Inflation is a long and relatively steady increase in the prices of all food and non-food goods and services. This is the process of depreciation of money, which occurs as a result of the overflow of the circulation channels of the money supply. As a rule, the purchasing power of money depends on it. Each country has its own characteristics of inflation. In Russia, for example, at the moment there is a stable level of 6.6%. The consequences that the increase in prices entails can be the degradation of the national economy, and the fall in production, and the growth of barter transactions, and social tension, and lack of confidence in the government, and, of course, a slowdown in economic growth.

The causes and features of inflation in Russia are as follows:
1) Let's start with demand inflation, which occurs due to the fact that there is a lot of money in circulation, and production at this moment is still functioning, that is, it does not have time to respond to sudden changes in demand. The consequence of this is the excess of demand over production capacity, which is why prices rise.
2) The next reasonmoney supply growth are emissions that are carried out by the government, since the federal budget is not enough for government spending.

3) Cost inflation. In it, growth is accompanied by the fact that the costs of production are constantly rising, and this is most evident in the significant costs of paying wages to workers. Therefore, in order to maintain the same price, manufacturers raise prices for their products. In this case, there is a need to increase wages, because more money is needed to buy more expensive products, and this already entails another increase in product prices, forming a kind of vicious circle. All that is listed above can be predicted if we take into account the peculiarities of inflation. In Russia, at the moment, such a situation is not expected. That's what the experts say.
Analysis of inflation in Russia at the moment shows that in 2013 economic growth will slow down significantly, which, in fact, will help to more effectively control price increases. Now it is 6.6%. Such an increase occurred in 2012, that is, 0.5% more than in 2011. Now I would like to say what features of inflation in Russia are most noticeable. So, prices for food products are growing, by about 0.9% per month, and for other goods - by 0.3%, while services are rising in price by 0.4%.

As a result, we can say that the peculiarities of inflation in Russia show what is currentlyAt the moment, the rise in prices slightly exceeded the forecasts of scientists for this year. But, nevertheless, despite this, prices are not increasing as fast as they do in some countries, so there is nothing to worry about at the moment. In addition, it should be borne in mind that inflation in our country has been stable at the same level for almost twenty years, so a small increase in prices does not entail serious consequences.