended by a total of about 100,000 people.
The findings have identified the main media partners that engage citizens in a variety of activities: search engines and social networks. Statistical figures show that a single information space in the field of culture is a necessary and interesting portal for residentsRussian Federation, which should develop.