The largest mother in the world: who owns the absolute record?

The largest mother in the world: who owns the absolute record?
The largest mother in the world: who owns the absolute record?

Today, few people dare to have more than two children. Families with many children cause surprise and admiration, because even one child has to spend a lot of time, effort and money. However, there are mothers who have given birth to several dozen children in their lives. This article is dedicated to these heroines.

Fyodor Vasiliev's family

The record holder in childbearing is considered the wife of a Shuisky peasant Fyodor Vasiliev. The largest mother in the world was able to give birth to 69 children. At the same time, the woman had 27 births: she gave birth to sixteen pairs of twins, seven triplets, and four times a woman gave birth to four children. According to surviving documents, the birth took place between 1725 and 1782.

History has not preserved the name of the largest mother in the world. It is only known that out of 69 children born by her, only two did not survive infancy. The amazing family was even reported to the royal court.

By the way, after the death of his wife, Fyodor Vasiliev married again. The second wife bore him 18 children, so the Shuya peasant can also be safely called the world record holder. QuickerIn all, no one will be able to improve the record of a simple peasant family from the Shuya district. By the way, historians believe that Vasiliev's first wife died before she became a mother, and the largest mother in the world in history is his second wife, who gave birth to Fedor's 87 children.

largest mother in the world
largest mother in the world

Elizabeth Greenhill

A married couple from the UK, William and Elizabeth Greenhill, had 39 children: 32 girls and 7 boys. The last child born to Elizabeth Greenhill was Thomas Greenhill, born in 1669. The boy was born after the death of his own father: William could not hold his last son in his arms. Subsequently, Thomas Greenhill became a great surgeon. Fame brought him the book "The Art of Embalming", which proved the need for embalming for the funeral of representatives of the English aristocracy. In addition, Thomas was the personal physician of Henry Howard, 7th Duke of Norfolk.

By the way, Elizabeth Greenhill holds the world record for the number of births: the world's largest mother in history gave birth 38 times, and all her children survived. Interestingly, the world's largest mother said that she would have given birth to at least two more children: unfortunately, due to the early death of her husband, she could not realize her dream.

Leontina Albina

Leontina Albina was born in Chile in 1926. This woman managed to give birth to 64 children. True, this information cannot be confirmed: this is very typical for Chile. Birth documented“only” 54 children. Unfortunately, 11 of the children born by Leontina Albina died during a catastrophic earthquake, and only 40 were able to live to adulthood. In any case, the largest mother in the world, whose photo you see in this article, gave birth more than 50 times.

largest mother in the world photo
largest mother in the world photo

Arthur and Olivia Guinness

In 1761, the most famous brewer in the world married Olivia Whitmore. The couple had 21 children. True, only 10 children survived to adulthood. The three sons of Guinness subsequently continued the work of their father. They became the first representatives of the greatest brewing dynasty, or, as the jokers called it, “ginnastia”. Interestingly, the sons of Arthur Guinness turned out to be very enterprising and dexterous businessmen: under their skillful leadership, the brewery was able to survive the economic downturn that followed the Napoleonic wars.

the largest mother in the world in history
the largest mother in the world in history

Tatiana Sorokina: mother of 74 adopted children

At 18, Tatiana Sorokina married 23-year-old Mikhail. Mikhail grew up in an orphanage and dreamed of a large, friendly family. A year after the wedding, the first daughter was born, and soon a son was born. Unfortunately, the boy became seriously ill and became disabled. The Sorokins decided that two children would be enough for them.

Once a relative of the family asked the Sorokins to look after a little orphan girl. After some time, the girl was taken away and given to an orphanage. Tatyana and Mikhail found their little pupil and adopted her. Then the family appearedthree more children whom Tatyana literally found on the street. The Sorokins could not stop there.

At the moment, the Sorokin family was able to accept and raise more than 70 children. Most of them have already grown up, received education and live independent lives, visiting their adoptive parents only on holidays.

It is worth noting that some of the children who were accepted by Tatiana Sorokina had a disability: their mothers refused them even in the maternity hospital. However, regular visits to doctors, numerous surgeries and tireless care have borne fruit: now former refuseniks live a full life, forgetting about their own disability. Thus, Tatyana Sorokina is the world's largest mother of many children, having raised more than 70 adopted children.

the largest mother in the world today
the largest mother in the world today

Elena Shishkina

There is another heroic woman claiming this noble title. The most mother of many children in the world in our time is Elena Shishkina. The woman gave birth to two dozen children: in the Shishkin family there are 9 sons and 11 daughters. The family currently lives in the Voronezh region.

The Shishkin family is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. After the birth of the twentieth child, the spouses and their children were offered to emigrate abroad. However, the high standard of living and generous financial support could not force the Shishkins to leave their homeland. The father of the family is sure that sooner or later the government will take due care of Russian large families.
