The high combat qualities of Soviet air defense systems have been repeatedly appreciated by both friends of our country and its opponents. Air defense systems protected the skies of Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis, they resisted US air armadas during the Vietnam War and during periods of other regional conflicts. One example of domestic technology is the S-300 missile system, which is already in service with the armies of two foreign states (Cyprus and China). Applications for its acquisition were filed by a dozen more countries concerned about the security of their air borders. These systems reliably protect the skies over Russia.

Relevance of the fight against low-flying targets
The S-300 anti-aircraft missile system was conceived back in the mid-eighties as a means of effectively combating low-flying high-speed targets. In the late 1970s, the United States successfully tested cruise missiles capable of overcoming the boundaries of the Soviet air defense and missile defense systems that existed at that time. "Tomahawks" flew toolow enough to be picked up by conventional radar. These delivery vehicles for tactical nuclear weapons could use the terrain (for example, ravines, gullies, riverbeds), and the task of destroying them seemed problematic. Further improvement of automated controls for aircraft with a flat trajectory, built on the basis of the latest advances in computer technology, allowed the potential adversary of the USSR to hope for the possibility of victory in a possible armed conflict using not only cruise missiles, but also aircraft capable of overcoming our defenses at extremely low altitudes. New systems were required. Ultimately, they became the S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems, which were put into service in 1982.
The main danger is suddenness
Historical experience teaches that a serious armed conflict, as a rule, begins with a massive air strike. In our time, this concept includes the actions of attack and bomber aircraft in conjunction with rocket fire at objects vital for defense (control systems, communications, power supply, places of accumulation of manpower and equipment, industrial and transport hubs). The suddenness of the strike leads, if successful, to the fact that the air defense system ceases to operate, as a result, the potential of the attacked country (both economic and military) is destroyed. The S-300 complex is able to quickly respond to emerging threats due to the high speed of detection and guidance systems, leveling the element of surprise. 48N6, rocket,which forms the basis of the system's firepower, has unique flight characteristics and high charge power.

Modification "PS"
The S-300PS missile system was created in the Moscow Design Bureau "Fakel" under the guidance of Academician A. F. Utkin, after his death, N. A. Trofimov continued the work. The overall plan took into account the experience of the most serious wars of the second half of the 20th century that took place in Southeast Asia and the Middle East. The main requirements for the new technology, in addition to the high efficiency of hitting air targets, were mobility and short pre-launch preparation time. Practice has shown that anti-aircraft gunners, having fired back, must urgently leave the "illuminated" combat area in order to avoid a retaliatory strike, with which the enemy seeks to destroy the battery, while the count goes on for minutes. The time of operational deployment and collapse was only five minutes. This was achieved thanks to a high degree of automation of the preparation for firing. The PS modification was armed with 5V55R missiles.
New rocket
The S-300 missile system of the PM modification was adopted by the Russian Army in 1993. Over the past decade, designers have managed to significantly improve the operational and tactical-technical qualities of the system. First of all, this concerns the new 48N6 rocket, designed at Fakel. You should also pay attention to a fundamentally different, more advanced algorithm for solving mathematical problems, built on a modern computing base. SAM single-stagesolid fuel is equipped with a radio direction finder, it is launched ejection-vertically, after which it rushes to the target. At the moment, there are no air assets in service with the armies of potential adversaries that the S-300 missile system could not destroy. The range of the 48N6 depends on the type of moving target - it shoots down ballistic missiles at a distance of 40 km, low-flying targets (10-100 m) at a distance of 28 to 38 km, and conventional aircraft fall into the affected area within a radius of 150 km.
High-explosive fragmentation charge has a mass of 145 kg. The equipment is concentrated in a monoblock and is protected from interference. The length of the 48N6E rocket is 7.5 m, the diameter is 52 cm, the total weight is 1.8 tons (2.6 tons in a container). It can be used in mobile or ship-based complexes ("Reef").

Composition of the complex
S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems, combined into an air defense grouping, provide security from air attack to areas of tens of thousands of square kilometers. Their technical basis is the main combat unit - the 5P85SE launcher (with four missile containers each). There can be 12 of them in the complex. Two auxiliary vehicles ensure the delivery of ammunition and their replenishment - 22T6E (loader) and 5T58E (transport). Target detection is carried out by a multifunctional illumination and guidance radar of the 30N6E type, as well as by a 76N6 detector (for low-flying targets). Energy is supplied by a diesel power plant. In the event of an emergency, a repair team comes into play.laboratory 13YU6E, equipped with spare parts kits. There is also a retractable tower for lifting the locator - RPN 30N6E, the need for it depends on the terrain.

Characteristics and prospects
Large range, a wide range of altitudes and speeds, the ability to conduct 12 targets simultaneously - this is a short list of the advantages that the S-300 has. The missile system, whose characteristics surpass those of all foreign analogues, can shoot down aircraft, cruise and ballistic missiles at distances from 5 to 150 km. It does not matter at what height the target flies, 10 meters or 27 kilometers. The speed of the object is also not a big problem, it can be hypersonic 2800 m / s (that is, over 10,000 km / h). Thus, the S-300 missile system was created taking into account the long-term prospects for the development of means of attack and will be able to serve as a deterrent foreign policy factor for a long time to come. The modification potential of the system allows it to be constantly improved both in terms of hardware and information.

The S-300PM and S-300SM systems have different chassis. For a later modification, a mobile cross-country launcher (PU 5P85SM) based on the MAZ-543M was developed. The swinging part for four containers (TPK) in a vertical position rests their back on the ground, after which the rocket is launched.
Various equipment is also mounted in the car: prelaunch preparation,drive controls, power supply circuits for rocket launch systems with a waveguide interface, and much more. Communication with the control cabin is based on a coded radio channel.

The source of power supply for all subsystems is an autonomous device 5S18M, energy is generated by a gas turbine unit. In the event of its failure, the launcher can be powered from any other launcher; for this, a backup cable connection 60 m long on an unwinding reel is provided.
The driver's cab has an infrared night vision system for driving at night with the headlights off. Places for firing control personnel are comfortable, conditions have been created for long-term duty in combat positions.
Test runs of vehicles have shown that the S-300 missile system can travel long distances in different climatic zones without compromising combat capability.

"Eyes" of the complex
The 30N6E radar is multifunctional, which means that in addition to antennas, there is also a hardware container on the same chassis. The emitters are made according to the principle of phased arrays, the beam control is digital. A post to increase the target detection range and lower the minimum visibility horizon can be raised on a special tower. This is especially important when it is necessary to deploy an air defense system in the mountains or among the forest. The reliability of target detection is guaranteed by the built-in channel for obtaining information about the operationalair environment. To search for targets following at high and medium altitudes, the 64H6E locator is used. Low-flying objects captures 76H6, protected from distortion caused by reflected signals. And finally, the 30N6E multifunctional radar searches for and highlights targets in the entire range, pointing missiles at them.

Export opportunities
Few military-technical models are as popular in the foreign press as the S-300 missile system. Photos of this system are published frequently. It is mentioned in connection with the events either in Syria or in Iran. The leadership of these and many other countries expressed their intention to acquire Russian defense systems in order to ensure the security of their airspace. The motivation is quite clear, the example of some states that did not take care of the modernization of their air defenses in a timely manner and became victims of air raids serves as a serious incentive. The S-300 complex can become a reliable cover against unwanted flights, the photo of which has become a kind of "scarecrow" for air force pilots of those countries that are used to bombing sovereign powers with impunity.
It is currently mostly speculative to talk about how good this complex is. So far, no hunters have been found to test its combat capabilities in practice.