Red fish is a delicacy species of fish from the Sturgeon family, in everyday speech this name is most often applied to salmon. Salmon, pink salmon, chum salmon, salmon, trout, etc. fall under this classification. It should be noted that this name is erroneous and does not at all imply that fish meat should be red. All over the world, the listed sea and river inhabitants are perceived as a primordially Russian product, which is why the name appeared in Russia. In the old days, everything good, high-quality and expensive was called red, and only rich people could afford such a product.

The types of red fish most often found on the Russian market are salmon, trout, salmon, chum salmon and pink salmon. Some of them are artificially raised, so their meat is not as nutritious as wild-caught ones. However, they do contain vitamins and minerals. All types of redfish have a unique biochemical composition that can rejuvenate the human body and positively affect he alth. The omega fats contained in such a product can work wonders, so this delicacy is recommended to be eaten at least 3 times a week by pregnant women for the safe bearing of the fetus and by schoolchildren for normal development.
So, what is the most common red fish? Most salmon species are found in the waters of Russian rivers, lakes and seas. Salmon is considered quite common, which until the middle of the 19th century was divided into two different species for the simple reason that young and adult individuals differed significantly in appearance. The fry are born in rapids, clean rivers and stay there for several years, after which they move to the sea, where they lead a predatory lifestyle and quickly gain weight.

Norwegians are the most successful in breeding salmon, which is facilitated by the nature of this country. The tides bring clean water to the fjords twice a day, and storms never happen there. Therefore, in Norway, cages are installed along the entire coast in which red fish is grown. Views, photos of sea and river inhabitants give an idea of how they look. Red fish has meat of different colors, which is influenced by living conditions. For example, salmon, also called Atlantic salmon, is common in the west of the Arctic Ocean and in the north of the Atlantic, although its habitat is very wide. In Russia, it is found in the Murmansk Territory, in the rivers flowing into the B altic Sea.
Some speciesred fish are quite affordable for the average citizen. These include pink salmon grown in artificial conditions. It is the smallest of all salmon, but nevertheless very he althy and tasty. Pink salmon lives only in cold waters, preferring temperatures from 5 to 14 °C. If the reservoir heats up to 25 ° C, it dies.

There are species of red fish that are widespread throughout the world, these include chum salmon and trout. The first spawns only once in a lifetime, dying after that. Trout are known for being able to live in both s alt and fresh waters. Absolutely all types of red fish are good for the body, so you should include their meat in your diet as often as possible.