Specialization is the face of the state

Specialization is the face of the state
Specialization is the face of the state

Each of us already in the senior year of school, thinking about further education, gets acquainted with the concept of speci alty and learns that specialization is a form of division of labor, which involves an in-depth study of a certain area of human knowledge and further activities in the chosen specific area. Any division of labor leads to specialization. This has been learned by people since ancient times. And for the first time put on conveyor tracks at medieval manufactories.

specialization is
specialization is

Industries of international specialization

However, this concept applies not only to individuals, but also muchwider. Specialization is a very broad concept that affects entire regions of individual countries and the entire world production. Thus, the fertile black earth regions in the south of Russia predetermine the relatively successful development of agriculture in these areas. That is, the natural conditions of the region stimulate the development of a certain type of activity of its production. On larger, planetary scales, even more striking examples can be seen. Thus, the low price of labor and the loyal attitude of political authorities in somecountries of East Asia contributed to the placement of Western corporations of their production plants in these territories. What has turned countries like China and Vietnam into mass suppliers of cheap goods. For the countries of the Middle East, the leading industry of international specialization today is the extraction, processing and export of oil and oil derivatives abroad. And only this activity of the last decades has raised the standard of living of the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait to such heights, bringing fabulous incomes to their budget. On the other hand, the specific natural conditions and traditional skills of the people allowed Brazil not only to become the largest coffee supplier in the world, but also to reorient its production forces specifically to the production and export of this product. Proceeding from this, regional specialization is a natural differentiation of production sectors between different regions and the deepening of work by each region in industries that are beneficial to itself. As you can see, these processes often determine the appearance of entire states in the perception of the rest of the world.

branch of international specialization
branch of international specialization

Production specialization

At the same time, this process takes place not only in a purely regional plane. Thus, the development of sciences and methods of production leads to the differentiation of this very production. Production specialization is the division of production into separate stages in the manufacture of the final product. Industrial specialization can be of the following types:

branches of international specialization
branches of international specialization

A) Objective - when production focuses on one type of product.

B) Detailed - respectively, the production of strictly defined parts.

B) Technological - when some manufacturing steps are reproduced.

D) Ancillary specialization is often an adjunct to production, like repairing parts.

E) Cross-industry, focused on the manufacture of the same type of parts for a large number of different products.

Not everything is as hard as it seems.
